Pablo's Balcony Bagweed Bush


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda losing excitement about my bagseed bush. Bugs have really had their way with it. I'm finding some messed up buds with black bug poo in them. It's either that, or it's dead thrip eggs from my recent neem oil application. Fuck that plant.:finger:

On a brighter note, here's the Easyryder at day 21. I transplanted it today into a 3 gallon pot using FFOF. Plenty of pistils and flowering going on. Cheers.



Well-Known Member
damn that sucks.. bugs are trying to take over mine also its frustrateing isent it? i just hope i can find a way to control it before it happens next year.


Well-Known Member
Frustrating to say the least. I think part of the problem is I was under the impression that I couldn't use Neem oil after flowering started. That's my fault for taking for gospel every bit of advice I've gotten from this site. I started this journal to hopefully get some help throughout my grow, without having to post a separate post in the "plant problems" forum. Heh, that didn't work.

I'm finding out that I get better info from other websites and just figuring things out for myself. Nothing wrong with that, tho. At the end of the day, I learned a lot with this bagseed bush which was, in part, the point.

I really like these autoflowering lowryder type plants. Smaller and more manageable. Much more suited for a stealth balcony grow. Even though this is a legal grow I don't want my neighbors knowing my business. I had a dude walk underneath the balcony the other day and make some noise about how he could smell me growing pot. I've never met him and he doesn't know my medical status. I haven't approached him yet, but if I get the chance I'll politely let him know my status and ask him to pipe down. Unfortunately, now I know he's a loudmouth prick, which will make it painful for me to be pleasant to him and try to win him over. It's possible, but I'm not holding out much hope.

Fortunately, I'm not quite as gung-ho about growing weed as a lot of folks on here. I just don't smoke enough that would require me to grow a lot. I'm thinking one or two of these autoflowers a year will do the trick.


Well-Known Member
yea thast true i didnt want to keep applying it either because it was flowering.. now im finding that i have to anyways


Well-Known Member
I sprayed it this evening with Neem. Screw it. I also cut a small bottom bud off, dried it in the microwave, and smoked it. I'm impressed. It wasn't that harsh, tasted fine, and now I'm high. Not a bad plant afterall. :eyesmoke:

Here's a pic from today after the Neem.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Johnny, but you haven't seen what I've seen regarding this friggin' plant. It aint' pretty. I didn't take pics of the poo-filled, brown, bud. Funny thing, is that you tap the branch, and the little pieces of poo fall out. But I cut some pieces off and chucked 'em. Still a small minority of the plant.

I cut a few small popcorn buds from the bottom. I would nuke them in a folded paper towel for 2 minutes at power level 2. Check them. Still wet. Repeat. Check. Somewhat wet, not bad. Nuke again for 1 minute at power 2. Getting there. Nuke again at same level for 30 seconds. Good enough.

In other words, just keep doing it in low minute intervals at low heat until you reach the desired "doneness". You don't want to cook it.


Well-Known Member
Thankfully I haven't hand many problems with bugs in my bug. I see a spider now and the but I just blow them off. I do not want to see your harvest go too waste because some bugs want to live on your plant instead of some other lovely plant but I have no idea how to get rid off them. Maybe I am underestimating your infestation but is it possible to just cut off or scrape off all of the bugs?

Thanks for the nuking info, I ended up just doing 30 seconds on high but my bud was only like .2 grams and it came out dry but still ok.


Well-Known Member
I quit the nutes and am just feeding with water effective yesterday. The bugs are decimating this plant. I might lose 1/4 of it. Not a big deal really since it's way bigger than I wanted. I will most likely be forced to harvest it early. The buds don't seem to be increasing in size for some reason.

By the way, I brought the plant inside the other day because tree trimming was going on. I didn't want branches falling onto my plant and wrecking it, or the workers stealing it while I was at work.

When I came home, a couple of small pieces of bud were on the floor next to it. And my big fluffy cat was sprawled on the floor looking poorly. My cats have been around this plant since it sprouted. They've never munched on it. I suppose having it inside made her want to take a bite. Either way, I was negligent for exposing her to the plant like that. I could have harmed her.

Fortunately, after throwing up repeatedly (a clear liquid substance) for 1 full day, she finally came around. While she was high, she could not lay still, always moving to a different position, a different location, etc. Unsteady on her feet, lethargic. If I tried to pick her up she was totally limp.

So, just a warning to those of you who have pets. Protect them from your plant if that's an issue for you. I'm sure she was scared and confused. It must have sucked throwing up repeatedly.



Well-Known Member
I've been fighting worms/caterpillars. Apparently, those little eggs that I posted earlier were not thrip eggs. Rather, they were eggs laid there by moths, which hatch. Those little worms work their way into the interior of your bud and start eating. They start out as small and brown and grow bigger and greener. I posted a thread about it under the "bugs" section. They are doing some serious damage. Not sure if I should chop or not. I've been pulling off the worms every day now. On a positive note I'm not finding as many of them.

I've attached some pics of the damage.

The Easyryder is still looking fine on day 29. I'm thinking I should start introducing nutes at 1/4 strength? Cheers.



Well-Known Member
do u have problems every year with bugs?
This is my first time growing. From what I've been hearing/reading, these caterpillars are pretty common in outdoor California grows.

Now that I know that, I'll need to take preventative measures early on. I'm keeping a close eye on my Easyryder to hopefully avoid the same problem.


This is my first time growing. From what I've been hearing/reading, these caterpillars are pretty common in outdoor California grows.

Now that I know that, I'll need to take preventative measures early on. I'm keeping a close eye on my Easyryder to hopefully avoid the same problem.

Dude, I am having the exact same mothafucking problem!!

Those little green bastards!!

How did that spray work out for you?

I'm on the 7th week of flower and I just got rid of as many as I could find, they've infected 3 of my 6 plants!

Good luck with your grow bro, I hope it turns out well.

By the way, I too am in SoCal..


Well-Known Member
Dude, I am having the exact same mothafucking problem!!

Those little green bastards!!

How did that spray work out for you?

I'm on the 7th week of flower and I just got rid of as many as I could find, they've infected 3 of my 6 plants!

Good luck with your grow bro, I hope it turns out well.

By the way, I too am in SoCal..
Thanks PadawanBater. I used the BT on Monday evening and haven't used it again yet. I'm debating on what to do with this plant, so I'm unsure if I want to give her another dose. I'm guessing BT doesn't taste good when smoked.

I have noticed a decrease in the worms, but that could simply be a result of me pulling a lot of them off. Interestingly, I haven't noticed all of the little round eggs on top of my buds every morning like there was a week or two ago.

Best of luck with your plants. Are you taking any preventative measures with your 3 clean plants? Are you going to let your wormy plants mature?

Since I've been reading up on this I've found that SoCal is apparently a Mecca for these stupid moths. Just judging by the amount of folks out here that have this problem. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to start harvesting the worm infested plant. It will probably take me several days, as I don't have the patience to sit for hours and pick through the buds. I'm guessing I'll still have to make sure they are worm free before hanging them to dry.

Found this fat spider had made a web overnight in front of the entrance to my balcony.

I'm loving this Easyryder. Pistils everywhere at day 32. Cheers.




Lookin good dude, good luck with the early harvest. I hope you don't find any of those green bastards in the bud while you're smokin' it!


Active Member
I'm going to start harvesting the worm infested plant. It will probably take me several days, as I don't have the patience to sit for hours and pick through the buds. I'm guessing I'll still have to make sure they are worm free before hanging them to dry.

Found this fat spider had made a web overnight in front of the entrance to my balcony.

I'm loving this Easyryder. Pistils everywhere at day 32. Cheers.

Read the thread and first the plant looked good. :weed: Good luck with the trimming and curing. I think it was a good plant just to be bagseed. And the experience growing it priceless.


Well-Known Member
Read the thread and first the plant looked good. :weed: Good luck with the trimming and curing. I think it was a good plant just to be bagseed. And the experience growing it priceless.
Thanks lonleysmoka. Yep, the plant looked good - until the worms took over. It should still give me plenty of smokable bud tho. I'm thinking about spraying my Easyryder with Neem as a preventative measure.