Where Are The Holocaust Deniers?


Well-Known Member
Judging from many of the posts in this section I know there has to be at least a few here. Come on guys, this section needs some Holocaust denial to go along with the other idiocy I see here.

What, is Holocaust denial not in fashion this year? How about a good Jewish world conspiracy thread then?

Come on guys, I have faith in you.


Well-Known Member
I don't deny the holocaust one bit, My grandparents and father escaped from Denmark in February of 1940 right before Hitler invaded in April. They weren't Jews but they knew what was happening.


this thread is one step away from a personal attack

your just EATING up those mainstream media lies about how they equate truthers to holocuast deniers, and your eating it up when they see we are cooks and nutty

how do the lies taste?

what flavor kool aid is your preference?

it seems to me you like them all


Well-Known Member
not here. i do believe Israel is a rogue, terrorist nation... they use the holocaust as an excuse to abuse and murder Palestinians... and they believe Jerusalem is theirs, even though that land has been palestinian for centuries... and Israel has only existed for less than one...



Well-Known Member
this thread is one step away from a personal attack

your just EATING up those mainstream media lies about how they equate truthers to holocuast deniers, and your eating it up when they see we are cooks and nutty

how do the lies taste?

what flavor kool aid is your preference?

it seems to me you like them all

nice insult. :clap:


New Member
The fact that Israel had to stand up at the UN to show evidence of the Holocaust to the members, 60 years after the fact, speaks volumes about the world.

I'm sure there are more deniers on here then will post. Most are smart enough to keep their bigotry/stupidity well hidden.


Well-Known Member
not here. i do believe Israel is a rogue, terrorist nation... they use the holocaust as an excuse to abuse and murder Palestinians... and they believe Jerusalem is theirs, even though that land has been palestinian for centuries... and Israel has only existed for less than one...
And before the Palestinians were the hebrew kingdoms


Well-Known Member
not here. i do believe Israel is a rogue, terrorist nation... they use the holocaust as an excuse to abuse and murder Palestinians... and they believe Jerusalem is theirs, even though that land has been palestinian for centuries... and Israel has only existed for less than one...
You don't know the first thing about mid-East politics or the history of the region. Your statement is blatantly anti-Semitic.

Fact is, Israel is the only Nation that has ever stood on that soil save for foreign invaders and it is the third Jewish State. There is no such thing as a Palestinian because there has never been a Palestinian State. The Arabs that lived in the region are a mixture of Arabs from surrounding countries. The term "Palestine" was a term used to describe a geographic region and it is a derivative of the term Philistine after Israel's enemies. The term was created in order to separate the Jews from their historic homeland.

Follow this link to learn a little about the subject before you make hyperbolic statements about people murdering others.



Well-Known Member

if you read the bible, which is probably where you got that map from, (I took 10 years of Bible study back when I lived at home, I too know the bible).... you will see that the Jewish people were nomadic in nature.

they were nomadic in nature, no city, nothing of the sort, only tents, and sheep. the way that there is lack of evidence of their origin, leads a lot of scholars to believe they began their journey somewhere in Africa, because of their eventual entry into modern day Egypt, and the fact that jews were not people of the sea, (unlike native indonesians, who were very sea-worthy, even reaching islands as far as hawaii) it can only mean that they did not sail from israel through the mediterranean to egypt. They must have traveled through land.

Regardless at one point in their history they migrated VOLUNTARILY to Egypt. Where they were later enslaved. Historians say that they remained as slaves in Egypt for 400+ years, others say 100, 150, others 200, so it's debatable. Anyways, they won their exit from Egypt thanks to Moses and Aaron, all of this is according to the Bible.

The were then told by God that they were going to be lead through the Dessert to the "Promised Land". They spent the following 40-50 years being a nomadic tribe in the Middle East.

When they found Canaan, or where current day Jerusalem is, they invaded the city, killed or exiled all the inhabitants, and claimed it as their own. But the fact that they were not able to get along, led them to divide the whole Kingdom into two, Israel and Judea. Where it later split up due to in-fighting and lack of unity. At some point the kingdom disbanded and collapsed, land of Israel became part of the Ottoman Empire (i think). It went on to remain a predominantly arab land. The crusades attempted to "free" the promised land from the "moors", with little success.

This land remained a muslim and arab territory, until WWII, where the US and Britain somehow thought that zionist jews "deserved" the land called Israel now. Displacing millions of arabs, aiding in genocide, and ultimately creating the most unstable nation in the region.

thank you....


Well-Known Member
I know Jewish history, I know the Bible.

Probably as good as anyone on here.

and I am not anti-jew. I am anti Israel as the only recognized state where Jerusalem is. I believe they can establish a nation that divides the land up equally, not the genocide, abuse and displacement that's happening now. As far as those policies are concerned, I am dead against Israel. It is unacceptable in my eyes.

Jerusalem is a holy city in muslim religion too, and they (arabs) deserve their piece of land too....


Well-Known Member
What, is Holocaust denial not in fashion this year?
america's liberal establishment never really went in for the whole holocaust denial thing. that whole trip seemed a bit too redneck for such intellectuals and the idea of jew-bashing is definitely not politically correct. they tend to leave that sort of thing to guys named bubba, with gun racks in their pick-ups and the stars and bars in their garage, or skinheads and neo-nazis, marching in unison to speed metal bands with a tinge of the wagnerian. no, holocaust denial is a bit too pedestrian for these compassionate do-gooders.

instead of such flagrant acts, they find it more acceptable to merely side with the opponents of israel than to rail against the idea of a jewish homeland. they would rather support those factions that indiscriminately toss unguided rockets into metropolitan areas and pack their children off to school with a lunchbox full of C4 than be accused of blatant antisemitism. there is some sympathy that can be culled from the masses with the faces of palestinian mothers mourning their children caught in the crossfire. of course, there is always the fact that israel is an ally of the great satan - america.

instead of pointing to some shadowy zionist conspiracy, they would rather place the blame for the woes of the world on the bankers and industrial giants (wink, wink) who pillage the land and rape the common man for their obscene profits. it wouldn't do for the term "kike" to be uttered by their compassionate lips, but their euphemisms of "banker" and "businessman" have the same power to mesmerize the ignorant mob without any crude baggage and scapegoating the well-to-do seems innocent enough.

i don't suppose you can really blame the sheeple and kool-aid drinkers for following the pipers tune. entranced by the promises of utopia and indoctrinated from an early age, they don't see the popular stance as anti-anything. as history is revised and the lies keep on mounting, they are just looking out for number one in the only way they know how.


New Member

if you read the bible, which is probably where you got that map from, (I took 10 years of Bible study back when I lived at home, I too know the bible).... you will see that the Jewish people were nomadic in nature.

they were nomadic in nature, no city, nothing of the sort, only tents, and sheep. the way that there is lack of evidence of their origin, leads a lot of scholars to believe they began their journey somewhere in Africa, because of their eventual entry into modern day Egypt, and the fact that jews were not people of the sea, (unlike native indonesians, who were very sea-worthy, even reaching islands as far as hawaii) it can only mean that they did not sail from israel through the mediterranean to egypt. They must have traveled through land.

Regardless at one point in their history they migrated VOLUNTARILY to Egypt. Where they were later enslaved. Historians say that they remained as slaves in Egypt for 400+ years, others say 100, 150, others 200, so it's debatable. Anyways, they won their exit from Egypt thanks to Moses and Aaron, all of this is according to the Bible.

The were then told by God that they were going to be lead through the Dessert to the "Promised Land". They spent the following 40-50 years being a nomadic tribe in the Middle East.

When they found Canaan, or where current day Jerusalem is, they invaded the city, killed or exiled all the inhabitants, and claimed it as their own. But the fact that they were not able to get along, led them to divide the whole Kingdom into two, Israel and Judea. Where it later split up due to in-fighting and lack of unity. At some point the kingdom disbanded and collapsed, land of Israel became part of the Ottoman Empire (i think). It went on to remain a predominantly arab land. The crusades attempted to "free" the promised land from the "moors", with little success.

This land remained a muslim and arab territory, until WWII, where the US and Britain somehow thought that zionist jews "deserved" the land called Israel now. Displacing millions of arabs, aiding in genocide, and ultimately creating the most unstable nation in the region.

thank you....
Since you KNOW the Bible.... right? How is it you seem to be ignorant of the fact that Jerusalem is mentioned over 600 times in the Bible. They sure said it was their homeland... over and over again.

Perhaps you need to actually READ the Bible.

Your posts indicate you haven't read it at all.

jeff f

New Member
werent the palitinians kicked out of a bunch of arab countries? if i am not mistaken, i think everyone over there considers them the bastard children of the area. they hate the jews so the other countries use them to further the hate of jews.


New Member
Yes, no one claims the Palestinians. They are orphaned among their own ppl. Heck, Egypt has sealed their border with Palestine. That doesn't get much air play though since it points out the falsehoods pushed by the extreme moslems.


Well-Known Member
werent the palitinians kicked out of a bunch of arab countries? if i am not mistaken, i think everyone over there considers them the bastard children of the area. they hate the jews so the other countries use them to further the hate of jews.
That is a very good point. In fact the Palestinians as they are called were urged by their fellow Muslims not to accept Israeli citizenship as offered to every Arab living within Israel's new borders, but to leave Israel in order to make it easier for the Arabs to "drive the Jews into the sea." This attempt failed and afterward a decree was issued for no Arab lands to absorb those people so that they would be forced to re-claim their "homeland." This was a brilliant move on the part of the Arab leaders because what it did was created the formerly non-existent "Palestinian refuge."

So you see, this is how the refuge problem actually began - it was an Arab invention. The one country that refused to follow this edict was Jordan who absorbed much of their fellow Arabs. This makes sense because what is now known as "Jordan" formerly "trans-Jordan" was entirely part of the area known as Palestine. Few anti-Semites like the one above include the fact that when Palestine was divided the Arabs got Jordan. But never the less, the Palestinians returned the favor by declaring war on their host Nation because they were pissed because Jordan would not help them by making war on Israel.

Ever single fact regarding the Arab-Israeli problem stems not from any action by Israel but from the Arabs choosing war instead of piece. The Jews have tried numerous times to make piece with the Arabs and every time the Arabs choose war.

One needs only look at the current withdrawal from Gaza, a beautiful strip of prime oceanside real estate. Israel gave them Gaza and all the Arabs did was used the land to wage war. So much for wanting "their land" back.


Well-Known Member
i did read the bible.

did you not hear what I said? Jews went to Canaan, invaded the city, and killed everyone. Jerusalem is used as the name of the city later in history. When David set up a kingdom. Actually, David was chosen as the first king of that land because he was apparantely god's favorite son of a man named??? yep, Israel. That's where the nation gets it's name. you think i don't know the bible. oh I do. The bible is great literature. It's got history intertwined with fantasy, and the real value of the bible is the way it seems to portray every single event a man can go through, and give you pretty good advice on how to encounter it.

I know this shit.

hey I'm not saying the Jewish community doesn't deserve their own country, i'm just saying they are doing it the wrong way.

And the guy that said that people put C4 in the lunchboxes of little kids, stop spreading that mis information, that is not true and you know it. as far as a crazy zionist conspiracy, there mere existence of the state, AND the way it has continually expanded it's borders beyond the original UN plan shows how irresponsible, and how they do not give a shit about any of it's neighbors. they have a HUGE, MODERN military, are extremely aggressive towards their neighbors, and have killed thousands and thousands of Palestinians. They use one genocide to say: we have to defend ourselves, then go and execute another genocide against Palestinians. and america sits by and allows it, because the enemy is the big brown muslim. It's the same mentality that drove Don Quixote into his misadventures. Now it's leading americans into god knows what....

you say Palestinians shoot off rockets everywhere, Israel does too, then they say Militants hide among the population. There is no "militants". I see these fighters the same as I understand the spanish rebels during Franco's dictatorship. They are just fighting for their people and their country, they are not the first ones to kill themselves for a cause, the japanese had kamikaze pilots, yet you try to single these guys out. They just want their homeland back.


Well-Known Member
I know Jewish history, I know the Bible.

Probably as good as anyone on here.

and I am not anti-jew. I am anti Israel as the only recognized state where Jerusalem is. I believe they can establish a nation that divides the land up equally, not the genocide, abuse and displacement that's happening now. As far as those policies are concerned, I am dead against Israel. It is unacceptable in my eyes.

Jerusalem is a holy city in muslim religion too, and they (arabs) deserve their piece of land too....
[SIZE=-1]"Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism"

- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth.
"Antisemitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently antisemitic, and ever will be so.
"Why is this? You know that Zionism is nothing less than the dream and ideal of the Jewish people returning to live in their own land. The Jewish people, the Scriptures tell us, once enjoyed a flourishing Commonwealth in the Holy Land. From this they were expelled by the Roman tyrant, the same Romans who cruelly murdered Our Lord. Driven from their homeland, their nation in ashes, forced to wander the globe, the Jewish people time and again suffered the lash of whichever tyrant happened to rule over them.
"The Negro people, my friend, know what it is to suffer the torment of tyranny under rulers not of our choosing. Our brothers in Africa have begged, pleaded, requested--DEMANDED the recognition and realization of our inborn right to live in peace under our own sovereignty in our own country.
"How easy it should be, for anyone who holds dear this inalienable right of all mankind, to understand and support the right of the Jewish People to live in their ancient Land of Israel. All men of good will exult in the fulfilment of God's promise, that his People should return in joy to rebuild their plundered land.
This is Zionism, nothing more, nothing less.
"And what is anti-Zionist? It is the denial to the Jewish people of a fundamental right that we justly claim for the people of Africa and freely accord all other nations of the Globe. It is discrimination against Jews, my friend, because they are Jews. In short, it is antisemitism.
"The antisemite rejoices at any opportunity to vent his malice. The times have made it unpopular, in the West, to proclaim openly a hatred of the Jews. This being the case, the antisemite must constantly seek new forms and forums for his poison. How he must revel in the new masquerade! He does not hate the Jews, he is just 'anti-Zionist'!
"My friend, I do not accuse you of deliberate antisemitism. I know you feel, as I do, a deep love of truth and justice and a revulsion for racism, prejudice, and discrimination. But I know you have been misled--as others have been--into thinking you can be 'anti-Zionist' and yet remain true to these heartfelt principles that you and I share.
Let my words echo in the depths of your soul: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--make no mistake about it."
[SIZE=-2]From M.L. King Jr., "Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend," Saturday Review_XLVII (Aug. 1967), p. 76.
Reprinted in M.L. King Jr., "This I Believe: Selections from the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."