
Well-Known Member
Is it okay to go from Jiffy pellets into a hydro system? I have a shit ton of rockwool and would rather use that to be honest.

So I am thinking a 2 liter bottle, cut at about 2/3 the way up, refit the top into the bottom. Then what? Do I keep like...1/4" of water in the bottom with the rockwool sitting there and the then obviously the clone is in the rockwool.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Is it okay to go from Jiffy pellets into a hydro system? I have a shit ton of rockwool and would rather use that to be honest.

So I am thinking a 2 liter bottle, cut at about 2/3 the way up, refit the top into the bottom. Then what? Do I keep like...1/4" of water in the bottom with the rockwool sitting there and the then obviously the clone is in the rockwool.
Yeah, rockwool's fine, forgot that you already had it.

And you don't want it sitting in water because it'll get too wet and cause stem rot - just keep it nice and saturated for the first couple of days, and then start taking the top off for a little bit at a time to harden the clone off.

You want the rockwool to be wet but not soaked, if that helps at all.

Trust me, cloning's not hard at all - you're gonna laugh to yourself when you realize how easy it is.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, I think I'll try that today. Thanks man

sadly, the lights were off again, it tripped. I'm wondering if I should remove my "portable gfi" maybe that is what is causing it? I have no idea how to fix this situation sadly.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Awesome, I think I'll try that today. Thanks man

sadly, the lights were off again, it tripped. I'm wondering if I should remove my "portable gfi" maybe that is what is causing it? I have no idea how to fix this situation sadly.
Firstly, good luck with the cloning, but it's really, really easy - you probably did it in second grade where you put a piece of potato into a glass of water - it's the exact same concept.

And as far as the electric goes, I'd much rather have electrical issues as opposed to the "plumbing" issues I'm having right now - if it helps, I know the name of a good electrician :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Haha, I wish I could just get shit done in this house, but I can't. I seriously did plan on doing my own shit, but I couldn't because the house was built in a way that reaps zero ability to expand and improve. I will have to figure out something.


Well-Known Member
AWESOME SCRoG!! After seeing your technique up close, i think i'm going scrog for my DIY tent. sadly that grow won't start till January it looks like :/ , i'm waiting till after the holidays so my girl doesnt go unattended for 3-4 days at a time in november and december. looking VERY good and very healthy. cloning is a snap by the way, i had 100% success rate my first time out with NO rooting hormone. just a couple drops of superthrive in the res (and i probably didn't need it) i cloned in AeroGarden (which is my recommended method if you have the funds and the means) it took me about 2 weeks before i saw roots, what i call "pre-roots" or the little white nubs of where a root is going to be showed up around day 8 or 9. best of luck to you!

Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking up on me shack, the kind words are always appreciated. Yea, the SCROG seems to be working well, although I am being seemingly pessimistic about it at this point. I have a bit of a holiday vacation issue too, so hopefully I can get it all done before then. I can't wait to see what it all comes together like considering you are probably going crazy designing and thinking and crafting etc haha. 4 months of pure thought and creation time could do amazing things to a grow setup haha.


Well-Known Member
So I found two really perfect containers for my clones. I'll get pictures soon, but probably not tonight. I just took two cuttings, dipped them in some clonex and chucked them in the rockwool. We'll see how all that goes I suppose.


Well-Known Member
So I found two really perfect containers for my clones. I'll get pictures soon, but probably not tonight. I just took two cuttings, dipped them in some clonex and chucked them in the rockwool. We'll see how all that goes I suppose.
you remembered to soak your rockwool first, right? that is why i haven't (yet) bothered with rockwool, rapid rooters/jiffy pellets are pH balanced and ready to go.

i have to agree about the 4 months.. my original design i envisioned is already changing!! i'm starting with a shelf unit, so i can easily add in an extra shelf for my screen. it should be a seriously delicious cab given the amount of time i have to plan haha.



Well-Known Member
Yea shack I did soak them in 5.5 before hand for a while.

Thanks for making sure though good sir. I am sure it's going to keep on changing, designing shit is half the fun.


Well-Known Member
Yea shack I did soak them in 5.5 before hand for a while.

Thanks for making sure though good sir. I am sure it's going to keep on changing, designing shit is half the fun.
I'll be sure to read back to pick up what I've missed, you said you're in flower now? How long was your veg time? That is one of the missing pieces of my SCRoG plan, how long do i veg?? And you opted for LST versus topping for the SCRoG?



Well-Known Member
Alright.. haha i've done my reading!! I may set myself up for a two chamber tent! haha i doubt it, but i'm considering a top area for mother and clones and then the lower area i have setup up as grow/flower space, and re-purpose it as a flowering chamber. i could flower at least two small clones, topped and SOG.. hmm.. . . i may repost this in my own thread!

killer work man, very "thought-provoking"




Well-Known Member
Thanks shack, sorry I couldn't answer your questions before you had to dig for them.

I will agree that this thread is confusing though. The problem is that I am only actually growing One Snow White, all the other 4 died. The Snow white is my mother which has been vegging now for 46 days. The 3 plants that are SCROGed up were all bagseed that I planted after I had my mother set and the other seedlings (snow white) had died. They vegged for exactly 3 weeks (21 days) before flipping them to flower. They have been flowering now for 10 days. I did not originally plan on the SCROG, so I topped all of them. The mother and the little ones all have vertical limitations so i decided to top them.

I'm glad you find this thought provoking, because it beats on my brain all the time too. I have just made so many changes and done so many things that there are too many possible ideas. I really can't wait for 2 more years so I can be out on my own and not have to worry about stealth as much. I want to let my creativity and skills connect and make some serious stuff happen.

On another note, The clones I took yesterday don't look all that great to be honest. One looks okay, and the other looks super droopy. I opened up the containers and let them chill for a bit before putting them back under the lights. I'm not even sure that I took great cuttings, but I tried to do the best from what I have learned.

I am currently uploading pics of the clones, and the little ones in the scrog.

That being said, I think that I might finally be seeing some sex signs. I think that I have 1 male, but I am not positive. It just seems to have 2 little bumps that I haven't seen on the other plants. I keep trying to compare it to my mother plant, since she is fem, but that doesn't help much because she was not put into flower at all.f

Pics are on their way up shortly, hopefully you guys can give me some pointers!

How long vegging should be is debated, and I personally think it just depends on how tall of plants you can have. I think that the plants (correct me if I'm wrong) grow from 3 to 4 times the size they are when they start flowering. Most people will say to let them veg at least two weeks just to make sure that you have solid roots and a good stable plant. I think I agree with that. The only reason that I flowered so late is because I physically didn't know how I was going to go about doing it haha.


Well-Known Member
Okay here we go:

Decent clone

Clone dome

Sad clone

Now to the SCROG

See that little bump? This is my male I think ^

Here are just some other ones

How does everything look so far guys?

Also, I think I might be nute-nuking my mother. She has some fancy looking speckling of light color on the top leaves, what does that mean? I'll grab a picture for you guys in a second


Well-Known Member
its still a LITTLE early to sex, its 50/50 from what i can see.. what you think are males, could be females that haven't grown their hairs yet. in my experience, you check on your plants one day and BAM! there are hairs EVERYWHERE. you will definitely know at that point. from what i can see, i'm guessing female. also your clones look fine, they look droopy for a few days as they struggle to develop roots. just remember to let them breathe, if the leaves are consistently in a humid environment then they have no real need to push for roots. make sense? rooting is a bit of a struggle so don't be afraid to let them struggle a bit.



Well-Known Member
THanks for clearing that up shack. That is why I definitely wanted to get some other opinions on it before I went pulling it. I'll just keep on waiting and seeing I suppose, no harm to me =]

As far as the clones go that is good ot know too. Sadly since I can't get to the veg area without ruining the flower area, I won't be able to get into there and let them breath during the night cycle. If only being able to do it once or twice while the other ones are on day cycle isn't going to be enough then I will have to move them and figure something else out.


Well-Known Member
hmmph... when i say let them breathe... i just mean to slip the humidity domes off for a bit.. not long 10 minutes... 15.... hour if you got it. wherever they are with the domes, leave em there and slip off the dome. that's all i meant by "breathe"



Well-Known Member
Yea, that's what I was talking about too, I just wasn't sure how often i was going to have to do that. Thanks man, you are giving me some hope for these haha.


Well-Known Member
Retikx, thanks for taking a look, but I think I'll be alright.

Shack, clones look like shit haha, I think I may need to take a different route.