Second Grow, Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Well I can tell ya what I have experienced.

The pistils turn orange at different times during my grows. Kinda depends on how much light they get but I would say average is about 4 to 6 weeks old.

Actual time to flower Depending on the strain, the more indica in the mix the closer to 8 weeks time frame. But still some will take longer then others to finish.

Really, Its what you want. At eight weeks you see the trichomes and they are cloudy right? Well thats ripening, You could cut it down then and have good smoke. Or you could wait another week or two and let the plant ripen to its fullest.(Amber colored trichomes) Then the buds will swell up a bit and the fan leaf will die. You get great smoke.

I guess that would be about 4 weeks then huh.

Thats whats started now, your plants are taking nutrients from the stored nutrients in the leaf, turning it colors and sending that to the buds. Its natural. Once a leaf looks half dead to me I just cut it off. It is no longer an asset. The upper leaf usually remains green but I dont worry about the lower. If the upper leaf and lower leaf have issue I stop nutes altogether.

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Well I can tell ya what I have experienced.

The pistils turn orange at different times during my grows. Kinda depends on how much light they get but I would say average is about 4 to 6 weeks old.

Actual time to flower Depending on the strain, the more indica in the mix the closer to 8 weeks time frame. But still some will take longer then others to finish.

Really, Its what you want. At eight weeks you see the trichomes and they are cloudy right? Well thats ripening, You could cut it down then and have good smoke. Or you could wait another week or two and let the plant ripen to its fullest.(Amber colored trichomes) Then the buds will swell up a bit and the fan leaf will die. You get great smoke.

I guess that would be about 4 weeks then huh.

Thats whats started now, your plants are taking nutrients from the stored nutrients in the leaf, turning it colors and sending that to the buds. Its natural. Once a leaf looks half dead to me I just cut it off. It is no longer an asset. The upper leaf usually remains green but I dont worry about the lower. If the upper leaf and lower leaf have issue I stop nutes altogether.

Hope that helps.
What he said BUT, I don't remove leaves until they are pretty much dead and ready to come off, the plant feeds off them before switching to others, let it use it for as long as it can.
Kinda like you don't throw a car battery away just because it's half way though it's life, you use it till it dies. Well most of us do.

"waste not" I live by it.


Well-Known Member
Day 105,76/48F:
Well tomorrow will be exactly seven weeks flowering. They are getting closer now - noticed they really seemed to have thickened this past week. Lots of bud porn, but under the HPS - next week I'll take 'em out for better color. No problems to speak of - Droopy is ugly as hell, no fan leaves left, but her buds look good. The twins are the same - just fatter. Enjoy!:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
ah dont feel bad I have one that I cooked all the fan leaves off of, shes down for the count, oh well I have another thats about the same, just 1 huge top and no leaves LOL


Well-Known Member
ah dont feel bad I have one that I cooked all the fan leaves off of, shes down for the count, oh well I have another thats about the same, just 1 huge top and no leaves LOL
lol Yeah her buds aren't really filling out the way the other two are, but hey - I'm still gonna get something from her, and being my first plant, I'll be thankful she made it at all!:eyesmoke: I looked this evening, her trichs are 95% cloudy now, with about one out of eight amber. Getting closer!


Well-Known Member
yeah Id say go ahead and at lights out leave her in dark another 24-36 hrs and CHOP
Soooooo excited - it's chopping day for Droopy! She's 110 days old, and 53 days into flower. About half the hairs have receded into the bud, and the top trichs are around 60% or a little more amber - even the bottom ones are all milky, with around 20% amber. So - she's in a dark closet for the day, if I can be patient I'll leave her another day in there as well. Maybe. :eyesmoke: She's no prize winner, but I made it to harvest time! (Without picking at her, at that) hehe:mrgreen: The twins aren't ready yet - probably another week still, possibly a bit longer.


Well-Known Member
Congrats you made it!

Aww come on, this whole time you didnt pick one little bud off her?
Thanks! Nope, not one, tiny little bud! But I'll tall ya - at this moment the temptation is as strong as it's ever been, oh how I wanna quick dry a little nug...bongsmilie:mrgreen:

Finally - my first plant made it to harvest! I know it isn't a lot - but man, she made it alive, I got some, I grew it myself!:mrgreen: There was a lot more trim than I expected - but then, she had a lot of little tiny popcorn buds down all her stems. Keeping the stems too, gonna chop 'em up and try for butter. Waste not want not!

Anywho - I am sooooo very glad I harvested her today, there was one pollen sack, buried halfway into a bud - and he was ripe, boy as soon as I cut it out it poofed pollen at me. Glad he didn't open in my flowering room.

Interesting to note - from everything I've read here, I really expected my bud to smell like lawn clippings, or hay, at the very least. But it didn't - it smelled like grapefruit! I mean the cut stems, leaves, scissors, my hands - everything smelled like I spent a day fingering grapefruit peels. Weird, huh? It was a pleasant suprise though.:peace:


Well-Known Member
toking time is coming!
hope you guys have a good weekend.
Im so fried this morning.
Hey check out my newest bong I got yesterday.


Well-Known Member
That is a sweet bong, my friend.:clap:
Yeah toking time came already.I quick dried a small bud on a saucer, on top of the hotplate for my coffee pot - cut into small pieces, turned every five minutes for about a half an hour. Whoa - it smoked great! One good sized bowl got four of us ripped for a bit over four hours, followed by a pleasant, happy feeling - no headache feeling, it was great! I can't wait to taste it after it's properly dried and cured.:weed:


Well-Known Member
wow that's some willpower DoeEyed. Not even one little hit?????

I like that little monkey poster.

"Get Out Right now!!! " lol


Well-Known Member
wow that's some willpower DoeEyed. Not even one little hit?????

I like that little monkey poster.

"Get Out Right now!!! " lol
lol Nope not one, not until last night anyway! Couldn't take it after all that grapefruityness, lol.
Yeah I like the evil monkey too - cracks me up.:-P


Well-Known Member
I got a little tip for ya, See how long the stems are you got hanging?
All the moisture in the stems will drop down to the buds and take longer to dry.

What I would do is take them down, cut the stems back to about one inch from the bud, cut halfway into the stem on the tip and pry it back to make a hook (or use tape) But that would shave off a couple days of hanging.

BTW quick drying does not allow the time it takes for the THC to become phycoactive.
The only reason you guys caught a buzz was because you let some trichs turn amber. Just wait and see. in about three weeks that shit is gonna rock your world.


Well-Known Member
I got a little tip for ya, See how long the stems are you got hanging?
All the moisture in the stems will drop down to the buds and take longer to dry.

What I would do is take them down, cut the stems back to about one inch from the bud, cut halfway into the stem on the tip and pry it back to make a hook (or use tape) But that would shave off a couple days of hanging.

BTW quick drying does not allow the time it takes for the THC to become phycoactive.
The only reason you guys caught a buzz was because you let some trichs turn amber. Just wait and see. in about three weeks that shit is gonna rock your world.
Thanks for the tip! I'll cut 'em down shorter in a little bit here. Makes me sad, to see how much they're shrinking.
Yeah we had a really nice high going on - if that was just the preview, man I can't wait for the show! :-P


Well-Known Member
hey nice grow let me know ur
Sure! For your first grow, get some bagseed, plant 50 in a backyard dirt/compost mix and be estatic when 6 pop, stretch 'em like crazy, let a worm munch two of 'em, kill another by consistantly underwatering, of the three remaining keep the female in the middle so the towering males on either side keep the lights farther from her, make sure she's planted in muddy compacted soil, replant her but be sure to attempt a FIM beforehand so the shock nearly kills her, nute burn her, flush her so vigorously that the new soil becomes compacted, let the heat get up in the upper 90's for awhile, leave gnats to munch on her for awhile, use too much molassas and drop the PH to acidic levels to kill all your fan leaves, and viola - you too can grow a few grams!!!:clap: lol
All kidding aside - the learning experience was invaluable.