Second Grow, Bagseed


Well-Known Member
lol Not yet, but I was thinkin today - this should be harvested and finished curing right around Thanksgiving....lots of food and lots of bud together - whatever will I do! hehebongsmilie
God yeah!
We r goin up north for the holidays so I better have some good herb to b around her family LOL:lol:


Well-Known Member
Grow1, Day 83; Grow2, Day 54 - 26 days into flower:
I'm pretty happy with the bud development thus far. The pics are pretty sorry though - don't really do the ladies justice. I'll borrow a good camera in the next week or two. Already the small leaves are getting covered in trichomes, and the largest buds are approx. the size of a thumb. Overwatered my big girl on Friday for sure - the twins to a lesser degree.



Well-Known Member
Hi Doe eye!

Just thought I would let you know I got my eye on you.
Nice grow girl. Looks like it was a great idea to hold on to droopy.


Well-Known Member
Hi Doe eye!

Just thought I would let you know I got my eye on you.
Nice grow girl. Looks like it was a great idea to hold on to droopy.
Thanks! Yeah I'm very thankful I didn't toss her - would have been the end of my first grow!:peace:
Lookin good, keep goin?
How they smellin?
Hey my mold is in retreat.
Sadly, (or should I be happy?) my homemade air scrubber is working well enough that I can hardly smell them, even right in the room. Good for my scrubber I guess, but I do love the smell.
Glad to hear you are getting that mold under control!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Day 89,60/32F:
All are doing well, got ahold of a better camera to take pics with this week. Four and a half weeks into flowering now.



Well-Known Member
All three of my ladies get their own post to show off their buds this week. Took the each into the veg room to try and get decent pics. Enjoy the bud porn!:mrgreen:

Day 98/41F:
Droopy. She's currently living up to her name. But the buds look decent. Just about six weeks into flower.



Well-Known Member
Hi Doe,

No, not too shabby at all.
At six weeks you know the lower leaf naturally turns yellow, I guess your nute burn is the tips of the green leaf. I would think there is enough nutrients in your soil to finish them. Like just water from here on out. I don't know, I'm a hydro guy.
What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Hi Doe,

No, not too shabby at all.
At six weeks you know the lower leaf naturally turns yellow, I guess your nute burn is the tips of the green leaf. I would think there is enough nutrients in your soil to finish them. Like just water from here on out. I don't know, I'm a hydro guy.
What do you think?
Thanks! Yeah I know the fan leaves yellow - that's not the burnt part I meant, if you look close some of the largest fans on the twins look kinda purple? They are burnt, coppery/purple with a dry paper feel. As for the nutes - you think so? I honestly don't know, I had a thread about the buds getting orange hairs now, and folks said I still have four to five weeks left? I hadn't thought it would be that long still - was thinking more like three weeks myself - but these three are my first, so I really don't have any idea.