Second Grow, Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Most strains are mixed either way tho.
Happy growin Doe.
im fellin alrite this morning.
Good to hear! Was a little worried about you.
Been researching nutes this morning, I am a little confused on some of the results. Got the analysis for FF Tiger Bloom, comparing it to my MG Bloom Booster - and it seems that the BB should work equally as well as it's three times as expensive cousin? Maybe it gets a bad rap just for being MG? Here's the breakdown of both:

FF Tiger Bloom:
TOTAL Nitrogen (N) 2.0%
Ammoniacal Nitrogen 0.10%
Nitrate Nitrogen 1.9%
Phosphate (P205) 8.0%
Potash (K20) 4.0%
Boron (B)0.02%
Copper (Cu) 0.05%
Chelated Copper 0.05%
Iron (Fe) 0.10% 0.10%
Manganese (Mg) 0.05%
Zinc (Zn) 0.05%

MG Bloom Booster:
TOTAL Nitrogen (N) 15%
Ammoniacal Nitrogen 5.8%
Urea Nitrogen 9.2%
Phosphate (P2O5) 30%
Potash (K2O) 15 %
Boron (B) 0.02%
Copper (Cu) 0.07%
Iron (Fe) 0.15%
Manganese (Mn) 0.05%
Molybdenum (Mo) 0.0005%
Zinc (Zn) 0.06%

As long as I use this at half dose and flush two weeks before harvest, shouldn't it be just as good? :confused:


Well-Known Member
It may grow as well, but you want taste and potent, something that MJ was being thought of when being made...
MG wants to grow those big maters, not buds...

My 2 cents.
I can tell ya theres a taste difference between the 2.


Well-Known Member
I can tell ya theres a taste difference between the 2.
Now that I can believe.
Pulled yet another 2 males tonight, but there are also 2 confirmed females. So out of 20, thus far, 8 males, 2 females, 10 to go. Put the other HPS lamp in too.


Well-Known Member
right on, sorry to here about those sacks you found.

Hey did I tell ya Im gonna start a dixe cup grow this weekend?


Well-Known Member
lol Yeah.:mrgreen:
Flushed all the plants this evening - pulled another four males, found another confirmed female - but in total I'm down to eight plants out of twenty. I hope the remaining five are girls! Gave everyone nutes, Superthrive, and molassas. Treated all of them with Neem oil - actually found some at Lowes!
Got a digital timer, put it in the flowering room, and put the other in my vegging closet I'm working on. Got another thermometer/hygrometer , and the equipment to build a second, 12 bulb CFL rack. Now I'm tired, and goin to have my supper.:leaf:I'll post new pics on Sunday or Monday.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah Doe,
sorry to hear about your losses.... It sucks.

Keep on growin with yer grow, you got some bad ass shit coming up anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Day 40/12F:
So the numbers are all in - all males have been pulled now, and everyone showed sex. Out of twenty plants, I have five girls. Not horrible I suppose - but I had hoped for better. Anyway - those five are doing well, definately bushing out, but I can tell they won't be as large as my first lady is. The pics kinda suck - since I put the second HPS lamp in, there seems to be too much light for my camera or somthing. Maybe next week I'll take them out for a photoshoot.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hey, well that sucks so many males, I think maybe stress has alot to do with males, my 2nd grow had 75% males just like yours so next time will b better.
Lokin goo tho, keep goin girl.


Well-Known Member
Today three of my remaining five plants showed themselves hermie.:wall: I will NEVER EVER grow bagseed again - from here on out, sticking with seedbank seeds.:cry:


Well-Known Member
lol seems like your not having too much fun aymore...whats ur next grow? Mine will b some seeds from a friend out in Humboldt County!


Well-Known Member
Yeah and I was just going on lately about how I think hermis happen more due to genetics and less because of light issues.
Im sorry for your losses.............
Hurts I know.... But you got all that rigging, grow some more, youll get your haul!


Well-Known Member
Yeah and I was just going on lately about how I think hermis happen more due to genetics and less because of light issues.
Im sorry for your losses.............
Hurts I know.... But you got all that rigging, grow some more, youll get your haul!
Yeah, I got the Trainwreck and Moby Dick planted last night. It's just that my perpetual grow is upset by six weeks now - after Droopy harvests (providing lightening doesn't strike her or something) I won't get a harvest again for three months. I'm having a vision of always planting, but never harvesting....:roll: I do appreciate your moral support though, my friend.


Well-Known Member
3 weeks into harvest¿ flowering LOL
god im stoned this morning.

lookin good, keep on truckin u prob got another 6 to go.