


I wonder which one it would be, as the one that got locked after I Iet Babs have it is still there.

Speaking of her.. did she finally get enough of it or what? I haven't seen her around the forum for a while...


Well-Known Member
Speaking of her.. did she finally get enough of it or what? I haven't seen her around the forum for a while...
She declared the debate over as god is not debatable (she claims).

She's the one in the corner with her fingers plugged into her ears, rocking back and forth, and loudly humming Onward Christian Soldiers.


Well-Known Member
I think once she realized we were on to the fact that she gets all her arguments from chain letter emails the game was up.


Well-Known Member
I am saddened that the other atheists did not undersign the open letter to Christians :(

Okay, I'm better now.

So, think of all those people out there waiting for the Rapture. Just suppose for a second that zombie Jesus wasn't a fictional comic book hero. He was supposed to come back for his faithful right away. So suppose he did, and the reason it wasn't written down is that the only witnesses went "bye-bye to the sky-sky" and filled up all 144,000 slots. So all the Christians sitting around waiting for the sky elevator would just be pissing in the wind until oblivion or hell sucks them in.

What a predicament that would be.

Good thing the only thing they have to worry about is if their priest is molesting their kids.



Dude, anyone seen the trailer for that new movie Legion? Haha, "the first time God lost faith in man, he sent a flood... this time... he sent ANGELS!!!"

Looks pretty fuckin' stupid if you ask me... lol


Well-Known Member
It has Paul Bettany in it. I'll watch it just for that.
I enjoyed the Prophecy movies for Christopher Walken's role, plus I don't mind it when religion is used for entertainment. Thor comics, Hercules TV show, Supernatural. It's all just as real as Jesus.


Well-Known Member
It has Paul Bettany in it. I'll watch it just for that.
I enjoyed the Prophecy movies for Christopher Walken's role, plus I don't mind it when religion is used for entertainment. Thor comics, Hercules TV show, Supernatural. It's all just as real as Jesus.
The bible would have been much more entertaining if it explained the virgin birth away with midichlorians...

or had wookies in it.


Well-Known Member
I bet if you look hard enough you'll find some desciption in the bible like a hairy beast with red eyes, and breath like fire that duth speaketh in strange toungues...


They didn't have a word for that yet is all so it got all mixed up and now we have devil where it should say wookie.


Well-Known Member
"would require insurers to consider covering"

Required sounds so strong until you see it says required to consider. That can and will mean the same as denied.


Well-Known Member
"would require insurers to consider covering"

Required sounds so strong until you see it says required to consider. That can and will mean the same as denied.
Only until you get an insurance company headed by someone (not even necessarily a Christian) who believes that it's worthwhile to pay out the minimal costs of "faith healing" rather than the real science.

Let's see, $20 dollars a day to have someone stand over your bed and chant, or $500 a day for this medicine.