Sick of all the A$$HOLES!!

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I'm not saying don't ask questions all i'm saying is make an effort to atleast find the answer yourself because i'm pretty sure your a beginner so any questions you might have most likely have been answered millions of times before.

In all honesty though, if people just searched out the answer instead of asking on this site, how much conversation would go on, what would everyone talk about?

pretty much everything has already been covered, you may have to go back a few years of the archives, but most topics have already been covered in great depth, and you could pretty much find the answer to any question. If no one asked any questions there would be grow journals and toke and talk and not much else.

If you don't want to answer someones question, walk straight past it, but don't bash them for asking.
There are a lot of jealous people out in the world and some of them visit this site too. Sorry about their poor behavior.
In all honesty though, if people just searched out the answer instead of asking on this site, how much conversation would go on, what would everyone talk about?

pretty much everything has already been covered, you may have to go back a few years of the archives, but most topics have already been covered in great depth, and you could pretty much find the answer to any question. If no one asked any questions there would be grow journals and toke and talk and not much else.

If you don't want to answer someones question, walk straight past it, but don't bash them for asking.

I'm not bashing no one pal, just saying make the effort to find an answer to a simple question. You will never get anywhere in life getting spoon fed.
Have you got a link to instructions on how to make BHO????? I wouldn't mind trying that once I harvest the current crop!!!!


thats an excellent intructional video. its 6 parts and tellS you all about the different methods to make hash and hash oil. i think they use butane in part 4 or 5 but its def worth it to watch them all! theres many other good videos there too. has really cool extractors but i recreated my own for only 6 bucks at a hardware store! works great too.

its pretty easy to find written instructions too in the "harveting and curing" forum...i dont know any off the top of my head tho. im too baked to try and look right now haha i think you'll understand.

good luck!
I'm not bashing no one pal, just saying make the effort to find an answer to a simple question. You will never get anywhere in life getting spoon fed.

right man i understand that but most of the time you can tell who's be reading up on their question and the people that log right on and ask way. now i'll admit to posting a few stupid things when i got some nute burn but its my first time encountering it and thought i had to fix it quickly. i now know burn takes time before its too late, lesson learned. i know you're talking about everyone on here, but im just saying i too am guilty of Stupid Question Syndrome. the rest of the time i do my best to find it on my own.

for instance right now, im going to start a grow using Coco and i've been on here everyday for about 2 weeks reading journals and researching the coco threads. i havent even started yet. when i do, I'm positive i will still have questions so what if i really cant find a clear answer or cant decide between two ways of doing things? is it still not ok to ask?
right man i understand that but most of the time you can tell who's be reading up on their question and the people that log right on and ask way. now i'll admit to posting a few stupid things when i got some nute burn but its my first time encountering it and thought i had to fix it quickly. i now know burn takes time before its too late, lesson learned. i know you're talking about everyone on here, but im just saying i too am guilty of Stupid Question Syndrome. the rest of the time i do my best to find it on my own.

for instance right now, im going to start a grow using Coco and i've been on here everyday for about 2 weeks reading journals and researching the coco threads. i havent even started yet. when i do, I'm positive i will still have questions so what if i really cant find a clear answer or cant decide between two ways of doing things? is it still not ok to ask?

I get what you're saying aswell, it's just alot of the same questions going around it gets old. Good luck on future grows :leaf:
u r ryt ... der is aload of dickheads on dis site dats 1 of da reasons why i am barely on riu anymore cuz i cant b annoyed listenin to all da wee stuck up wanna cheif growers hu dont no fuck all .. 1 fin dey need 2 realize is dat every1 eats and shits da same way, so were do dey get off puttin others down ..

so i hope ya find all da help u need 4 a successful and quality grow gd luck ...
u r ryt ... der is aload of dickheads on dis site dats 1 of da reasons why i am barely on riu anymore cuz i cant b annoyed listenin to all da wee stuck up wanna cheif growers hu dont no fuck all .. 1 fin dey need 2 realize is dat every1 eats and shits da same way, so were do dey get off puttin others down ..

so i hope ya find all da help u need 4 a successful and quality grow gd luck ...
lol jesus dude Im sure you get hassled mostly for your grammer. Its very hard to read your post, I am picturing someone dictating a letter to RIU from Popeye
sorry will this help

you are right, there is loads of dickheads on this site that is one of the reasons why i am barely on roll it up anymore because i cant be annoyed listening to all the wee stuck up wanna be cheif growers who dont no fuck all. one thing they need to realize is that everyone eats and shits the same way, so were do they get off putting others down.

so i hope you findall the help you need for a successful and quality grow good luck..

on the internet and in txt msgs i always use txt talk its must easier and faster to type. i just forget most of the people on this are old skool and are not with the times and also dont come from were i do ..
This is a hard site to search. I find searches do better using google. Also, it's a good thing to remember that in the question/answer dynamic here you have one group asking and another group giving. No-one is being paid to give answers here. And yet, I see new posters complaining when they don't have an answer after an hour. People who spend a lot of time answering questions don't want to be treated like they are paid clerks at an info booth.
This is a hard site to search. I find searches do better using google. Also, it's a good thing to remember that in the question/answer dynamic here you have one group asking and another group giving. No-one is being paid to give answers here. And yet, I see new posters complaining when they don't have an answer after an hour. People who spend a lot of time answering questions don't want to be treated like they are paid clerks at an info booth.

I always use Google to search for my questions, so I get any post on any of the forums. Sometimes I still can't find the answer I'm looking for. Sometimes, like I said earlier, I find so much information that I just don't have the experience to put it together. Sometimes I don't find an answer at all. If I can't find what I'm looking for in about a hour, I ask. I wait 24 hours before I bump.

I'm a very helpful person and would rather post a link to point someone in the right direction than talk shit to them for being new. If a person doesn't want to help, they shouldn't post negativity either.

Personally, I'm getting tired of being treated like an idiot for not having practical experience. I've read about three books in a pdf download I found, read as much as I can by searching Google, and have watched Ultimate Grow 1 and 2, SOG 1, 3 and parts of 2, I Grow Chronic, Ready Set Grow, SeeMoreBuds 15lbs. in 80 Days, Ready Set Grow 1, some of Top Quality Home Growing, and several clips on YouTube about SOG and ScrOG. I'm all about doing research but how much more research do I have to do before I can get a respectful answer to a simple question that requires experience to answer?

For instance, I'd like to get some critique on my dwc plans but I'm not even going to waste my time making a post on this site, especially with how hostile that subforum looks. It's extremely frustrating and discouraging. If I've asked a question that's been covered and I quite obviously haven't found it, how hard would it be for someone to just post a link or tell me what to search for? Instead I get a knowledgeable and respected forum member telling to "understand the cultural problem" and my plant suddenly won't die. It doesn't make sense to a new grower. He quite obviously didn't bother to read anything I posted because his replies showed it. Dude's a jerk and I told him so then put him on ignore.
And yet there are thousands of people who come here and are blown away by the help they get and the value of the site. What could account for this difference?
Why do people on here insist on being so mean to eachother??

I dont get why people have to make fun of someone that just happens to be a beginner and knows less than you. YOU WERE ALL BEGINNERS AT SOME POINT! i've been yelled at for asking too many questions in a post....seriously? i have to think twice before asking something because im afraid i'll just get bitched at. Isn't cannabis about being kind and easy going to everyone? Theres so many uptight people on here its rediculous! Why do they even bother replying if its just to say something mean? Seems like a waste of time to me. One guy pretty much called me retarded because i didnt know what a "darwin list" was. sorry I've NEVER heard that before! :cuss:

i've only been a member less than a year and im a newbie grower and for some reason the makes me the STUPIDEST person on earth to 90% of the people on here. isnt the point of this site to HELP eachother out, newbies and veterans alike? its so hard to get anyone to give me helpful information around here. i've started 5 or 6 threads and i dont think i've ever gotten over 10 replies. now, im not lazy and know how to use the search button but lets face it....THERES MILLIONS OF THREADS AND POSTS ON HERE! You're gonna miss things sometimes and i guess thats unacceptable??:finger: if i reply to someones question i try to answer their question and then give them a direct link to a more informative thread if i can find it. Maybe im just a nice person but i sure would appreciate someone doing that for me.

And one more thing... whats with not +repping people? i add to you're rep just for replying to my post without being an asshole, even if its not that useful! I have 40 posts and only ONE person has ever added to my rep. kind of a bummer.

Im not trying to sound like a sensitive little pussy, just pointing out the lack of common courtesy shown by many of the members.

anyway RIU i just wanted to put my thoughts out there! im sure plenty of people will hate on me for this haha. Please feel free to comment and add to this!! share your stories of asshole replies you've gotten, everyones welcome!


hey man your post is one in a long line of folks complaining about the state of riu lately, its not always been like it is now. a lot of older heads left an things started to slide its a good community usually but with it expanding quite quickly there was an influx of dicks.

you usually will get at least someone to give sound advice you just have to filter out the people that better themselves by slagging folks over the net.

your on the right path looking for answers before asking for them as always good teachers help those trying to help themselves.

get your grow on man!:bigjoint:
When it comes to the internet, I find it easy to ignore the morons. Yeah there are some truly misinformed and angry people on here. I've managed to learn quite a bit. You have to look at who is giving you your information. If you read close you can tell who the "kids" are on here.
When it comes to the internet, I find it easy to ignore the morons. Yeah there are some truly misinformed and angry people on here. I've managed to learn quite a bit. You have to look at who is giving you your information. If you read close you can tell who the "kids" are on here.

We will be cleaning things up over the coming weeks and returning to a happier state, the way people are treating each other is not acceptable. If the users could report posts of users that are abusive then the moderators can deal with them as neccesary.
And yet there are thousands of people who come here and are blown away by the help they get and the value of the site. What could account for this difference?

The difference is the amount of self confidence the respondent has. The lower the confidence level the more likely that person is to be insulting and abusive to the person asking the question.

I've gotten help from a few decent people here and almost all of them had join up dates from the last few months.

I wonder what could account for that?
Yes, there are jackasses here. In fact, show me a site that is jackass free.

Experienced members get tired of seeing stupid questions which indicate the OP has not done one bit of independent reading. When I say stupid I don't mean the garden variety questions like, Male or Female?, though those can get tiresome, too. I am referring to the threads like How do you germinate a clone?

We get tired of Weed Barons who would have you believe they know everything, but have probably never brought in a harvest. They may have seen a plant once, or killed a few seedlings planted in Dixie Cups on the windowsill, but they know shit about growing. I am more inclined to slap down a Weed Baron for giving bogus advice than a newb asking for help.

My best advice is to just make an effort to find out the answer to a question before starting a thread. If you are truly new to growing, chances are very high that your issue has come up before; either in a thousand previous threads or in the GROWFAQ.

That said: Good luck and good growing.
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