Nirvana AK-48 600 Watt Ebb & Flow


Well-Known Member
Res was 1 gallon low at 1300ppm / 2.6 eC @ 5.7pH. Added 1 gallon tap for 1250 ppm / 2.5 eC @ 5.8pH. Canopy height has not changed since yesterday, but the buds continue to fill in:

Not much progress in the clone tent, but I gave them all a good feeding yesterday to see if I could get the slow ones moving:

The AK-48 mom is doing well:

And the clones from the weakest original plant are the only ones thriving:

If the remaining clones aren't ready for flower by the end of this grow, I will give these two plants to my buddies for mom's and then start on the AK-47 or White Russian grow... Very exciting.
Hey man, I'm sure you've been getting all sorts of compliments on your grow and just thought I'd add.

Your grow is looking amazing.

My ak-48 germi's are are barely coming through the surface atm.

After reading the past 35 pages of your log I'm fairly excited for mine. The LST seems to work wonders. Looks amazing.

This will be my first "real" grow so I was wondering on your nutrient mixes and suggestions?

Well take it easy man.

five leafs :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
Simply awesome bro! Man I need to go hydro, I picked up some fem ak48's from Nirvana also. I'm a dirtbag lol, for sure now. Your growth rate is amazing, way to run a tight ship. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I'm sure you've been getting all sorts of compliments on your grow and just thought I'd add.

Your grow is looking amazing.

My ak-48 germi's are are barely coming through the surface atm.

After reading the past 35 pages of your log I'm fairly excited for mine. The LST seems to work wonders. Looks amazing.

This will be my first "real" grow so I was wondering on your nutrient mixes and suggestions?

Well take it easy man.

five leafs :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Thanks for checking out the grow!

This was my first attempt at LST, and I'm pretty happy with the results. I can't wait to see how the buds develop compared to a regular grow.

As far as nutrients go, everyone will have their own favorites depending on growth media. I'm using the General Hydroponics Flora system with their enhancers. I don't know that is the best out there, but it seems to be working well for me. I've talked to my buddies about trying some of the more expensive nutes, but they all told me "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

If you check my Friday posts, I list the mixture, ppm and pH of every one of my nute mixtures. In addition, GH has an on-line calculator that can be used for recirculating and run-to-waste mixes:

Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Simply awesome bro! Man I need to go hydro, I picked up some fem ak48's from Nirvana also. I'm a dirtbag lol, for sure now. Your growth rate is amazing, way to run a tight ship. :bigjoint:
Thanks for checking it out. Dirtbags are always welcome on my grow journal!

I think you'll be happy with the AK-48 strain. It has been a trouble free (knock on wood) grow for me, and others on RIU have had the same experience. Baggnismo is growing AK-48 in soil at: You may want to check out his grow. It's a clean set up and his plants are doing great.

Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
have you thought of using hydrozyme for the lil ones?
Are there two brands? I have Hygrozyme on the shelf. To be honest, I used it on my first grow, and I wasn't happy with the outcome. I never thought to try it on the clones. I'm giving them all a good dunk feeding this weekend, and I will add Hygrozyme to the nutes.

I'll let you know how it turns out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Four weeks in to flower! Res was really low this morning. Added two gallons of tap for a 1150ppm / 2.3 eC @ 5.7 pH. Res temp is 67F. Air temps for the past 24 hours have between 66F and 80F at 44% RH. No appreciable vertical growth has occurred for the past couple of days. Light is still 14" above the canopy.

Colas are developing:

Undergrowth is thinning out:


I'll probably be chopping the second week of January...... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Res was two gallons down again at 1200 ppm / 2.4 eC @ 5.5 pH. Added two gallons of tap for 1150 ppm / 2.3 eC @ 5.7 pH. Rez temp is 67F. Air temps ranged from 66F to 81F at 41% RH. At the start of this grow, I picked up a remote sensor Temp/RH thermometer at Menard's. I set it up on the end table by my couch so I can check conditions any time. It is supposed to have a 125 foot range:

Because the plants appear to be taking this mix well, I will bump my next "Flower" mix by 20% instead of the current 10%. Rez change to happen this Saturday night.

Canopy is pretty much unchanged:

Temp and RH sensor is in upper right corner of pic:


Most of the clones are pretty much toast. The AK-48 mother and two other clones look like they will make it. Looks like two of my buddies will get AK-48 moms for Christmas! :blsmoke:
No idea dude. I've never LST'd, so I have no idea how it will affect my yield.

I'll have a better idea in about 5 weeks! :hump:
It sounds like your in for an excellent harvest t this round. :blsmoke:

I'm just on day 5 now but if anything I'm gonna say these little bastards are ambitious.
They were already pushing out of my rooter plugs the day after I put the germinated seeds into the plugs. :mrgreen:

Well keep us posted (as I know you will) I'm looking for to seeing what I'm in store for.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like your in for an excellent harvest t this round. :blsmoke:

I'm just on day 5 now but if anything I'm gonna say these little bastards are ambitious.
They were already pushing out of my rooter plugs the day after I put the germinated seeds into the plugs. :mrgreen:

Well keep us posted (as I know you will) I'm looking for to seeing what I'm in store for.
I ended up putting my jiffy plugs in coco after 5 days also.

It's definitely a strong grower!


Well-Known Member
Just got done reading what I missed..... Im bummed the clones aren't making it. Seems like you did the right things........ Well, You will get her next time. Try some different methods. I have never had problems with clones..... Except for heat..... Wilt....... I use a humidity dome, and I open the valves a little bit over the period of 4 days or so, so when the clones come out they don't immedietly dry up......


Well-Known Member
As it is rez change night, I decided to take some pics and check the plants a few minutes before lights on. Every now and then I like to look at the plants without the HPS on to get a good feel for their color. Canopy is 27" high and continues to grow at an inch a day.

Mixed up a batch of GH "Bloom" +10% mix:

12 gallons tap (350 ppm / 0.7 eC; 7.8pH)

SM-90 35ml
SuperThrive 15ml
Gro 70ml
Micro 130ml
Bloom 200ml
Floraliscious Plus 15ml
FloraBlend 130ml
KoolBloom 70ml

1300 ppm / 2.6 eC; 6.3pH
Added 60ml pH Down to 5.8 pH.
Res temp is 67F.

Still bushy:

Bud sites in the canopy:

And some baby bud close ups:

I'm off to change out the rez, and then to my buddy's place to check out his new flower room. :bigjoint:
AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING! I could read this all morning. Can you tell me how you come up with your rez recipes? I was going to add a Co2 setup to my grow, but now I think I should focus on temp/humidity control and I should add a bunch more air movement. With results like that, screw Co2! I can't believe that is only 4 freakin plants under there :) Good job!


Well-Known Member
Hey WonderBlunder. Looks like the quote function isn't working right now....

The clones issue was pretty much operator error. I think I pulled them out of the greenhouse too early, and didn't keep the roots damp enough when they were out. The four clones that were in the corners of the container made it, so I think the sides of the container held more moisture in those clones. In addition, between work and the Thanksgiving holiday, I wasn't able to pay them as much attention as I intended.

Due to your help, I feel confident that I will be able to clone my upcoming grow. The good news is that becuse I won't have enough clones for another AK-48 grow, I will be starting a new strain! And since you and socialsmoker have been kind enough to consistently stop by, I will let you two decide if I pop the Serious Seeds AK-47 or White Russian when they arrive.


Well-Known Member
Smokingrubber. Thanks for stopping by man. I checked out your grow journal, and you are setting up for some fine yield and smoke!

I mix the GH Flora nutes according to their on-line nutrient calculator:

In addition to their recipe, I add SM-90 per the manufacturer's instructions, and 1ml of SuperThrive per gallon. Mix them all up in 12 gallons of tap water. Adjust the pH to 5.8, and viola!

Thanks for the kind words in your journal. :bigjoint:

Good luck with your grow man!


Well-Known Member
Half way through flower. Changing out the rez tonight, so I took some shots before the lights came on:

Good close up for my crappy camera, showing some sugar:

I will post yet another exciting nutrient mix post after I change out the rez tonight. :sleep:


Active Member
Hey WonderBlunder. Looks like the quote function isn't working right now....

The clones issue was pretty much operator error. I think I pulled them out of the greenhouse too early, and didn't keep the roots damp enough when they were out. The four clones that were in the corners of the container made it, so I think the sides of the container held more moisture in those clones. In addition, between work and the Thanksgiving holiday, I wasn't able to pay them as much attention as I intended.

Due to your help, I feel confident that I will be able to clone my upcoming grow. The good news is that becuse I won't have enough clones for another AK-48 grow, I will be starting a new strain! And since you and socialsmoker have been kind enough to consistently stop by, I will let you two decide if I pop the Serious Seeds AK-47 or White Russian when they arrive.[/QUOTE

dam that sux about the clones but i just looked those seeds up and both r excellent , id mix it up say plant 5 of each strain .

the ak48 looks better every time i visit man !!!!