My Friend Might Die.

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Well-Known Member
he's gonna have to have a "filter" put in, to stop any bloodclots from developing.. he's in alot of pain, so they're keeping him sedated and asleep... he wakes up and his mom and grandma see him, but they have tubes in him, so he can't talk... they said he's swole up really bad.. but thats to be expected after a chevy blazer landed ontop of you and you've had two life saving surgeries in one day... his mom told me that the truck landed on his head at some point or something, because he's got a chevy symbol indention in his head right now...
he's gonna have to have a "filter" put in, to stop any bloodclots from developing.. he's in alot of pain, so they're keeping him sedated and asleep... he wakes up and his mom and grandma see him, but they have tubes in him, so he can't talk... they said he's swole up really bad.. but thats to be expected after a chevy blazer landed ontop of you and you've had two life saving surgeries in one day... his mom told me that the truck landed on his head at some point or something, because he's got a chevy symbol indention in his head right now...
I gotta admit that's pretty badass...


Active Member
I dont want to sound like a dick when i say this but if you say hes one of your best friends and he has a good chance of dying i would get my ass up there no matter what it took. just think about how you would feel if you didnt and he pass's pray to god he dosent but just think of it like that. i dont no what you situation is at home and money but i would do whatever i could possibly do in order to go see him



Well-Known Member
I dont want to sound like a dick when i say this but if you say hes one of your best friends and he has a good chance of dying i would get my ass up there no matter what it took. just think about how you would feel if you didnt and he pass's pray to god he dosent but just think of it like that. i dont no what you situation is at home and money but i would do whatever i could possibly do in order to go see him


i'm doing everything I can... i'm about to see if I can borrow the money from his mom to get home... if she does and my truck will crank, i'm headed out..

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
ok, i'm going to guess that you're pretty simple.. I don't have the fucking money to go see my fucking brother you fucking peice of shit.. thats why I cant go see him.. before you start making assumptions why dont you get teh whole fucking story?
the love is here :shock:

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I believe in not believing. Just going with the flow. I'm just gelling..
Well I am going for a greater understanding, some type of comprehension... but I have a feeling that the answer is that there is no answer. I'm not going to give up yet, but I may decide to not spend a lifetime searching...
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