There Is No Devil.



Please define the distinction, my padawan.
It's pretty simple, anything science can test - is real. Anything that cannot be tested by science - is not real.

Dreams are real in the sense that yes, you have them, they exist, but they're nothing more than chemical reactions in your brain corresponding with electrical impulses that you perceive as reality. They're just like video games, is a video game "real"? In the sense they exist, just like dreams, yes, they're real, but the gameplay is not "reality", just like your dreams are not "reality".


Well-Known Member
It's pretty simple, anything science can test - is real. Anything that cannot be tested by science - is not real.

Dreams are real in the sense that yes, you have them, they exist, but they're nothing more than chemical reactions in your brain corresponding with electrical impulses that you perceive as reality. They're just like video games, is a video game "real"? In the sense they exist, just like dreams, yes, they're real, but the gameplay is not "reality", just like your dreams are not "reality".
Is emotion real then?
I respectfully doubt all religion. Anything beyond pondering the source of all things is beyond me. I want to do more research to figure out if my suspicions of Christianity are correct; being more a method of control than an actual practice of "finding GOD". A Christian friend of mine just yesterday had dinner at our favorite Chinese place and he was telling me how much he disliked his job. After he was wrongfully let go of his career position he took a job at Target in the stock room. He told me they have "huddles" because they're a "team" and revealed he felt disgusted at the suggestion that he should be "STOKED" to sell things like Target credit cards with every purchase over $50.00 (as the managers would try to "rev up" the "team" to be excited). He's preaching to the choir here but the point is that he related it to being kind of like the Wal-Mart workers that you may have seen before; cheering and jumping up and down that they work for Wally-World. I've never seen anyone so happy to be getting SCREWED in my LIFE! My friend asked me "What would you think if all those workers were screaming "Jesus" instead of "Wal-Mart"? You'd think it's a cult or something right?" and I replied simply:

"I'd think I'm in church?"

I use to feel really bad like something was wrong with me for not feeling the same as others around me concerning Christianity. I just have a hard time believing in it. Trust me it doesn't make it easier for me.


New Member
The church system is a socialist system, never forget that.

Read up on Dawkins. He has a razor sharp mind and was recently voted top thinker in Britain, which is no small achievement.

He explains religion well, and correctly.


Well-Known Member
idk if their is a devil but last year i spoke to a demon/spirit, he offered me the same power/gift whatever u want to call it. to get rich, fame, power, drugs, woman. n i turned it down, but before i did i had a taste of his power and he let me use the power or singing for 2weeks. in those 2weeks i showed all my friends n some cuzzins and their jaws was in the floor. it was very powerful. i didn't ask for this to happen to me but it did and now i know that people sell their souls for riches and fame. and their are "forces" controlling peoples fates.

believe me or not, many don't but i don't care we will all find out when we die.

also i had experience of ghost in the past, i know im not crazy cuz not only did i see it, but 3 of my friends, my sister, n some others.
The church system is a socialist system, never forget that.

Read up on Dawkins. He has a razor sharp mind and was recently voted top thinker in Britain, which is no small achievement.

He explains religion well, and correctly.
I would like to rep you for the fixating Asian tit avatar. I've enjoyed it and would gladly pay you today for that hamburger Tuesday if you know what I mean. :fire: