My German Shepherd got KILLED by a car today

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New Member
Thanks Kial. I'm glad that your st. bernard came through. Dog loving stoners are the best people in the world.:blsmoke:
OMG I cant even describe how I feel for you sorry for your lose some people say its stupid people getting in a fuss over losing there pets but them people dont understand the bond between owner and pet we was close to loosing our St bernard a little while ago when her belly unexpectidly well sort of blew open when a tumour burst inside spent over £1K on operation and she was pretty much guarenteed to die that night but she didnt... or the next or the next and some how she is still with us today miricle or summin I think O_O considering the size of the whole in her belly she is a strong girl and I was well upset being told she was gonna die but overwelmed when we found out she was gettign over it :P I hope all goes ok in the future


New Member
Written by a true dog lover. :mrgreen: This brought a smile to my face. Thank you. My dogs own me also and I won't ever complain about that. :mrgreen:
My little girls are starting to come around now. Apparently when it all happened even my neighbours dogs were in the house shaking. They are so much more preceptive than we give them credit for.
Thanks DJmick
(sweet post) :hug::)
Aww, Lacy I am so sorry, I'm a dog owner as well. (Actually my dogs own me.) And I know it's like losing a friend. It took me while to get another dog feeling that no one could replace him, After a short period of time I realized that that is exactly what Douglas (my border collie mix) would want me to do. He knows that my family as yours has a lot of love to give and recieve. He knows that someone must protect the house from theives, burglers and vacuum cleaners, He knows someone has to lay on the edge of the bed and keep are feet warm in the winter. For your spare food, your spare room and your spare time, A dog will give you all the love and attention in the world, Now who can ask for a better deal than that? I am very sorry for your loss.
However don't forget when your ready there is another pup who needs you as well.


New Member
Had dogs my entire life also. But I still have teo little ones and they got really spooked by what happened also. They saw it too. :shock::o I'm not sure if dogs can comprehend death. I think it was more that they were reacting to me freaking out. But I'm quite sure they know she is gone.

Thanks Tokesalot.:peace:
Im truely sorry for your loss.

If you love yoru shepherd as much as I love my Husky and Wiener dog, I am very sorry.

I love my dogs like family, had them ALL my life.


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry for your loss Lacy. I think dogs can understand death, but even if they couldnt, they do understand that someone in their life is not there anymore and it will affect them somewhat. Give the little ones alot of love in these hard times., It will be benefitual to them and to you.


New Member
My shepherd just turned 3 at the end of last september.
We lost our other one just 3 years ago and hubby wanted another one right away so we got her one month later.

Normally I take all the girls(3 dogs) in the car and we go to many areas that have trails going along rivers, lakes etc. I could also have taken them out back but it is hunting season and although people aren't suppose to hunt back there, they do. :-?

So I put them all on their leashes and headed down the road. I looked both ways down the country dirt road to make sure no cars were coming and I then cut into the woods and took their leashes off. I take the shepherds' off first because she gets so excited and wants to go. Plus shes a big girl. While I was letting the other girls off their leashes I looked up and my shepherd that is normally up waiting isn't there :shock::o I immediately look over to my right and there she is running back to the road because she heard a car. Before I knew it she was in her car pouncing mode and I just knew I didn't have a chance to run back out and save her. I knew at THAT VERY MOMENT that she was gonna be killed and there was nothing I could do about it. :cry:
Plus I had my other little girls with me and I was screaming at the top of my lungs and my big baby just wasn't listening:neutral: The car came...and I hear a loud bang :cry: and I see my baby smack the front of the windshield and bounce into the ditch. My 87 pound shepherd just bounced off like a 10 lb. sack of potatoes. :cry:
Now that vision keeps flashing over and over in my mind.

The neigbours came out and couldn't understand what I was saying and when they finally understood they said she was 'gone' and to go back home. :cry::cry::cry:
I flipped out! :cry::cry::cry: Was completely in shock for the longest time and couldn't stop screaming. the neighbours called the ambulance and the o.p.p. :? I know they meant well but that just made things worse. :-|

I have 5 big skeletons of pot plants out on my back deck plus 11 or 12 big jars of stash inside the house.:-|:roll::cry:
I'm still in shock and now there are 3 police cars and an ambulance out in the front of my house. :shock::o:o:o

I know my neighbours were just concerned becasue hubby was out work and I couldn't get a hold of him and I was obviously freaking and nobody knew what to do. :-| I was in the house when they came to the door and asked to come in. I said no. One of them was a woman cop and she asked me 'why got a grow op in there.?' :shock::o
Well I'm not growing any plants in the house but they really spooked me. :-| My neighbour said 'no' very quickly and I just backed right off of my front door.
They said they wanted the paramedics to look me over and I said no. The police woman asked why and I said that i don't want to be looked over right bow, I just witnessed my shepherd being bounced off some guys windshield. The guy was just flying down this dirt road.
Then some other cops starting coming up our driveway and 3 paramedics. It was a nightmare!!!!!:shock::shock::shock: I kept pinching myself hoping to God that I was somehow dreaming and having a nightmare. They kept asking to go in my house and I kept refusing. I finally walked over to the side of my house and made a fuss over my other dogs who were shaking and totally freaked out. :-|:cry:

Finally my husband came home and took care of everything . He's my man. He's my hero. He let them all know that I was ok and that he would handle it from there and one by one all the police and paramedics left.
Not long after they were gone we built a fire and burned all the plant evidence while I got some proper meds inot me.

It was a total day from hell but what can you do. Sh*t happenes. :-|:cry:
Unfortunately my shepherd had an obsession that we couldn't completely break her of and that was chasing cars. Ever since she was a pup she just LOVES cars. Loves them to the point of becoming almost psycho dog. :-?:mrgreen:We even used to walk her along the raod side just to try and get her used to them and I thought she was out growing the habit but obviously not. :cry::cry::cry:

I've gotta go take these other girls out now.

So everyone give their dog(s) an extra hugg today in memory of my girl. :mrgreen:
No way Lacy im really really sorry to hear this, I have been devastated in the past from loosing pets. It can be just as hard as losing a friend and i know this from personal experience. I love my animals as much as a I love my friends and family.

How old was your shepherd, and how did it happen???



Well-Known Member
i havent been online in awile did this just happen yesterday...
I'm sorry not much anyone can say to make you feel better..
Your other dogs will cheer you up :)


Just some idiot
Hang in there Lacy it was mentioned earlier but you loved that dog, whether she was 3 or 13 you gave her the best life she could have ever had, and she knows this....I know it must be horribly painful but you know we care for you here and wish you the best. I actually started tearing the other day I do feel for you, I hate being an animal lover but it is the only way for me....and we both know that it hurts to love our pets....:cry:

Plus she wants you to smile, she loves you....


Too many brownies
My shepherd just turned 3 at the end of last september.
We lost our other one just 3 years ago and hubby wanted another one right away so we got her one month later.

Normally I take all the girls(3 dogs) in the car and we go to many areas that have trails going along rivers, lakes etc. I could also have taken them out back but it is hunting season and although people aren't suppose to hunt back there, they do. :-?

So I put them all on their leashes and headed down the road. I looked both ways down the country dirt road to make sure no cars were coming and I then cut into the woods and took their leashes off. I take the shepherds' off first because she gets so excited and wants to go. Plus shes a big girl. While I was letting the other girls off their leashes I looked up and my shepherd that is normally up waiting isn't there :shock::o I immediately look over to my right and there she is running back to the road because she heard a car. Before I knew it she was in her car pouncing mode and I just knew I didn't have a chance to run back out and save her. I knew at THAT VERY MOMENT that she was gonna be killed and there was nothing I could do about it. :cry:
Plus I had my other little girls with me and I was screaming at the top of my lungs and my big baby just wasn't listening:neutral: The car came...and I hear a loud bang :cry: and I see my baby smack the front of the windshield and bounce into the ditch. My 87 pound shepherd just bounced off like a 10 lb. sack of potatoes. :cry:
Now that vision keeps flashing over and over in my mind.

The neigbours came out and couldn't understand what I was saying and when they finally understood they said she was 'gone' and to go back home. :cry::cry::cry:
I flipped out! :cry::cry::cry: Was completely in shock for the longest time and couldn't stop screaming. the neighbours called the ambulance and the o.p.p. :? I know they meant well but that just made things worse. :-|

I have 5 big skeletons of pot plants out on my back deck plus 11 or 12 big jars of stash inside the house.:-|:roll::cry:
I'm still in shock and now there are 3 police cars and an ambulance out in the front of my house. :shock::o:o:o

I know my neighbours were just concerned becasue hubby was out work and I couldn't get a hold of him and I was obviously freaking and nobody knew what to do. :-| I was in the house when they came to the door and asked to come in. I said no. One of them was a woman cop and she asked me 'why got a grow op in there.?' :shock::o
Well I'm not growing any plants in the house but they really spooked me. :-| My neighbour said 'no' very quickly and I just backed right off of my front door.
They said they wanted the paramedics to look me over and I said no. The police woman asked why and I said that i don't want to be looked over right bow, I just witnessed my shepherd being bounced off some guys windshield. The guy was just flying down this dirt road.
Then some other cops starting coming up our driveway and 3 paramedics. It was a nightmare!!!!!:shock::shock::shock: I kept pinching myself hoping to God that I was somehow dreaming and having a nightmare. They kept asking to go in my house and I kept refusing. I finally walked over to the side of my house and made a fuss over my other dogs who were shaking and totally freaked out. :-|:cry:

Finally my husband came home and took care of everything . He's my man. He's my hero. He let them all know that I was ok and that he would handle it from there and one by one all the police and paramedics left.
Not long after they were gone we built a fire and burned all the plant evidence while I got some proper meds inot me.

It was a total day from hell but what can you do. Sh*t happenes. :-|:cry:
Unfortunately my shepherd had an obsession that we couldn't completely break her of and that was chasing cars. Ever since she was a pup she just LOVES cars. Loves them to the point of becoming almost psycho dog. :-?:mrgreen:We even used to walk her along the raod side just to try and get her used to them and I thought she was out growing the habit but obviously not. :cry::cry::cry:

I've gotta go take these other girls out now.

So everyone give their dog(s) an extra hugg today in memory of my girl. :mrgreen:

Holy shit that must have sucked with the cops and everything...did they have nothing better to do, all those cops seem a bit ridiculious.

Awww lacy im really sorry that sucks. My old dog kasey was my absolute favorite dog. He would follow me everywhere and had the best personapllity of all the dogs ive ever owned. Well He wasnt really my dog (but we had 3 others so he was there 99% of the time) an older woman who lived down the road owned he would go back to her house ever few days and visit her. Well he used to have this bad habit of chasing cars...the worst part is he would bite at the front tire. I tried sooooooooo hard to break the habit, there was nothing I could do to stop him. Well one day he got a good bite of someones front tire (my friends father who hates animals) and his head just rolled right under it. I was standing there yelling the whole damn time at the guy to slow down....he told me "the stupid dog deserved it if he wasnt smart enough" he claimed it was survival of the fittest. The ignorant bastard.

I will always miss kasey at my side when I go get the mail or take out the trash, when I go down to the lake and swim, when I need someone to cheer me up, and when I need someone to lay down in bed with me because im feeling sick. After he had died I called his name a few times while going back in the house and I really realized how much I would miss him at that point.

Since then ive gotten a new little boy (a poodle hahaha). Now he is the one to do things around the house with me and make me laugh when im doing something that would otherwise be boring or meaningless.

Ill give him a nice hug for you.

im sorry...I know its shitty


Well-Known Member
Just a little thing that happened today. I have a little chiwawa. He dosent like anybody except the people that live in the household with him. He likes to mess around with other dogs. You know, sniff there butts, try to pee higher than they do, things like that. Being a smaller dog, he has always acted like he is a big mean dog to people and other dogs until he gets to know them. Anyway, today I let him out on his run so he could go pee. We have a back porch and he uses his paw and nose to open the screen door and comes in the porch. I heard him do his yelp, letting me know he was ready to come in. I went out to get him and his ears were standing up and kind of laid back. He was looking out the screen door. I knew when I saw his ears something was up. I looked out and saw a pitbull that has not been in our neighborhood before. He must give off a pretty bad vibe, because I never heard my dog bark at him once. He came in the house and I checked to see if he was attacked. He was fine, but scared. He laid down beside of me and was trembeling, so I covered him up with his blanket that he always sleeps under and he laid his little head on my leg. When I was sitting there looking at him and petting him I thought of you. I will allways remember these little funny ways about this dog. I will probably never have another one that has the personality that he has. And when it is time for him to leave me, if I dont go first, I will always have the memories of joy that he has given me. So, try to remeber the good times and dont think so much of the day he went away. Only think of the good days. I am sure there were many of them.


New Member
Thank you papajock. I'm glad your furry friend is ok. I do have a lot of great memories with my shepherd girl. She was the best. I know she is in a better place and is happy and peaceful. This I know without a doubt.
I also know that being human we grieve for our loss more than their loss. We grieve for ourselves and the emptiness that stings our hearts. I know its basically self pity but its all just so fresh.

I keep expecting her to come rubbing against me wanting to be pet. She was always the first one up every morning and was always in the best of moods, tail wagging, kisses for all. Whenever I would get up in the middle of the night due to insomnia, she would get up with me.
She always made me feel protected no matter where I went. I just hope she knows how much she meant to me.

Now I just go over all the things I could have done differently and how she could have had a better life.
There is no possible way she could have had a better life. She had the best! This alone brings me some peace.

Thanks Papajock:neutral::peace::blsmoke:
Just a little thing that happened today. I have a little chiwawa. He dosent like anybody except the people that live in the household with him. He likes to mess around with other dogs. You know, sniff there butts, try to pee higher than they do, things like that. Being a smaller dog, he has always acted like he is a big mean dog to people and other dogs until he gets to know them. Anyway, today I let him out on his run so he could go pee. We have a back porch and he uses his paw and nose to open the screen door and comes in the porch. I heard him do his yelp, letting me know he was ready to come in. I went out to get him and his ears were standing up and kind of laid back. He was looking out the screen door. I knew when I saw his ears something was up. I looked out and saw a pitbull that has not been in our neighborhood before. He must give off a pretty bad vibe, because I never heard my dog bark at him once. He came in the house and I checked to see if he was attacked. He was fine, but scared. He laid down beside of me and was trembeling, so I covered him up with his blanket that he always sleeps under and he laid his little head on my leg. When I was sitting there looking at him and petting him I thought of you. I will allways remember these little funny ways about this dog. I will probably never have another one that has the personality that he has. And when it is time for him to leave me, if I dont go first, I will always have the memories of joy that he has given me. So, try to remeber the good times and dont think so much of the day he went away. Only think of the good days. I am sure there were many of them.


New Member
I really wanted to respond to each and everyone of you but I just can't do that right now. Your thoughts and prayers are so warmly accepted and appreciated. this will become easier with time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kial. I'm glad that your st. bernard came through. Dog loving stoners are the best people in the world.:blsmoke:

Cheers I also have a german shepherd there extremly loyal dogs we have had them in the past also and they have all shown much loyalty


New Member
This was my 2nd German Shepherd and probably my last.
My other girl lived 13 years. We put her down 3 years ago due to illness. I just love them.
Cheers I also have a german shepherd there extremly loyal dogs we have had them in the past also and they have all shown much loyalty


New Member
Thanks Bongspit. Yes. We got a lot of it and it's still snowing. Ellie is adorable. Is that a photograph or a photo of a painting? Really cute!
beautiful pictures...I love the dogs and the snow....ellie says hi..I hope your feelin better...
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