Been a Long Time Coming ~ Been a long Time Gone

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
That'll be a great day for cultivators all over the world!

I have noticed in your other experiment that there seems no difference in growth in the different sized pots. like the plants are growing in their own way regardless of the root space.

Absolutely correct. I do sense a difference between the plants in clay pots_Annette & Agnes_and the ones in plastic. Nothing I can put my finger on but just a sense, the clay might be a better selection. Annette is deff skunky for sure. :)

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
The resin exuded by the glandular trichome forms a sphere that encases the head cells.

When the resin spheres are separated from the dried plant material by electrostatic attraction and placed on a microscope slide illuminated with a 100W incandescent bulb, they appear very dark when observed through a 300X microscope. Since orange, red, and infrared are the component wavelengths of incandescent light, and since the absorption of light makes an object dark or opaque to the frequency of the incoming wave, one can conclude that these wavelengths are probably not directly involved in energizing the cannabinoid pathway.

However, the resin sphere is transparent to ultraviolet radiation.

The author found through trial and error that only one glandular
trichome exhibits the phytochemical process that will produce the amount of THC associated with pain relief, appetite stimulation and anti-nausea; euphoria and hallucinations are side-effects, however. This trichome is triggered into growth by either of the two ways that the floral bract is turned into fruit. :joint::hump::joint:

Of all the ways that optics are involved in the phytochemical production of THC, the most interesting has to be how the head cells and cannabinoid molecules are tremendously magnified by the resin sphere. These and other facts are curiously absent from the literature. The footnotes update the literature to include electrostatic separation of the resin sphere from the dried plant material and marijuana parthenocarpy.


New Member
The resin exuded by the glandular trichome forms a sphere that encases the head cells.

When the resin spheres are separated from the dried plant material by electrostatic attraction and placed on a microscope slide illuminated with a 100W incandescent bulb, they appear very dark when observed through a 300X microscope. Since orange, red, and infrared are the component wavelengths of incandescent light, and since the absorption of light makes an object dark or opaque to the frequency of the incoming wave, one can conclude that these wavelengths are probably not directly involved in energizing the cannabinoid pathway.

However, the resin sphere is transparent to ultraviolet radiation.

The author found through trial and error that only one glandular
trichome exhibits the phytochemical process that will produce the amount of THC associated with pain relief, appetite stimulation and anti-nausea; euphoria and hallucinations are side-effects, however. This trichome is triggered into growth by either of the two ways that the floral bract is turned into fruit. :joint::hump::joint:

Of all the ways that optics are involved in the phytochemical production of THC, the most interesting has to be how the head cells and cannabinoid molecules are tremendously magnified by the resin sphere. These and other facts are curiously absent from the literature. The footnotes update the literature to include electrostatic separation of the resin sphere from the dried plant material and marijuana parthenocarpy.
wow... thankyou, excellent find.

I've never believed that trich's react to light directly. They are a defence against the light..... yet, why is resin production so increased towards the end of flower (although I'm positive this is a time thing)? This is the time when the sun is getting weaker. I'm almost sure that trich's are there to protect from the sun, ENCOURAGE animal intervention and... to help catch male pollen. It seems that their primary function, or the reason cannabis evolved trich's in the first place is to catch pollen. Was thc present in this early resin? As we know today, not all trich's carry the potent cannabinoids, so i think it's reasonable to say that the cannabinoids are a later step in cannabis' evolutionary path.

I also like the idea of electro-static separation of the trichomes. I swear, i'd sit there all day removing them. lol. I haven't got my dictionary to hand so I'm a little lost as to what parthenocarpy means...


Well-Known Member
good morning folks - Websters - the production of fruits without fertilization i.e., bananas set fruit by parthenocarpy and without pollination.

I am going to have to go back and read this all over again.....I am having trouble interpreting this paper...thanks for your notes Skunk.


Well-Known Member
i have nothing intelligent to contribute, but i just waked and baked haha, and felt the need to voice how much i'm enjoying this thread! :mrgreen:


New Member
good morning folks - Websters - the production of fruits without fertilization i.e., bananas set fruit by parthenocarpy and without pollination.

I am going to have to go back and read this all over again.....I am having trouble interpreting this paper...thanks for your notes Skunk.
Thanks for the definition... I'd never really considered that aspect before.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
wow... thankyou, excellent find.

I've never believed that trich's react to light directly. They are a defence against the light.....
More food for thought :)

(1) "For all spheres, a ray drawn perpendicular to the sphere's surface will intersect the center of the sphere, no matter what spot on the surface is picked, and the magnifying power(a) of a glass sphere is greater the smaller its size. A sphere of glass can also bring light that is heading to a focus behind it to a point within it, with freedom from two aberrations, spherial aberration and coma, but not from chromatic aberration. Chromatic aberration results when different wavelengths are focused on different planes and is the most difficult of the aberrations to correct. The human eye lens also exhibits chromatic aberration, but a yellow pigment(b) called the macula lutea in the fovea, an area at the rear of the eyeball, corrects this problem by the way it absorbs blue light."

(a)"The formula to calculate the magnifying power of a sphere is l=333/d, where l is the magnifying power and d is the diameter of the sphere expressed in mm."

(b)Interestingly, the resin exuded by drug-type flowering female marijuana plants has a yellow tint. Could this pigment work to correct chromatic aberration in the resin sphere like the macula lutea does in the fovea for the eyeball?

Here is something to 'chew' on for a bit. I get it, kinda,:roll: lol

Now....wake and bake for me....I'm late
. The bong will think I don't love it anymore :(


New Member
so the lens, or head of the trichome works in much the same way as the human eye in distinguishing from the colours of the spectrum...? Indeed magnifies it to a point in the plant... like a filtering process?

This might explain an abundance of trich' production on dark periods. In an effort to gain some light (even moonlight) the plant starts putting out more and more trich's... but are they potent? I doubt it still, it seems crazy that if indeed the plant does put effort into producing trich's to capture sunlight that it would also add any potency to them. I believe the potency is separate to the actual trich' production.

Although this has confused me a little more, as it will shoot away my surmission that trich's are first and foremost for pollenation. Which makes sense to do, as males also have trich's.

Maybe the plant evolved trich's for both reasons at the same time, which is why the female will produce more.

I have football to watch now... I suppose thoughts of this thread, and others will stay with me throughout the game.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I wonder what the UVA & UVB numbers are like under full moon condition?

I wonder if the moon can reflect the UV from the sun?

Should we, reconsider the absolute rule of total darkness during flowering?



Well-Known Member
danngggg my head hurts after trying to wrap my mind around some of this. i better go back to get me "edjumacation" HAHA.


Well-Known Member
I am in the process....of processing or trying to process all of this into something....I am making a list of what we seem to have deduced so far, and then I can hopefully make some semi-intelligent interpretation and possible extrapolation for further discussion and debate....I am also going to read through this....and see what else I might be able to learn. (Antique Cannabis Book / A Price Guide to Antiques)

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Masta! :) Hey buddy, how the heck are you? Smoking dem budz I bet. Don't worry, you don't have to figure this out, we'll do it and pass it along. You can just sit back, relax and enjoy the trip 8)

Here's a bit o' music for your Thanksgiving eve:
YouTube - 7th Heaven Broken

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Tahoe, I'd zero in on Chapter 4....woohoo... extracts

I am in the process....of processing or trying to process all of this into something....I am making a list of what we seem to have deduced so far, and then I can hopefully make some semi-intelligent interpretation and possible extrapolation for further discussion and debate....I am also going to read through this....and see what else I might be able to learn. (Antique Cannabis Book / A Price Guide to Antiques)


Well-Known Member
hahahaha...I wish...the "illusion" of smoking bud.....I can only dream....for now...

I have found some other VERY interesting pierces of info...I will post as soon as I can put it all together into some thing meaningful.....this is fun....sicentific research skills being put into overdrive....I love it...though if I had some stinkin' bud....I KNOW I could do a MUCH better job! hahahahaha :blsmoke:
Masta! :) Hey buddy, how the heck are you? Smoking dem budz I bet. Don't worry, you don't have to figure this out, we'll do it and pass it along. You can just sit back, relax and enjoy the trip 8)

Here's a bit o' music for your Thanksgiving eve:
YouTube - 7th Heaven Broken

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Wow, I read an article about how banana's are all clones and the ones we are eating now are going out of existence and how they are trying to engineer a replacement.
Lack of Sex Life Threatens Banana Crops

good morning folks - Websters - the production of fruits without fertilization i.e., bananas set fruit by parthenocarpy and without pollination.

I am going to have to go back and read this all over again.....I am having trouble interpreting this paper...thanks for your notes Skunk.


Well-Known Member
I'm working on it...I'm working on it...I'm getting there....but I want it to be meaningful....its not there yet.


Well-Known Member
Hey Grandfather

Loving the grow, especially interested in the Durban Poison as I'm from South Africa but living in England now. I've smoked DP before and it was great, really trippy if I remember right(or at all). I'm going to try and get hold of some so we can compare. Good Luck with the grow bro:blsmoke: