1st attempt: Master Kush/Snow White/Aurora Indica


Well-Known Member
alright everyone here's week 2 update-

So I transplanted all 3 of my plants 3 days ago and they all bounced back great! The MK is doing great, already on the 5th node and lots of internodes already visible. The AI is catching up to the MK. As for the SW, it FINALLY shed its seed! Still looks all fucked up with the twisted leaves...As for the mango seeds, both are doing great, didn't get any stretch at all so im just hoping they make it out of those cups! One of them looks like a mutant, has 3 leaves (check out the pic). Since I have a shitload of these seeds (counted over 40) Im gonna use these two as "experiments" and try doing some LST on them. Also plan to start the nutes at 1 week.

As a side note, also added (2) 27 watt 6500K for both the mango and also added a cool mist humidifier. This humidifier I got creates a ton of mist, i wonder if this is safe for the plants? Anyways, enjoy the pics!

First 3 is the MK, next 2 is the AI, then the SW, and mango.
looks real good jpnspec! when you plan on switching them to flower? looks like they maybe ready in a week or two, but you may not have much room for flower if they get much taller during veg. they can mostly triple in size during flower. i will be followin ya, latr :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
looks real good jpnspec! when you plan on switching them to flower? looks like they maybe ready in a week or two, but you may not have much room for flower if they get much taller during veg. they can mostly triple in size during flower. i will be followin ya, latr :bigjoint:
hey gumball-

thanks for following! thinking of maybe flowering in about 2 to 3 weeks. this current setup i got going is temporary, I have a cabinet that ive been modifiying for flower so ill be moving them over. Plus i got them rised up with some boxes now so they still have plenty of room to grow. Man i swear these things get bigger within a few hours!


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3728630]No it was just a single root, so i shoved it bac up there haha

plants look damn good man


haha good shit! man just saw your video....your plants look really clean and crisp! topping looks good too. thinking of topping all mine too in about a week or so!


Well-Known Member
noice! lookin real noice! curious about that Mango!
appreciate it! yah im really curious about this so called mango too! i got it from a friend of a friend (you know how that goes) so no clue how this is gonna turn out. im gonna try and LST the shit out of it haha


Well-Known Member
and yes I know how gettin beans from a friend could b, i also got my Romulan seeds from a homie and now im going to see how they turn out...


Well-Known Member
So today is exactly one week since transplanting all 3 of my plants. I fed them with 1/4 strength of Jack's veg in PH 6.5 water. Also picked up some Dyna Bloom for flowering. I have Jack's blossom booster as well but since they lack both cal/mag, picked up the dyna bloom 3-12-6 which should compensate for this lack of deficiency and plan to switch between the two during flowering. (props to riddleme for this)

Also, today is exactly one week for both my mango (after breaking soil). I also went ahead and fed them some Jack's as well.

Everything is going smoothly so far, I am going to hold off on the pics until this weekend so you guys can really see the difference in a week!! Stay tuned.....


Well-Known Member
LST the shit out of a plant never hurts...only makes it stronger :-) just like people!
haha, i completely agree! Im planning to transplant the mango's in a 2 gallon grow bag (which is all i have), so im not too sure now how im gonna be able to tie them down but ill try and figure something out!


Well-Known Member
So im out here looking out the window stoned and see alot of rain pouring down. I live on a top floor and theres a cracked drainage that collects all the rain. So i went out there with a 5 gallon bucket and filled it up. Within a couple hours my shit is full! I heard rain water is supposed to have all these minerals and shit so I figure ill use these to flush my plants out between feedings...see if this does anything haha

the rain water came out to PH 6.1...def more acidic than tap water! ill def use this


Well-Known Member
yeh im still collecting rain water its been raining here for 2 days straight now! plants love rain water*


Well-Known Member
Looking good


Rain is best when collected off of a tin roof, if possible :mrgreen:
thanks for following along! My roof is not tin unfortunately but should be good nonetheless!

Nice start man, that master kush is looking really good, looks just like how mine started out.
appreciate it. im really liking the MK, super fast growth and tons of internode. stay tuned for pic update!

I like that rain idea, i might try that also.
yah doesn't get better than mother nature, I just collected 10 gal of rain water