Bubblelicious, clone to harvest + bonus: gel or powder?


Active Member
Sup people?

This thread will be about growing Bubblelicious (Bubblegum) from clone to harvest. I will also make an experiment to see what is best for cloning: gel or powder?

The Bubblelicious is an Indica dominant plant w a stoney high and short "bushy" plants. Its resin production is rediculous xD w hard buds and has a sweet smell and taste, hence the nick name "Bubblegum".

I will be taking clones from another clone that is now 6 weeks old. The clones will be put in rockwool cubes soaked in water mixed w 0,5ml/l Alg-A-Mic wich is a "vitalitybooster" N-P-K: 0.1-0.1-0.1, calcium 0.2% and Mg 0.1% PH'd to 6,5 and under 24h of light, fluoros, coolwhite.

1 row of clones will be dipped in Clonex (u dip bottom of stem in this gel to promote root growth)
1row of clones will be dipped in cloning powder (same as the gel to promote root growth except this is a powder)

I have only used Clonex before w great results, but i thought to get u guys and girls to hang around for the "slow" start, i'd throw in a bonus experiment :hug:

When clones have rooted i will transfer them to BioBiz All-mix soil and after 2-3 weeks start feeding w organic nutes from BioBizz.
Veg: BioGrow + BioHeaven + foliar feeding w Alg-A-Mic.
Bloom: BioHeaven + TopMax + BioBloom + BioGrow (small amounts) + Alg-A-Mic (small amounts).

They will be vegged under 200W Envirolite CFL coolwhite + fluoros (coolwhite + warmwhite), and for bloom i will use 2 x 400W HPS Sylvania SHP-TS.

I havent decided method yet, SCROG, LST, topping or FIM...that will be answered once i know how the clones look like and how they grow to see what will suit them best :roll:

Here are some pics of the "mother" + clones and the set up.

Enjoy the ride, I know I will :weed:

//Keep it real! Peace, CaL!



Well-Known Member
I noticed in your picture that you have cut some of the fan leaves. Its deff not the first time ive seen pictures of people doing that... does it seem to bother your plants ever? is there a purpose other then getting more light to other parts of the plant? New grower lookin 4 tips


Active Member
I noticed in your picture that you have cut some of the fan leaves. Its deff not the first time ive seen pictures of people doing that... does it seem to bother your plants ever? is there a purpose other then getting more light to other parts of the plant? New grower lookin 4 tips
Reason why u cut bigger leaves is to redirect the growth to the roots and still leave the leaf sitting...since clones have no roots they take up what they need through the leaves. But u dont cut the leaves on the top set of leaves, thats where u want new shoots to grow.

3 days since i cut clones and they seem to be doing fine...no roots popping out yet...will take another 2-7 days =)

I went in and took another clone and some pics for u and others who are wondering "how to clone".

Pic1: Clonex rooting hormone, razor blade, scissors and a rockwool cube
Pic2: Selected cutting for cloning
Pic3: Make a 45degree angle cut and scrape the outer layer off up till the first node (1/3-1/2inch). This done to expose the "flesh" and promote more roots.
Pic4: Dip the cutting up till the first node so that the whole "scraped" area gets covered.
Pic5: Place ur cutting in a rockwool cube (if u use soil, dont put it in a hot soil or it will 100% get burnt in some way, comon sign: really red stalks on fanleaves), then cut the bigger leaves in bout half and leave the top set, thats where u want new growth to shoot.

Keep popping by, this thread will be "done" first in 12-16 weeks when harvest is done, mid May?!

:peace: //CaL



Active Member
I noticed in your picture that you have cut some of the fan leaves. Its deff not the first time ive seen pictures of people doing that... does it seem to bother your plants ever? is there a purpose other then getting more light to other parts of the plant? New grower lookin 4 tips
Because the plants transpire from the leaves, you cut them shorter so they do not lose so much moisture.

Because of the absence of roots during the first few days, the cuttings will get their water through the leafs and humid environment. :weed:


Active Member
Reason why u cut bigger leaves is to redirect the growth to the roots and still leave the leaf sitting...since clones have no roots they take up what they need through the leaves. But u dont cut the leaves on the top set of leaves, thats where u want new shoots to grow.

3 days since i cut clones and they seem to be doing fine...no roots popping out yet...will take another 2-7 days =)

I went in and took another clone and some pics for u and others who are wondering "how to clone".

Pic1: Clonex rooting hormone, razor blade, scissors and a rockwool cube
Pic 2: Selected cutting for cloning
Pic3: Make a 45degree angle cut and scrape the outer layer off up till the first node (1/3-1/2inch). This done to expose the "flesh" and promote more roots.
Pic 4: dip the cutting up till the first node so that the whole "scraped" area gets covered.
Pic 5: Place ur cutting in a rockwool cube (if u use soil, dont put it in a hot soil or it will 100% get burnt in some way, comon sign: really red stalks on fanleaves), then cut the bigger leaves in bout half and leave the top set, thats where u want new growth to shoot.

Keep popping by, this thread will be "done" first in 12-16 weeks when harvest is done, mid May?!

:peace: //CaL
Do not dip the cutting directly in the jar of clonex if you plan on using it again. You will contaminate the entire jar. You should have placed the it in a separate container like a shot glass or a small dish.


Active Member
Do not dip the cutting directly in the jar of clonex if you plan on using it again. You will contaminate the entire jar. You should have placed the it in a separate container like a shot glass or a small dish.
I know they say that...but I've had this Clonex for 4-5 years...It's running out...and never a problem. My personal thoughts on why they say to u to put in a separate container, is that each time u use it, u poor up some amount in a container, but whats left u cant put back into the lil bottle cuz then u will "contaminate" it, hence u waste cloning hormone and need to buy a new 1 sooner, cloning gel manufacturer makes more $$$, so transparent. :lol: It was actually my first thought when I read instructions, that it must be wrong, and is just a sales trick...my Clonex works fine still, It's past its best-before-date and also I'm a "doubble-dipper". I know I'ts not expensive, but I dont like "sales tricks". :mrgreen: I'm talking outta own experience using the gel, not what I heard or read!

:peace: //CaL


Active Member
It's actually just a precautionary measure because there's always a risk of infection/contamination and it's a risk I don't like to take. I usually separate just the right amount I can consume so nothing gets wasted.

Anyhow, it's good to know your method works for you. Different strokes for different folks :-)


Active Member
my bubblicious just sprouted from seed. gonna be watching this thread closely.
Welcome to the thread! Happy to see another bubblegum lover, truly is one of my fav strains :mrgreen:

Not much happening at the moment. 4 days since i took clones, they look good and 1 of them has a lil tiny white root tip looking out of the bottom of the rock wool cube. Looking to transplant them in maybe 4-7 days, well see =)

Their mother is in late flower and looking very nice :bigjoint: U find that thread in my sig.

:peace: //CaL


Well-Known Member
i say powder.
clonex roots faster sometimes but since i use bubblecloners i prefer sterile and dont want to take the risk on contanimation.
i also dont scrape or scarify


Active Member
i'm in for this one☻

i say powder.
clonex roots faster sometimes but since i use bubblecloners i prefer sterile and dont want to take the risk on contanimation.
i also dont scrape or scarify
Well I scrape and it seems to make them root faster and more roots compared to clones I took earlier in my career not scraping, I think...maybe time for a new test next time around for cloning :lol: Only one way to know, do a side-by-side...
For the gel vs powder, It's first time I use powder, a friend who grows hydro gave me to try, Riso...sumthing I think it was called?!

Thx for ur thoughts!



Active Member
...what I had seen that looked like a tiny root tip was just something else...LOL...u see what u want to see, no?! :mrgreen:

All 8 clones looking strong and I have 2 more additions to the vegging family. 2 x northern lights. They were given to me saturday morning from a friend I didnt know was growing =) They have been brought up under CFL's and they look "ok". They both show signs of nute burn, but my friend swears he didnt give them any so far. I transpanted them into a light soil and allready they are doing better. So now this thread is bout Bubblegum and Northern light. :blsmoke:

:peace: //CaL



Active Member
i have had great luck with both powders and gels but i like the cleanliness of the gel

check out my first hydro op

I looked up ur first hydro op...looks nice! xD +rep for the budget project.

Yeah, the gel I find easier to use...mb thats cuz I got the powder in a lil "baggy", was a beetch. One thing I've noticed so far though is that the gel makes the clones grow a big "hump" on the bottom stem and that dont seem to be the case w the clones dipped in powder.



Active Member
So I went and bought fresh soil and perlite for the NL's. When I got them they had really red stems and stalks + lower leaves was turning yellow beginning from the tip. I watered them w nutes yesterday and today I can see a remarkable difference. The redness is wearing off. So I concluded it was a N-P-K def and bought some fresh soil. For the next week I will only water them w PH'd water and foliar feed twice w Alg-A-Mic (0.1-0.1-0.1). From the first transplant, Saturday, they both had shot roots beyond my expectations. They are now 25 day from seeds, 7inch tall..

The clones are looking healthy but i pulled one clone that I had taken from a plant wich I now can see is not desirable for cultivation and I replaced it with 1more clone taken from the same mother as the others, but I didnt have any more rockwool cubes so I put it in a light soil mix.

Have a nice day!




Active Member
So in a day or two its time to plant the first 2-4 clones into soil. So far the clones dipped in the powder has rooted far beyond those dipped in Clonex. As I have stated earlier in this thread my Clonex is past best-b4-date but worked just fine last time i cloned 6 weeks ago on the same strain and they all rooted withing 4-6 days, no lie, maybe its getting too old and isnt as "active" nemore or its just that the "powder" really is better for faster root growth?! Anywho...I will stick to the powder...ME LIKE! :mrgreen:

I have bought 2 kinds of soil. 1 light soil for roots to get aclimated in and then break through to another layer of "hot" soil 2-3 days after transplant. So the top layer of soil in their pots will be light (2-2½inch)...dun wanna chock them babies w too much hotness too soon, and a second layer of the hotter soil full of all nutrients for the first 2-3 weeks beneath that first layer. This way you will introduce your clones to a new medium that isnt "too much" for them and by that less stress and a better start. :blsmoke:

Both soils I will be using have a PH of 6,0...now some of you gonna say" THATS WAY TOO LOW"!!! And to that I say: ITS NOT!...hahaha! I have used both of them before, the light soil is just another cheap brand from the supermarket in my country, and the other soil is THE soil I tell ya...Its not BioBizz, its a local brand of my country wich is the soil used as "reference soil" in all soil tests carried out over here, thats how it got my attention. Its full of all macro ( NPK: 14-7-15) and micro nutrients, as you guys will see on the pics I will attach very soon...Both soils tend to get very compact since they contain sand also, so I mix them up with 15-20% Perlite with a PH value of 6,5-7,0...this also helps to raise the PH slightly in the soil and make it well airated and easy for roots to break through. I have misted my clones frequently w PH'd water of 6,2-6,3 also to get them aclimated to a PH lower than 6,5...their mother and her mother and her mother all grown up in the same soil and with great results...dont believe me? check my Bubblegum journal in the sig...those ladies are brought up in the same soilmix.

Also using BioBizz nutrients help stabilize the PH of the soil and the BioGrow contains a "soil activator" and BioHeaven enhances utilization and translocation of nutrients in fertilizer blends & foliars and boosts up the anti-oxidant system of the plant, rids the plant of toxins built up during periods of stress, repairs chlorophyll and restimulates the plant. SO all-in-all...I got all bases covered :eyesmoke:(not sure thats the right expression, English is not my mother toungue...) Gimme few minutes and ima post pics of the contents of the different soils beeing used for this grow...and hopefully some good pics of the clones...back to cellphone camera again...sigh.

The Northern lights are doing awesome and one of them has showed pre-flower...I'm so hoping the bigger of them two to be a male ;-) And btw...they are planted in the hot soil. :bigjoint:

Have a nice weekend RIU...tis gonna be a busy weekend...hehe.

:peace: //CaL

Edit: First pic of plants are the 2 NL's a friend gave me 5 days ago...you guys see how they are growing? The 1 in the foreground has female pre-flower and the 1 in the background....u guessed right...IT'S A MALE, and hes growing like theres no tomorrow...I named him John Candy. Hes a keeper for my first ever try to cross 2 plants and to "make" seeds. Next pic is on the mother of the clones I'll soon be planting in soil, at soon 2 weeks of flowering. Any1 but me like her top(s)?
Edit 2: Added pics of the clones. The top row of 4 clones are those dipped in powder, they will get planted in soil later today or tomorrow, Ima go prepare their soil. Ta da.
Edit 3: Two clones have gotten planted in soil and their roots look very good, 11 days since I cut them, those 2 were dipped in powder.
Edit 4: Four clones planted and another 2 clones put under the humidity dome.



Active Member
Nice clones! Can't wait to clone mine :-)

I have unopened jars of Dutch Master and Clonex rooting gels. I wish I had powder as well :-)


Active Member
Nice clones! Can't wait to clone mine :-)

I have unopened jars of Dutch Master and Clonex rooting gels. I wish I had powder as well :-)
Thx! They have been in soil for soon 48 hours and they look great ;) One thing I have noticed is that clones roots A LOT faster in soil...i put a clone in soil, used Clonex, took 4 days and its out in the open, fastest clones to root well enough to transplant took 11 days in rockwool. Its first time ever I put clones in rockwool, always used soil before, and I think I will go back to soil again ;) and I will never buy Clonex again, I will buy powder...
Now they gonna veg for 5-6 weeks, topping them and tie them down...I think, havent decided yet =)
