Is it possible to root clones with no powder/gel

good question... someone wish to experiment and report...?!
Lol didnt notice the 4 year old thing
also I almost woud bet the aero beats the jar simply due to.more dissolved oxygen in the water :) I know my lady sticks tomatoe cuts into water all the time never has much problems
I just cut and put them in rapid rooters, each rooter in its on solo cup. Keep the bottom of the cup wet with water, and by 2 weeks you will see roots. I did NOT use cloning powder on this last run and it took a couple of days longer, but as long as you keep them moist, they will do their best to liiivvveeeeee
Yeah but you know honestly they May live but they do Not thrive. I Tried the ole sticking them in soil in a water table with willow tea and humidity... And it took like Two to Three weeks to establish and even then Some did Not even have roots.! I Am definitely new to cuttings, but it seems that just straight water May be Still the best. Rain water preferably... Seeds sprout in 12 hours for me in rain water! 3 Days with Tap water.
Lol didnt notice the 4 year old thing
also I almost woud bet the aero beats the jar simply due to.more dissolved oxygen in the water :) I know my lady sticks tomatoe cuts into water all the time never has much problems
Yes exactly! I would probably agree with that... Otherwise just straight water... Oxygen plays such in integral part to So Much I have come to realize!
First I LOVE your avatar quote! It Is the duty of Citizens to protect this
nation from All.Enemiesforeign And Domestic.!
I've read heard that soaking willow bark in your water can overnight can help encourage root growth. That's what my grandmother claimed was her secret to success in cloning various flowers.

Haven't tried it personally, yet.
but willow Does contain the main ingredient in.aspirin and aids in rooting... Though the exact process don't ask me, I would not like to lead you done the wrong path...
Stuborn strains can still take over a week in aero but
you never have slimed dead clones .
the aero provides the perfect environment so they thrive no matter how long they take
thats why I think its the best ways as of now
First I LOVE your avatar quote! It Is the duty of Citizens to protect this
nation from All.Enemiesforeign And Domestic.!
but willow Does contain the main ingredient in.aspirin and aids in rooting... Though the exact process don't ask me, I would not like to lead you done the wrong path...

As for the quote, I believe it.

In regards to the willow bark, I will try it soon. Gonna help my mom in her rose garden and we wanna try her mom's "secret".
@Cold$moke how much money do you have in your setup woukd it be wroth to buy 1 (like this)or make 1. I no the making 1 has the I did that factor. View attachment 3286025
Shit man honestly it would be close cause the tote and the pump are the most expensive part.
the reason I like mine is it also gives the plants a lil bit of elbow room to get nice tight nodes if they are crowded they'll wana stretch a lil bit just guesstimate but if you bought all the stuff (cause I dont know what all you got)
id be close mine might be a few bucks more but its twice the size
if this doesnt matter to you go for it .
im happy to see you get into any cloner :) I just enjoy thr challenge and mr cloner fits PERFECT under 4ft t5 just my 2 cents
Buy first for instant gratification

then after you get.exp you can build one you like or buy a more expesive one either way I almost guarantee you'll be happy
Of course, I'm gonna try it with cannabis too. I believe in the knowledge of our ancestors :)
Yes Sir Amen.!. Our Fore Fathers and Mothers were Brilliant people... From most every society... We think they were fools but it was Quite the Opposite! People for thousands of years made their own food, shelter, clothing, machinery and tools, I mean shit the Egyptians had Electricity!!
i agree rain water is best,, ive used it to pop seeds and in my cloner once, works far better than tap...i didnt even check the ph of the rain water,,i wish i did...i live up north and ive even melted snow a few times worked as well as rain water but you must let it get to room temp before using it. has anyone else used snow???
Good question on the snow the probwiould be if your in a low air quality area lol no acid rain
I have used snow in a pinch for bubble bags lol
Hey there, being the off season, and not realy having to much money to order gel/powder off the internet, is there anyway to root clones without dipping them in shit, like bare bones organic shit you know?

i was realy hoping to clone my babies but with no powder/gel how are they gonna root
Yes you can, they may take a little bit longer to root but for a simple answer yes