
Sorry to butt in here guys... I do come in peace, and this is after all my thread...:mrgreen:

Do you really believe this is real? Now, I'm not asking because I doubt myself... I just really want to know, if you honestly believe all this. I'm not asking for evidence, just total honesty. Is there not a doubt in your minds that Aliens have visited this planet? Honestly.'re not butting in man. I like to get your input on this subject because it usually forces me to do more research to prove a point.:mrgreen:

As far as the stories these guys are's hard to say. Basically it boils down to you just have to take their word for it as they have no proof. far as aliens visiting the planet....I absolutely, 100%, hands down, no questions asked, believe that they have visited Earth for thousands of years. I believe they are still visiting Earth......and as I said quite some time ago, I believe that they have something to do with us being here:blsmoke:
Sorry to butt in here guys... I do come in peace, and this is after all my thread...:mrgreen:

Do you really believe this is real? Now, I'm not asking because I doubt myself... I just really want to know, if you honestly believe all this. I'm not asking for evidence, just total honesty. Is there not a doubt in your minds that Aliens have visited this planet? Honestly.
My honest opinion was that the guy was on acid:mrgreen:

But then again i don't really know anything about what really did or did not actually happen so i cannot condemn him as i do not know for sure.
So to be honest my opinion is that he is probably nuts or saying it to make money,but theres always the element of doubt when you cannot see all the facts how can you form a real 100% doubtless opinion?:blsmoke:
how can you form a real 100% doubtless opinion?:blsmoke:

We do this all the time... we form doubtless opinions on many, many things.

Our minds work on two levels... the subconscious and the conscious. the subconscious picks up all thoughts before they even become thoughts. Some we repress and others we allow to develop. The ones we allow to develop become known as truths to our conscious mind, the ones we keep subdued remain only truths to our subconscious mind these we may interpret as lies to our conscious mind also.

Within the subconscious mind is the answer to everything, all you have to do is ask.
My UFO story rules.

Last August, I go on my roof to smoke a joint, before I light up I notice everything go completely mute, all the insects stopped making noise, I flicked the lighter and no sound came from it. Then a blue and red light fly over my head goin pretty damn fast, then makes a sharp left, then right, then flys away into space, and when it left everything was making noise again.

it was so wierd.
All I can say is that my doubtless opinion comes from the all the evidence that surfaces worldwide on a daily basis. All you have to do is research the subject......the evidence is endless.
I wonder what kind of shit they use to get high... I'd twist one up with an alien. wonder what weed grows like on other planets. with different colored suns.

would a red dwarf star kick the flower into overdrive???
My UFO story rules.

Last August, I go on my roof to smoke a joint, before I light up I notice everything go completely mute, all the insects stopped making noise, I flicked the lighter and no sound came from it. Then a blue and red light fly over my head goin pretty damn fast, then makes a sharp left, then right, then flys away into space, and when it left everything was making noise again.

it was so wierd.

So, this alien spacecraft made the area around you completely silent? So it killed all sound in the area... could you hear yourself breathe?

Did the theme tune to Close Encounters of the Third Kind start playing as you noticed the lights?

If not, I doubt very much you had an alien encounter. ha ha ha ha
My UFO story rules.

Last August, I go on my roof to smoke a joint, before I light up I notice everything go completely mute, all the insects stopped making noise, I flicked the lighter and no sound came from it. Then a blue and red light fly over my head goin pretty damn fast, then makes a sharp left, then right, then flys away into space, and when it left everything was making noise again.

it was so wierd.

How far above your head was the object? Where did it come from? Did you get a look at the shape of the object? Do you live in the US or elsewhere?

I have numerous reports of electronics failing when a UFO is present, but never all sound going mute.
and as I said quite some time ago, I believe that they have something to do with us being here:blsmoke:

Why the fuck would you say that?

I just ate a biscuit I made from some very nice butter I made its from a Sativa (harvested early) and I was tripping like hell and on my way down then I read that and started crapping myself lol.

Seriously I would like to know why you said it.
Why the fuck would you say that?

I just ate a biscuit I made from some very nice butter I made its from a Sativa (harvested early) and I was tripping like hell and on my way down then I read that and started crapping myself lol.

Seriously I would like to know why you said it.

I say that because it makes perfect sense. If you do research on this subject you will find reports of aliens and UFOs all the way back to the stone age. The cavemen drew pictures of the greys and UFOs on the cave walls. They were here long before civilized man was. Ever hear of the missing link? Well that's where they come in. I certainley do not believe that we evolved from monkeys through the courses of nature. And I sure as hell don't believe that some great invisible guy in the sky waved his hand and created us.
I say that because it makes perfect sense. If you do research on this subject you will find reports of aliens and UFOs all the way back to the stone age. The cavemen drew pictures of the greys and UFOs on the cave walls. They were here long before civilized man was. Ever hear of the missing link? Well that's where they come in. I certainley do not believe that we evolved from monkeys through the courses of nature. And I sure as hell don't believe that some great invisible guy in the sky waved his hand and created us.

Yeah I am not into the religious bit, Zeitgeist finally finished any remote hope of that for me. I could believe in Darwinism though even without the final proof.

I was more interested in why you think they put us here, rather than if they did :)
Yeah I am not into the religious bit, Zeitgeist finally finished any remote hope of that for me. I could believe in Darwinism though even without the final proof.

I was more interested in why you think they put us here, rather than if they did :)

IMO they put us here to use us as slaves at first, but then abandoned us as they had no use for the planet after the great flood, or "Noah's flood" if you will.
IMO they put us here to use us as slaves at first, but then abandoned us as they had no use for the planet after the great flood, or "Noah's flood" if you will.

That's a bit like the basis to the many Stargate Series, I am interested in understanding more about what you beleive. I know all about Noah etc but has there been scientific evidence to prove that there was a great flood?

I thought one theory about Noah's Story was the reflooding of the Meditarranean after an ice age. Hold on its goes like this

Plates crash Med seals
Med Evaporates
Water from Med Dilutes Sea (ie less salt)
Higher (c) freezing point for water
Ice Age

End of Ice Age
Med refloods at Gibraltar
That's a bit like the basis to the many Stargate Series, I am interested in understanding more about what you beleive. I know all about Noah etc but has there been scientific evidence to prove that there was a great flood?

I thought one theory about Noah's Story was the reflooding of the Meditarranean after an ice age. Hold on its goes like this

Plates crash Med seals
Med Evaporates
Water from Med Dilutes Sea (ie less salt)
Higher (c) freezing point for water
Ice Age

End of Ice Age
Med refloods at Gibraltar

The only thing I have ever watched as far as Stargate goes is the original movie. I find the series a bit corny.

From what I understand there has indeed been scientific proof of the great flood. I covered some of it in here:

I have researched aliens and UFOs since I was a kid. My beliefs come from everything I have gathered and then put together on my own. I am more than happy to discuss my beliefs with you, just give me some specific questions. If I can answer them now I will, but if something needs to be described in great detail I will have to wait until I get home to answer as I am at work right now.:peace:
That's a bit like the basis to the many Stargate Series, I am interested in understanding more about what you beleive. I know all about Noah etc but has there been scientific evidence to prove that there was a great flood?

I thought one theory about Noah's Story was the reflooding of the Meditarranean after an ice age. Hold on its goes like this

Plates crash Med seals
Med Evaporates
Water from Med Dilutes Sea (ie less salt)
Higher (c) freezing point for water
Ice Age

End of Ice Age
Med refloods at Gibraltar

I'm speaking in whatever capacity I have as an anthropologist/archaeologist here. There is evidence of a flood on a massive scale in the Mediterranean/Middle East during the early Sumerian period, according to geological evidence. Several cultures around the world, ranging from East Asia, Africa, to parts of Latin America have a story of a flood in their folk history or cultural mythos.

In the Mediterranean and Middle East, most of the myths have some story of a boat being built by divine command. In Greece and Rome, it was Deukalion, in ancient Israel, Noah. The Epic of Gilgamesh (the oldest existing literary epic) from Babylon/Akkadia related the story of Utnapishtim, which is strikingly similar to the Biblical story, but with a few major differences. The Sumerian equivalent is a figure named Ziusudra; his story basically matches that related in the Gilgamesh Epic. In some stories, animals are involved, in others, no mention is made.

So, it's likely there was a massive flood that affected some parts of the world to different degrees, but it was localized in central Asia. The geological evidence as we have it only gives conclusive proof of such a natural disaster located in the Fertile Crescent, in what is now Iraq/Iran. The figure of the ship-builder and his family is likely descended from a common culturally shared oral history that may be partially based on real events. However, the extent of the historicity and reach of the event will probably never be conclusively proven. But it's definately interesting stuff, especially to mythologists and anthropologists, as it is one of the few stories that is so widespread. But the archaeological and geological evidence doesn't point to an event of Biblical proportions.

That's my two cents.

The only thing I have ever watched as far as Stargate goes is the original movie. I find the series a bit corny.

From what I understand there has indeed been scientific proof of the great flood. I covered some of it in here:

I have researched aliens and UFOs since I was a kid. My beliefs come from everything I have gathered and then put together on my own. I am more than happy to discuss my beliefs with you, just give me some specific questions. If I can answer them now I will, but if something needs to be described in great detail I will have to wait until I get home to answer as I am at work right now.:peace:

All the series are very corny but they dull my mind before sleep. I too believe there are alien life forms out there and its probably impossible for there not to be.

I guess I know the actual chances (as science determines now) of us meeting each other are impossible. I also know what science understands now will change for our children.

For aliens to visit earth, here I start getting a little patchy and when I saw your post saying they farmed us for slaves, I thought it a very bold statement and wondered what led you to say this. I have been reading the noah's arc stuff and it spirals into many sites.

I asked why you stated they farmed us and you answered for slaves but why? How do we know it was for slaves? What type of work were we used for ? and why did we cease to be useful after the great flood?

Can you sum it up for me so I can go and research some more about your hypotheses. I will continue to read the Noah's Ark stuff its interesting :)

All the best
The only thing I have ever watched as far as Stargate goes is the original movie. I find the series a bit corny.

From what I understand there has indeed been scientific proof of the great flood. I covered some of it in here:

I have researched aliens and UFOs since I was a kid. My beliefs come from everything I have gathered and then put together on my own. I am more than happy to discuss my beliefs with you, just give me some specific questions. If I can answer them now I will, but if something needs to be described in great detail I will have to wait until I get home to answer as I am at work right now.:peace:

Check out the first season of Stargate SG-1. The series got to be much more traditionally "sci-fi" as it developed and reached for new storylines. But the first few episodes of the first season especially are almost credible. They prided themselves on scientific and military accuracy early on. If you watch nothing else, rent the first DVD and watch the Pilot, called "Children of the Gods". It's good stuff.

I'm not one to criticize the spiritual beliefs of anyone, but while I'm convinced life has evolved on other planets, believing intelligent life exists is just that- belief. It can't be proven any more than the Flying Spaghetti Monster or any traditional religious system. And I've listened to many an eclectic new-ager relate stories of the "Star Children" and the intergalactic wars related by remote viewers between the "greys", "reds", etcetera. I see no reason why it is anymore credible than the Space Opera of Scientologists and the enslavement of Thetans who are trapped in human bodies by the evil alien overlord Xenu. But, it can't be proven either way. If it could, it likely would have been already, and as I said, I don't have the answers either. I can neither support or refute it better than anyone else.
