Master of Mayhem
Sorry to butt in here guys... I do come in peace, and this is after all my thread...
Do you really believe this is real? Now, I'm not asking because I doubt myself... I just really want to know, if you honestly believe all this. I'm not asking for evidence, just total honesty. Is there not a doubt in your minds that Aliens have visited this planet? Honestly.'re not butting in man. I like to get your input on this subject because it usually forces me to do more research to prove a point.

As far as the stories these guys are's hard to say. Basically it boils down to you just have to take their word for it as they have no proof. far as aliens visiting the planet....I absolutely, 100%, hands down, no questions asked, believe that they have visited Earth for thousands of years. I believe they are still visiting Earth......and as I said quite some time ago, I believe that they have something to do with us being here