BK/SSH/JTR x Bagseed

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
you think i should start over the breeding and use only the bk and ssh and CS?

ive heard putting a layer of sand on top will help gnats...ive seen DE at raleys ill go pick some up today
Yeah a quarter inch layer is better than nothing, although a little more would be better. You could prob just scape a little soil off the top to make room for some more DE...?

And regarding the breeding, I think what you have so far is great. If you want to do it over again using the CS that would be cool too as you'll learn even more and prob have even better seeds when it's all said and done. You'll also get to breed with a 'male' that you know what you're getting with, rather than a bagseed male.

But you'll never be able to get a killer male out of the CS seeds obvioulsly, and honestly even though it looks really tasty the BK looks like a really low yielder. I don't think I would breed with it, but I go a lot for yield too. Honestly, if I were going to do another seeds run with the CS I would prob just revert a clone of each (BK, JTR, and SSH), and then pollinate a clone of each type with the CS pollen. That way you'll have everything, and you won't be left wishing you would've crossed that last plant that you got lazy and decided to skip. lol

This way you would have:




Even though some are the same crosses the parents are flipped and this makes for basically a whole 'nother cross, so this should be considered. You never really know if JTR x SSH is going to be better than SSH x JTR until you make it and grow some out. They will be different though.


Well-Known Member
i just may do this with these clones vegging now. keep the rest of these seeds and grow a few out here and there for some hybrid action.


Well-Known Member
That is come complicating stuff... I think ill get into that once I have a dedicated room split for vegging/cloning and flowering. Is there any online resource that would be considered "good reading" when it comes to making your own breed?


Well-Known Member
Genetics does matter! Never had any experience with autoflowers...what do u mean?

I guess what I saw, and what I meant was that the autoflowers that I have worked with typically have just one main cola and not much besides some random popcorn buds.
One of the pics you posted before kinda looked like that but then I was thinking it could be a clone, since typically they grow as one main cola as well.

:weed:Anyways best of luck breeding and those pics are making me salivate. :weed::-P

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
That is come complicating stuff... I think ill get into that once I have a dedicated room split for vegging/cloning and flowering. Is there any online resource that would be considered "good reading" when it comes to making your own breed?
I'm not much up on what's 'online', but I know that reading Greg Green's Breeder's Bible helped me understand this area a lot better. He has a Growers Bible that would basically precede the Breeder's Bible too, and it's very informative as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm not much up on what's 'online', but I know that reading Greg Green's Breeder's Bible helped me understand this area a lot better. He has a Growers Bible that would basically precede the Breeder's Bible too, and it's very informative as well.

Thank you for that I will be sure to look that up!!


Well-Known Member
the link sicc posted is where i learned alot. growthspurt, the plant you are probably refering to is my one and only hydro plant. i made a little dwc/drip system out of a gallon bucket... took a plant from clone and stuck it in with the rest. shes isnt going to yield much but it will be top shelf smoke.....i mean look at those crystals...even the big fan leaves are curled with crystals. so these autoflowers they will flower on there own even with lights not permitting?

does anyone know if permethrin can be used safely diluted with water to kill any insects in soil?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
I think you can do a soil drench with permithryn, but I would just do a 3/4" layer of DE on your soil and the permithryn fogger for above ground and I think you'd be fine.

Yeah autoflowering strains uh well, they flower automatically. lol They're great for outdoor or guerrilla grows but not very useful for inside if you know what you're doing. If you don't they help cause it keeps the height down for newbies. But otherwise why would you want a plant that you have no say on how big it gets or when it flowers (which = less yield potentially), and you also cannot keep a mom of it to take clones from. Basically it's the one-time-use cannabis strain. Lame.
Kinda late post on the subject but I found this somewhere along the line in my research forgot where I found it handy dandy :)
Seed stocks are graded by the amount of control exerted by the collector in selecting the parents.
Grade #1 Seed parent and pollen parent are known and there is absolutely no possibility that the seeds resulted from pollen contamination.
Grade #2 Seed parent is known but several known staminate or hermaphrodite pollen parents are involved.
Grade #3 Pistillate parent is known and pollen parents are unknown.
Grade #4 Neither parent is known, but the seeds are collected from one floral cluster, so the pistillate seed parent age traits may be characterized.
Grade #5 Parentage is unknown but origin is certain, such as seeds collected from the bottom of a bag of imported Marijuana.
Grade #6 Parentage and origin are unknown.
One of the most important things is keeping records like in a spread sheet, measurements, photos etc. I suggest keeping stuf* on encrypted disks.

Like SICC said I would do a progeny test to see which male is the best for your breeding goals. One of my questions tho if anyone can help me out is
Lets say I only have 1 male and 1 female of the same line, and I don't have any more seeds. Can the perfect male still be found in the offspring.. For
example You get 1 female and male of Kerela neither is real breeding material, but somewhere along their line was a good male or female. Is it possible
to inbred them and sift through the hundreds of seeds with the possibility of finding that special male and female. I am assuming this would depend on
the frequency... So it may only be 1 in hundred or something similar.?.


Well-Known Member
well you cant put a percent chance on a perfect male....because...what is a perfect male? sure you will find a male as good or better than the parent male in the offspring.

by choosing the best fit male and female every breed you are slowly increasing the number of "best" males and females. if there is a "perfect male" in the family history...damn skippy there is a chance there can be a perfect male even with two parents not being perfect themselves. chances are alot lower tho. putting a one in a hundred type of equation into this is impossible....i think.

thanks for the post on grades of seeds.


Well-Known Member
I think you can do a soil drench with permithryn, but I would just do a 3/4" layer of DE on your soil and the permithryn fogger for above ground and I think you'd be fine.

Yeah autoflowering strains uh well, they flower automatically. lol They're great for outdoor or guerrilla grows but not very useful for inside if you know what you're doing. If you don't they help cause it keeps the height down for newbies. But otherwise why would you want a plant that you have no say on how big it gets or when it flowers (which = less yield potentially), and you also cannot keep a mom of it to take clones from. Basically it's the one-time-use cannabis strain. Lame.

Maybe for someone who never thought about growing in a room WITHOUT the need of blocking light in so you can properly flower. Check my journal free of heat issues and the need for expensive cooling or that rising electric bill. Open area grows are the future for people who don't have much space and don't want to reconstruct a room in a room.

People who grow auto flowers and take the hit consistently on the amount of yield, plan accordingly with MORE auto flowers. I have 8 going right now in a 3x3 area. If even AVERAGE estimates are correct in 3 months I should have give or take 8 ounces.

Now can you do the same with one plant in a 3x3..prolly.. but can you do that in the same 3x3 spot in your office while you are working from home and you can just turn around and take a look at your sexy ladies not worrying about light sneaking in and having the light on a 18/6 schedule all the time.. nope.

But yea I just wanted to let my side out, I can understand why people would not like them (especially if you have alot more experience it just seems like how computer geeks feel about the "new wave" of computer people.. they think they know it all but the truth is everything was just made simpler..lol) but really there are some really useful reasons for it and generally anything marijuana related ima support cause whatever it takes to get it in EVERY house worldwide im down. Plus autos are the city mans best friend..LOL

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well to each his own. I feel that auto-flowering strains are pretty much, like you say, for people who either don't want to put the time/effort/money into building the proper grow room, or for outdoor guerrilla grows, or just for the heck of it if you've gotten bored by growing over the years.

Personally, I would never be the least bit interested in a strain that I cannot control or keep, and that also has lower potency and decreased yield from the introduction of ruderalis genes. But I know a lot of people like them. One of the main reasons that I hate them is because think about it...if all seed manufacturers started making nothing but feminized and auto-flowering seed, then breeding becomes extremely difficult and the genepool as we know it for cannabis could get very polluted with bad genetics. I feel that they're basically working toward the same goal as Monsanto, and if we all support that by voting with our dollars, then we are seriously hurting ourselves in the long run and all future generations of cannabis growers as well. I will not support feminized or auto-flowering strains from seed distributors/manufacturers because of this reason. I might try it if my buddy made the cross and gave me the beans for free, but i would never support it commercially.

Generally speaking, auto-flowering strains are for newbies and people too lazy to do it the right way. The product is always going to be inferior to regular (photo-period sensitive) pot, and the yield will always be less as well. So obviously no one is picking these genetics for anything other than their ease of growth.


Well-Known Member
i have alot to learn about autoflowers seems interesting for certain people....and if that is what is fitting your lifestyle best then so be it.
so they just decide to flower whenever they want? i mean what makes em flower if not photoperiod? a code within there genetics or something?

lets see your best ladies everyone...feel free to post images in my thread...this way i dont have to go looking far.


Well-Known Member
To me, most people who look into atuo's are like what DC said, new growers. But people also get them for a quick harvest, since its a really short flowerng time.

and yeah they flower on their own, there light schedule is 20/4 and you just let them do there thing until they show sex.

Here is a thread where people discuss them, should be able to find some good pics


from all the grows i have seen and followed, its always random and weird results, i have seen some good plants, but some plants i have seen do some weird shit. So thats why i dont really like them, but i am supposed to be getting some Alaskan Thunder Fuck Atuo's from this guy who is helping with the party cup comp, so i guess ima have to try them out haha


Well-Known Member
:dunce:Right on sicc thanks for the thread....final water today guys im harvesting all tops tommorow. I will leave a good sized nug on each plant for an extra finish. I will let lower bud sites finish off for another week to pack on some extra weight. Super silver haze is definately a keeper. She packs on so much weight in the last week.

I wont be posting any pictures until the real nugs are drye:cuss:

Super silver haze- Fast growing strain! High potency and high yield..Biggest nugs of all, can tolerate heavy feedings; drinks water like a son of a bitch....Also copious amounts of resin show early in flower and remains through 12/12. Late flower she smells like mountain citrus mint....sweet and spicey.

Early harvest (no flush) smoke report
: Smells same as when on plant but due to lack of cure time she smells kinda HAY! Dense in middle of dark colored nugs with hairs just everywhere. Ive seen more crystals on other buds :/ ....Three words - Two hitter stoned. Lets get up and do something.

Bubba kush - High potency medium yield when trained correctly. Can also tolerate heavy feedings...Smells like mother nature before a shower. Real earthica organica! Just gleams with trichombs. Finished around 9 weeks of 12.12. Has most crystals and they are everywhere...Denser nugs of the three. Sweet flavor.

Early harvest (no flush) smoke report: Clorophyll smell is still around (only been in jar for 5-6 days) One hitter quitter smoke! Taste of weed when exhaling is awesome!! Heavy head stone...couch lock and passed out.

Jack the ripper - Medium/High yield..When on plant nugs smell like lemon pinesol...peppery and spicey a little diesel smell in there. No sweetness what so ever. I think this plant is a keeper but i will be focusing on other two strains....there may still be a chance if a proper flushed and cured nug just blows me away. Nute burned a little easier than the other plants.

Early harvest (no flush) smoke report: No clorophyll smell what so ever after such a short cure. Her smell comes out alot easier than other strains. Tastes great when exhaled....deisely...earthy. Burns my nose too!


Well-Known Member

The Super Silver Haze sounds nice.........kinda interested in getting me some of those beans......don't know bout them auto-flower plants for me........funny thing just today my buddy offered me some auto flower beans........... I passed,and they were $free.99 :-o

Be waiting on those pics :mrgreen: