Global Warming on trial...


Well-Known Member
Ok I have to ask I cannot stop myself. Why do you believe this to be true?

Btw I am just interested to know, there's no way I will be drawn into an argument with you, there are too many people respect you on here, me included.

i just can't believe we are changing the WHOLE climate of this planet. every time you exhale CO2 is emitted. should we work on population control?

i drive a V8 with a 4 barrel. :hump:

i'm reading this book. it's fiction but it's based on actual facts. | State of Fear


global warming is caused by the burning of fossil fuels yet the world is at war to see who can get their hands on the most of it.



Active Member
i dont know what is worse... argue without knowlegde or be convinced of your own BS...

being a weed expert doesnt make people scientists ( no ofense with real scientist here)....maybe people are watching the wrong chanel on TV or reliying on you tube for important information that is posted by weak minded people for weak minded people.

es todo lo que puedo decir men....


New Member
sounds like definite anger, if not hate. well, i agree about the televangelist crowd... a bunch of crooks and robbers, imo. the best place i've ever been to church is alone on top of a mountain in N.C. at about -5f in January, i don't know how many miles from civilization, with just my pack and the horizon. that's where i confronted just how tiny we are and how significant it is that we even matter at all.

i don't know any Christian who doesn't believe in an eventual Rapture of some sort. so, what do you make of all the ancient prophesies that seem to be lining up with current events. the creation of Israel in one day without a war. the move toward global government, cashless society. the constant wars and war loving people running rampant killing and destroying all that they can. what about the fact that so many people are blind to the culture of death, secrets and deception we live in? do you not think God will tire of all these shenanigans and hand out some old-skool wrath? i mean, think about it... you're God. you send your Son and he suffers tremendously then dies a shameful death for all of humanity. his hand picked followers spread the word about his deeds and the miracles they saw first hand but people start to drift away. they forget and start to think maybe it's just a "fairy tale", maybe he was just a neat "spiritual leader". today, you've got money loving pigs rolling all over the city you gave your people several thousand years ago, they're pretending to be worshiping you while they conceal many facts about your Son's life from their followers... you see courts being judged by women (something you said not to do), you see openly immoral sexual perverts running the governments. seriously, if you were God, and if we really were created in His image, wouldn't you be getting near the end of your rope? even Jesus put a finite limit on the number of times we should forgive those who tread on us... ("not seven times but seventy times seven")

I pretty much agree with you on most of the above, the women and courts thing seems a little out of context, are you saying God was a sexist. I've personally felt that If I were God, I'd have destroyed this place a long time ago, but I'm not. I do wonder why he lets it continue. Here's my theory based on a few hours of mind expanding drugs and contemplation of things outside the Bible: Earth is a learning place. In the grand scheme of things, this is the war planet ("There will be wars and rumors of wars"). There are zillions of habitable planets in the universe. When our time here is done (Death) we move on to rebirth on another planet. Although I find it hard to imagine a worse planet for punishment for those that have screwed the pooch so to say, I'm pretty sure there are planets with a higher understanding of peace and love than this one. Your spirit is moved from planet to planet untill you have reached one with God. At this point you no longer exist as a human, (No body) and are pure spirit, one spirit with God.
The goal is love. Attaining a pure state of love is being one with God, as God is pure love. This is of course only pure conjecture as I have no proof, but it seems to make more sense than all good boys and girls go to heaven. How can you learn enough in one lifetime to be one with God, Even Budda and Krishna never attained that plateau. The children that die young are spared the trials of life on this planet and go to a more peaceful one. I know we aren't supposed to second guess the "bible", But that is a book written by men, translated many times, and I'm pretty sure, influenced by the times in which they were translated. Are there many truths in the Bible, well yes. Are there many things that are misinterpreted or misunderstood, I believe so. Are we to believe word for word as the complete truth to be obeyed to the letter, I think not



New Member
i just can't believe we are changing the WHOLE climate of this planet. every time you exhale CO2 is emitted. should we work on population control?

I drive a V8 with a 4 barrel. :hump:

i'm reading this book. it's fiction but it's based on actual facts. | State of Fear


global warming is caused by the burning of fossil fuels yet the world is at war to see who can get their hands on the most of it.

How fast is it, mine is in the 11 second bracket, 1/4 mile of course, around 122 MPH. 62 ChevyII 500HP Small block. fun ride.


Well-Known Member
I pretty much agree with you on most of the above, the women and courts thing seems a little out of context, are you saying God was a sexist. I've personally felt that If I were God, I'd have destroyed this place a long time ago, but I'm not. I do wonder why he lets it continue. Here's my theory based on a few hours of mind expanding drugs and contemplation of things outside the Bible: Earth is a learning place. In the grand scheme of things, this is the war planet ("There will be wars and rumors of wars"). There are zillions of habitable planets in the universe. When our time here is done (Death) we move on to rebirth on another planet. Although I find it hard to imagine a worse planet for punishment for those that have screwed the pooch so to say, I'm pretty sure there are planets with a higher understanding of peace and love than this one. Your spirit is moved from planet to planet untill you have reached one with God. At this point you no longer exist as a human, (No body) and are pure spirit, one spirit with God.
The goal is love. Attaining a pure state of love is being one with God, as God is pure love. This is of course only pure conjecture as I have no proof, but it seems to make more sense than all good boys and girls go to heaven. How can you learn enough in one lifetime to be one with God, Even Budda and Krishna never attained that plateau. The children that die young are spared the trials of life on this planet and go to a more peaceful one. I know we aren't supposed to second guess the "bible", But that is a book written by men, translated many times, and I'm pretty sure, influenced by the times in which they were translated. Are there many truths in the Bible, well yes. Are there many things that are misinterpreted or misunderstood, I believe so. Are we to believe word for word as the complete truth to be obeyed to the letter, I think not
of course God isn't a sexist when He created women in the first place. men will be subject to the judgment of women, that's another prophetic sign in the bible. the reason that's strange in a biblical sense is because a woman is not made to be a judge just as a man is not made to be a mother... no matter how horrifically one may mutilate himself with plastic surgery.

if you doubt the integrity of the modern bible you'd be wise to study the Dead Sea scrolls... it's amazing how perfectly the modern "copies" match the ancient originals. there are absolutely no errors despite thousands of years difference in age.

i'm with you on the damnation thing, i'd have thrown us all into hell long ago - without a moment of hesitation.



Well-Known Member
of course God isn't a sexist when He created women in the first place. men will be subject to the judgment of women, that's another prophetic sign in the bible. the reason that's strange in a biblical sense is because a woman is not made to be a judge just as a man is not made to be a mother... no matter how horrifically one may mutilate himself with plastic surgery.

if you doubt the integrity of the modern bible you'd be wise to study the Dead Sea scrolls... it's amazing how perfectly the modern "copies" match the ancient originals. there are absolutely no errors despite thousands of years difference in age.

i'm with you on the damnation thing, i'd have thrown us all into hell long ago - without a moment of hesitation.


maybe the burning fires of hell are causing global warming.:-|


New Member
may i have one piece of evidence to support this claim?

i'll save you the bother, there isn't any. don't waste your time. despite years of brainwashing to the contrary - evolution is still JUST a theory... no proof. no facts. nothing.
sorry 7x. you're out of touch with the biology, paleontogy and chemistry if you can make this statement. there is conclusive evidence of the truth of evolution. it is a proven fact. there are current and recent facts which you are ignorant of or are ignoring. read Francis Collin's work if you want a Christian to explain the truth of evolution to you.

soon, we can expect religions to be making great changes in their understanding of the scriptures. "the light get's brighter", they'll say. it'll be possible to merge the two ideas of christianity and evolution, one day. all it will take is one very clever bishop to describe a believable scenerio in-line with theology. i'm waiting for it.


New Member
if you doubt the integrity of the modern bible you'd be wise to study the Dead Sea scrolls... it's amazing how perfectly the modern "copies" match the ancient originals. there are absolutely no errors despite thousands of years difference in age.
who told you this? ask yourself why the people holding the dead sea scrolls will not allow the full text to be examined. i read a write up on how many people have tried to examine and translate the dead sea scrolls and NO ONE is granted access to the words. meanwhile, the people who own it are the ones making the claims "there are no errors despite thousands of years of translation."

what are they trying to hide? unless you can read ancient greek and hebrew or arabic, i don't think you can confindently make the cliam you have just made. many scholors have been trying to verify it's acuracy and have been turned down.


New Member
i'm reading this book. it's fiction but it's based on actual facts. | State of Fear
that's a great book. it was the start of my awakening to the political interests behind the global warming agenda: one of the biggest political scams ever.

people are so gullable. i include myself. i read al gores book and was convinced we needed to act on this problem now. that is one very well crafted book of propaganda.

then you find out other scientists have asked and answered the questions you really need know to be certain of man's contribution to global warming. and it's complete bullshit propaganda to steal tax money, election gains, hold down 3rd world countries...etc. what a bunch of shit.

we, to be considered informed and intelligent humans, need to research EVERY subject for ourselves to determine the truth. and as a rule, the louder polititions shout something, the bigger the lie.

"say something loud enough and long enough, and people will believe you."-adolph hitler. (sounds like bill o'reilly read that playbook)


Well-Known Member
sorry 7x. you're out of touch with the biology, paleontogy and chemistry if you can make this statement. there is conclusive evidence of the truth of evolution. it is a proven fact. there are current and recent facts which you are ignorant of or are ignoring. read Francis Collin's work if you want a Christian to explain the truth of evolution to you.

soon, we can expect religions to be making great changes in their understanding of the scriptures. "the light get's brighter", they'll say. it'll be possible to merge the two ideas of christianity and evolution, one day. all it will take is one very clever bishop to describe a believable scenerio in-line with theology. i'm waiting for it.
oh dear, i'm out of touch with everything i have studied then... biology and chemistry labs were my playground during college. as they were my father's and his father's as well. :)

please, post one piece of evidence so that we can inform the scientific world that evolution is no longer a theory. we'll need to hold a press conference!



Well-Known Member
who told you this? ask yourself why the people holding the dead sea scrolls will not allow the full text to be examined. i read a write up on how many people have tried to examine and translate the dead sea scrolls and NO ONE is granted access to the words. meanwhile, the people who own it are the ones making the claims "there are no errors despite thousands of years of translation."

what are they trying to hide? unless you can read ancient greek and hebrew or arabic, i don't think you can confindently make the cliam you have just made. many scholors have been trying to verify it's acuracy and have been turned down.
you're completely mislead by someone/something. you're not going to see the Constitution being passed around at a 3rd grade show and tell either but it doesn't mean the scans and images are not perfectly suitable for making duplicates or copies of the content. the scrolls are in the process of being thoroughly digitized and are regularly studied by scholars of every sort.



Well-Known Member
what makes me laugh about this whole thing, still, is that we're just a tiny planet with a thin trace of an atmosphere orbiting a massive, out of control nuclear fusion reaction. despite this, we have the wherewithal to think we can mitigate temperature swings and climate change... it's beyond absurd.
It is utterly insane to think the earth has been fine for 4.5 BILLION years, survived all those calamities, only to fall victim to humans in less than 200 years. There are so many systems on the sun and the earth, many of which are dependent on each other, to attribute the cause to a single element in the system is foolish.


New Member
oh dear, i'm out of touch with everything i have studied then... biology and chemistry labs were my playground during college. as they were my father's and his father's as well. :)

please, post one piece of evidence so that we can inform the scientific world that evolution is no longer a theory. we'll need to hold a press conference!
you wont take my word for it, will you? who the hell am i? but when +90% of the worlds top scientists believe, i'd say there's more then enough written on the subject. try Francis Collin's work on the Human Genome Project. They went on to sequence many, many other animals and found conclusive evidence of common ancestory. conclusive. You should really look into it.

on another note: once a person accepts the reality of common ancestory, at least conceptually for starters, (what would it mean if...), the world of biology and life finally makes very good, common sense.

my cousin is like this too. i think he's sticking to a preconcieved notion of the world, chemically speaking. i believe it is THOSE preconceptions that are mistaken. like trying to use the 2nd law of thermodynamics to dispute the increasing complexity we see in the world as evidence of devine intervention or something. that's the area in which enlightenment is occuring. decent with modification is here to stay. ...unless you believe in the alein theory. :blsmoke:

you're completely mislead by someone/something. you're not going to see the Constitution being passed around at a 3rd grade show and tell either but it doesn't mean the scans and images are not perfectly suitable for making duplicates or copies of the content. the scrolls are in the process of being thoroughly digitized and are regularly studied by scholars of every sort.
you can't say i'm mislead when you haven't read the information i have. i suppose i'll have to do find that information again in order to show you. but apparently, not everything found was reproduced for people to translate. there is more the owners will not make public. WHY?

if it says EXACTLY what our books say now...what's the problem with showing it?