Global Warming on trial...


New Member
So, were not smarter than a 6th grader then,~LOL~.? As far as evolution, why are the apes still here? Could not some space aliens (Angels) come here and dropped off a pair of humans to start a colony? Where is the proof that those advanced apes changed that one gene and turned into humans? what, did they just get hit in the head and wake up humans? this is a silly arguement. Apes are still apes and humans are humans, the space aliens droped off a couple of subjects a few thousand years ago and we have ended up trying to destroy the earth through polution and wars, and I might add, are well on our way to success.


Well-Known Member
but when +90% of the worlds top scientists believe, i'd say there's more then enough written on the subject.
Statistically speaking, 90% is not enough to prove an alternate hypothesis, therefore, the null hypothesis, there is no global warming, is accepted.


New Member
Statistically speaking, 90% is not enough to prove an alternate hypothesis, therefore, the null hypothesis, there is no global warming, is accepted.
i very intentionally didn't say it was proven, in that sentence. the % alone doesn't prove it. i said there's tons of research written on a subject where 93% of the worlds top scientists concur.

it is their research that conclusively proves it.


Well-Known Member
wow....ok...I am going to weigh into this....but only provide some interesting opportunity to for peole to expand their own undserstanding....if they are open to doing that? and for the record, I am a scientist...have been a professional biologist for 27+ years.

1. on evolution.....sorry.....this one is not even worth getting into - like cult it....its all there - are there holes in Darwin's theory...yes...did evolution occur....and does it occur....yes.

2. god/jesus - watch the first 40 minutes of Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

3. global warming - spend some time on SEPP - Science & Environmental Policy Project

4. global warming - the most important information and so called conclusive evidence was the hockey stick model that depicted the rise in temps and highlighted that the warmest period in the last hundred years was concentrated in the last ten - only to find out the at the change in Y2K, they had mis-cailbrated data - they being NASA - and they (NASA) wrote a correction on their own site, and that now...the warmest period in the last hundred years was in the late 20's and early 30's.


New Member
So, were not smarter than a 6th grader then,~LOL~.? As far as evolution, why are the apes still here? Could not some space aliens (Angels) come here and dropped off a pair of humans to start a colony? Where is the proof that those advanced apes changed that one gene and turned into humans? what, did they just get hit in the head and wake up humans? this is a silly arguement. Apes are still apes and humans are humans, the space aliens droped off a couple of subjects a few thousand years ago and we have ended up trying to destroy the earth through polution and wars, and I might add, are well on our way to success.
wow. these are some basic questions about life and biology, man. i tend to think that if someone doesn't believe in evolution they must not research the subject very much.

if dogs are here, why are the wolves still here? if mice are here, why are the rats still here? because when change & speciation occures, the old line doesn't nessasarily die off. the world is a big place.

aliens could have brought life here. that's totally possible. but where did they come from? at some point, you have to either add god into the equation...or not. since there is no direct evidence of this god, and since evolution is consistant with ALL science, i just bet that all life in this universe has evolved from simpler beginnings.


Well-Known Member
we haven't had the technology around the world to properly record and analyze temps for the last 200 years. barely the last 20.


New Member
wow....ok...I am going to weigh into this....but only provide some interesting opportunity to for peole to expand their own undserstanding....if they are open to doing that? and for the record, I am a scientist...have been a professional biologist for 27+ years.

1. on evolution.....sorry.....this one is not even worth getting into - like cult it....its all there - are there holes in Darwin's theory...yes...did evolution occur....and does it occur....yes.

2. god/jesus - watch the first 40 minutes of Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

3. global warming - spend some time on SEPP - Science & Environmental Policy Project

4. global warming - the most important information and so called conclusive evidence was the hockey stick model that depicted the rise in temps and highlighted that the warmest period in the last hundred years was concentrated in the last ten - only to find out the at the change in Y2K, they had mis-cailbrated data - they being NASA - and they (NASA) wrote a correction on their own site, and that now...the warmest period in the last hundred years was in the late 20's and early 30's.
no shit?! this is news. i'll have to look into this. thanks, tahoe.:joint:


New Member
Statistically speaking, 90% is not enough to prove an alternate hypothesis, therefore, the null hypothesis, there is no global warming, is accepted.
Statistically speaking, people like you should pull your head out and talk to a few natives of the far north, or some on islands in the pacific who are seeing their islands dissapear. Check on the dissapearance of the polar bear due to the early break up of the sea ice, not seen since the last global warming, the melt of ice on greenland and Iceland is way more than ever seen since observavce begin, an ice shelf the size of Rhode Island has broken off the continent of Antartica and more to come. the overwhelming evidence is so blatant that even a numbskull like you Justin could see it if you bothered to pull your head out of that tight little Butt ~LOL~, prison talk for wise up,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
wow. these are some basic questions about life and biology, man. i tend to think that if someone doesn't believe in evolution they must not research the subject very much.

I agree wholeheartedly!!!!
med try some books by Stephen Jay may see the light!!!


Well-Known Member
Statistically speaking, people like you should pull your head out and talk to a few natives of the far north, or some on islands in the pacific who are seeing their islands dissapear. Check on the dissapearance of the polar bear due to the early break up of the sea ice, not seen since the last global warming, the melt of ice on greenland and Iceland is way more than ever seen since observavce begin, an ice shelf the size of Rhode Island has broken off the continent of Antartica and more to come. the overwhelming evidence is so blatant that even a numbskull like you Justin could see it if you bothered to pull your head out of that tight little Butt ~LOL~, prison talk for wise up,~LOL~.

please clarify. the "last" global warming? this has happened before?:confused:


Well-Known Member
it is not an argument of whether or not global warming is is an argument of whether or not the human factor is adding an anthropogenic component to the climate variability that has existed since time immemorial....
Statistically speaking, people like you should pull your head out and talk to a few natives of the far north, or some on islands in the pacific who are seeing their islands dissapear. Check on the dissapearance of the polar bear due to the early break up of the sea ice, not seen since the last global warming, the melt of ice on greenland and Iceland is way more than ever seen since observavce begin, an ice shelf the size of Rhode Island has broken off the continent of Antartica and more to come. the overwhelming evidence is so blatant that even a numbskull like you Justin could see it if you bothered to pull your head out of that tight little Butt ~LOL~, prison talk for wise up,~LOL~.


New Member
Statistically speaking, people like you should pull your head out and talk to a few natives of the far north, or some on islands in the pacific who are seeing their islands dissapear. Check on the dissapearance of the polar bear due to the early break up of the sea ice, not seen since the last global warming, the melt of ice on greenland and Iceland is way more than ever seen since observavce begin, an ice shelf the size of Rhode Island has broken off the continent of Antartica and more to come. the overwhelming evidence is so blatant that even a numbskull like you Justin could see it if you bothered to pull your head out of that tight little Butt ~LOL~, prison talk for wise up,~LOL~.
fine med. so long as you understand that insulting is not an argument. in fact, it is sign of a losing argument.

try to read a book NOT indorsed by liberals. or maybe simply, read a book. one without pictures of dramatic ice calving, something that happens everyday of every century. one by a scientist of the opposing view. you have to UNDERSTAND both sides of the argument in order to be considered informed.

besides the question is: are humans responsible for global warming? not: is it happening?


New Member
I think it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that man is a contributor. Is he the sole contributor, absolutely not, but his effluents into the atmosphere must be of some consequence and his overall disregard for mother nature, IE cutting down forests for money, Killing off sea life for money, dumping chemicals into rivers, lakes, and the ocean, plus thrownig garbage into the sea like it would dissapear is killing off all kinds of animal life and effecting human life as well. Am I wrong here??? Is not man a major contributor to the disintegration of mother earth???


New Member
So??? Were 93 million miles away and solar flares haver been happening long before man came along. To believe that the billions of tons of effluent we put into the atmosphere is not aiding the Greenhouse effect is rediculous. Yes the sun heats the earth, But: snow and ice (Which is dissapearing expeditiously) reflects heat back into space. The color of the ocean replacing the melt is dark, heat absorbing. In fact if all the ice melted and there was nothing but water, the temp of the earth would rise dramatically. Look at those maps from space that show the loss of the polar caps and you might get a clue. Global warming creates its own engine, the more it heats up the faster the melt and the faster the heating. To say that man has not participated in this is just being ignorant. Check out the amount of greenhouse gases man has emitted into the air since the industrial revolution, where does it go? Nowhere, it just stays there.


New Member
I think it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that man is a contributor. Is he the sole contributor, absolutely not, but his effluents into the atmosphere must be of some consequence and his overall disregard for mother nature, IE cutting down forests for money, Killing off sea life for money, dumping chemicals into rivers, lakes, and the ocean, plus thrownig garbage into the sea like it would dissapear is killing off all kinds of animal life and effecting human life as well. Am I wrong here??? Is not man a major contributor to the disintegration of mother earth???
yes. you are wrong. it has NOT NOT NOT been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. that's propaganda bullshit.

man is a contributor of polution. they even wipe out whole species of plants and animals because of polution. but man is not changing the climate of the planet.


New Member
yes. you are wrong. it has NOT NOT NOT been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. that's propaganda bullshit.

man is a contributor of polution. they even wipe out whole species of plants and animals because of polution. but man is not changing the climate of the planet.
So just how large is your shadow of doubt. Is it large enough to say wager an OZ of primo, how about an lb. I'm not saying man is the sole contributor, but a contributor for sure.


Well-Known Member
so IF we really were causing it, and it is/was so dramatic, why not JUST STOP? if your house was on fire would you put it out?

i can't believe the world powers would allow this to happen. if you look real close every bit if it revolves around the dollar. if it really were a "crisis" then we wouldn't be driving V8's. they'd straight up be outlawed. everybody would be in electric cars. fast food places would close because of their packaging alone. bottled water, disposable cell phones, aquadots,......all gone. so we know it's happening, we know what's causing it yet we just continue on? there are a 1000 things we could rid the world of today that would "help". yet we don't. why?