Laceygirls Grow


Well-Known Member
I did the dry thing accidentally one time Don, I just got lazy and left everything on the branches for 8-9 days, if I remember correctly it was a bloody nice smoke...

I am going to do it deliberately this time... Let me know how you get on...

I am heading into week 12 next week... God I hope it happens, I just read on the white widow thread one guy took his to fourteen weeks... I don't wanna go for that long...:-( :-(

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i think i might do an experiment and chop everything off one plant and leave everything on the rest.

christ ive never heard of WW takin that long? hope yours doesnt lacey


Well-Known Member
ITS FINALLY HERE....A:bigjoint: :bigjoint: :bigjoint:

Its Harvest Time at my house, and not a day too soon.....

It was a forced decision actually... They have been in for 12 weeks now and I went into the tent to do some routine inspection when I noticed really dead leaves on one of the buds... On closer inspection, it was mould, so that's it... Time to cut down... I checked the rest of the crop and I seem to have gotten away mould free... Thank God....The buds are so big, that even with two fans and an airconditoner, its too hot for me to take this grow any further... I reckon they are ready... The stuff I cut off last week, so I could move around the tent, is now dry and trimmed... It is blowing my head off my shoulders... I am finding it hard to get shit done... Just want to kick back and watch cartoons with my much a do nothing and just enjoy me stone....

I weighed one of the buds straight away, and wet weight was 159.0grams... I tried to weight another but my scales only go up to 200g so they maxed out and turned YAY.... But no joy on how much it weighs... Eight has some awesome scales, will have to beg, borrow them....

There are still HEAPS of buds still left on the trees, going to cut down a few more tonight and then leave it till tomorrow and cut some more. I have to string some washing line, as I've ran out of clothes horses... lol... :lol: :lol: :lol: bongsmilie

Will let you know in a couple of days how things are going... They are hanging in my shed with a great natural breeze blowing thru... Should be ready to trim in about a week... Just gonna wait for all the chlorophyl to drain from the plants... Then its HARVEST FESTIVAL TIME......:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::bigjoint:;-)



Well-Known Member
I am very excited for you LG. I have enjoyed watching and hearing about your girls and learnt a lot. Looking forward to seeing more pics.


Well-Known Member
Hey Lacey congrats! 1 of my first outdoor plants' harvest was like 69g dry last year so i think u did damn good! I also had bud mold last year & that shit spreads quick so i think u made a very good decision to chop now,that shit will creep up on u & destroy a whole crop before u even see it.

Does the chlorophyll/chloroplasts really drain from the leaves if u keep the leaves intact after chop chop?

Dont the leaves stay green even if u leave em on while drying,that would mean the chlorophyll stays in em,coz thats the green pigment of course. ???


Well-Known Member
Hey Lacey congrats! 1 of my first outdoor plants' harvest was like 69g dry last year so i think u did damn good! I also had bud mold last year & that shit spreads quick so i think u made a very good decision to chop now,that shit will creep up on u & destroy a whole crop before u even see it.

Does the chlorophyll/chloroplasts really drain from the leaves if u keep the leaves intact after chop chop?

Dont the leaves stay green even if u leave em on while drying,that would mean the chlorophyll stays in em,coz thats the green pigment of course. ???
Hi Everyone, thank you all for the kind words... I am very excited....

And to answer the question, the gear will lighten up in colour considerably.. My widow will go light green, sort of greyish green... The lighter the better.. I've done it this way before with White Rhino and yeah I've seen it... It really does change colour... It also helps protect the bud from harsh drying... The top head leaves actually sort of wrap around the plant protecting it.. After about 7-8 days, I will trim it and start curing... The buds will still be a tiny bit moist and when I put them in jars it will be perfect...

I fast dried the first lot and it was a little harsher to smoke, but the stuff I am smoking now is soooo smooth, cause I let it dry properly...:-P


Well-Known Member
No worries,its all objective isn't it,or is that subjective? meh wateva.

Last year i manicured before drying & had no probs,it was a great smoke,but im gonna try both methods just for the hell of it this year.

Congrats again on a much bigger harvest than i'll be havin this year,its bloody awesome to see the not-so-steriotypical-grower rakin in fat sticky buds.


Well-Known Member
G'dall All.... I just had to post these... Just to give you an idea of how long I waited to get these things to

I do apologise for the camera, but its my shitty camera phone... This may be the ugliest plant I've ever seen, but these are the most orange I've ever let my buds/plants go, and I reckon they look beautiful....;-) Not a lot of frost on the leaves but the buds are oozing with it... :lol: bongsmilie

So proud of myself for sticking it out till twelve weeks... I've never done this before....:lol: :lol: :lol:


I gained 2 pounds in over 5 months.... Thanks



Active Member
G'dall All.... I just had to post these... Just to give you an idea of how long I waited to get these things to

I do apologise for the camera, but its my shitty camera phone... This may be the ugliest plant I've ever seen, but these are the most orange I've ever let my buds/plants go, and I reckon they look beautiful....;-) Not a lot of frost on the leaves but the buds are oozing with it... :lol: bongsmilie

So proud of myself for sticking it out till twelve weeks... I've never done this before....:lol: :lol: :lol:


I gained 2 pounds in over 5 months.... Thanks

12 weeks, you go girl. :bigjoint:

Got my replacement vape, so i need to try some of that bud of yours ;)


Well-Known Member
G'dall All.... I just had to post these... Just to give you an idea of how long I waited to get these things to

I do apologise for the camera, but its my shitty camera phone... This may be the ugliest plant I've ever seen, but these are the most orange I've ever let my buds/plants go, and I reckon they look beautiful....;-) Not a lot of frost on the leaves but the buds are oozing with it... :lol: bongsmilie

So proud of myself for sticking it out till twelve weeks... I've never done this before....:lol: :lol: :lol:


I gained 2 pounds in over 5 months.... Thanks
good job gurl looks really good


Well-Known Member
G'day All Laceygirl again... Well this is whats left of 5 months of work... My tent looks like its been attacked, and my shed looks like a chinese laundry, except with pot, not

I am about to start to trim the really dry stuff, its only taken about 4-5 days, I am waiting for the colour to drain for about 1-2 more days before I start, but I've got my work cut out for me, for the next week at least...

I have easily done 2 elbows I reckon... Pretty happy with the result...

The part that I really hate, its the maintenance and cleaning part... And that's where we are now...

I need to get some C.L.R (Calcium, Lime and Rust remover) for the plastics and some Hydrogen Peroxide to clean the hydroton, I need new airlines and possibly an air pump, new airstones, and I have to clean the tent... Man I hate this part... But I like to start totally clean...

Will be starting all over again in one week.. And yes I have to grow Widow again, cause the Rhino isn't big enough to take cuttings from... Oh well.. Am only going to veg for 7 days so they don't get so friggin big....




Well-Known Member
Great job Lacey :clap::clap::clap:

I know what you mean about the cleaning up part..... I've got a big one ahead,,but at least its some weeks away yet......

Awesome looking harvest :mrgreen:


Active Member
nice nice very nice hey do u possible need a soulmate cause u may have just found one lol jk with ya great job +rep if i haven't already given u some


Well-Known Member
Hey lace just got my first bill for 3200 watts of budd smashing glow ju-ju
I shit kittens 900 bucks
what's yours for 3 months?