Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
thanks Harkin....preciate the feedback. I was thinking I might wait to confirm her parts.....before doing that? or do you thikn one should do it better now than later? :mrgreen:
Yeah you could a few days, the branches will be a bit longer and easier to bend, I just tied a piece of string around a branch and then pulled it to where I wanted and tied a knot through a hole in the bottom of the water-catcher thing....I saw a thread where this guy puts his pot in a crate so that he has something to tie it to, worked well cos you can do loads..:peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks man. I have also a recollection of someone mentioning stainless steel wire, and making lengths with "hooked ends"....and this then connected to the rim of the pot.....I will wait still a little I think...thanks again! :peace:
Yeah you could a few days, the branches will be a bit longer and easier to bend, I just tied a piece of string around a branch and then pulled it to where I wanted and tied a knot through a hole in the bottom of the water-catcher thing....I saw a thread where this guy puts his pot in a crate so that he has something to tie it to, worked well cos you can do loads..:peace:


Well-Known Member
Damn tahoe getting huge, looks bushier than my bushy and it's still young yet, I would do something with them branches, you are going to want to get as much light as you can to them, I soo wish I would of done something with bushy, those side branches are kind of like little colas, the more light you get to them the better they should fill in or out..

I'm soo thinking about trimming some of bushys leaves so that more light will reach the lower side branches, however I heard that it will only tamper with the bud growth, so I think I'm going to let it ride, this this is my first grow and I have plenty more ahead, I figure after successfully growing and having some decent smoke I will then do a lttile experimenting....

I truly believe if you are able to get better lighting to them branches, you are sure to like the results..

PS: do what you got to do now, I wouldn't wait until it shows sex, by then it may be too late or having to veg longer...


Well-Known Member
are all those the top 44,,that thing is growin like,,like,,a weed,,is that supposed to be fast flowering,,it looks friggin awesome,,where's yur BB's,,or did I miss a page or two,,hard to keep up withthis thread,,great friggin job Tahoe:blsmoke:

Keep on Growin


ps,,thxs to me being stoned,,i thought you wanted more pics,,so i put some,,ROFLMA


Well-Known Member
thanks Hum. I like ur bushy. I like mine too. With the 400HPS I have been thinking that the light penetration should be pretty good (25" x 35" = ~ 6 sq ft and 58,000 lumens)...but your comments make me rethink that. I will likely leave it for another few days....but she's growing by almost measureable amounts per day. certainly makes me curious just how big she's really fgoing to get....then again, this fast early growth would have many people saying ......errr....male.....guess we'll wait and see.


Well-Known Member
hey HoLE....thanks so much...there is just one Top44 plant.....all pics are of the same one...sorry for the confusion. and yea...she's growing like a screaming banshee!

I have kept the BB's hidden. a week and a half ago, I separated the three from one 5 gal pot to three 2 gallon pots. they took a hit, and I lost some fan leaves and certainly some growth time. I am totally letting them recover and regrow. They are doing very well. they are 6-7" tall, 9-10" wide and all working on the 8th nodes. I guess after separating them I was a little embarassed about the whole situation ( I felt irowas a poor decision to leave them till I did) so I wanted to get them back on track before showing them again.....right or wrong...that's what I did and why. I expect that I will be able to show them by the weekend again...when I guess I feel they don't look like the neglected second cousins of third unrelated relatives anymore!! hahahahaha!

are all those the top 44,,that thing is growin like,,like,,a weed,,is that supposed to be fast flowering,,it looks friggin awesome,,where's yur BB's,,or did I miss a page or two,,hard to keep up withthis thread,,great friggin job Tahoe:blsmoke:

Keep on Growin


ps,,thxs to me being stoned,,i thought you wanted more pics,,so i put some,,ROFLMA


Well-Known Member
sorry,,I'm still the stoned one causing confusion,,lol,,I know you only have one Top44,,I meant are all those pics of,,hope your Big Buddies are coming along,,I wanna see how they look,,I think after 20 seeds straight,,with quite a few males,,I'd like to test my visual sexing skills on it,,see if I have learned anything of it's traits,,good luck till the end and beyond

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
I've got around 48000 lumens surrounding my girls and the lower branhes are not growing as well, true the hps has more lumens but you are unable to place them as close, also if your going to do any cutting do it now or you will end up waiting longer to flower...

Food for thought!


Well-Known Member
Sorry tahoe you couldn't possibly be a grandfather to an 18 year old, I don't know what I was thinking:wall: my granddad is like 69, my apologies...


Well-Known Member
hey man....seems to me that would be an awesome purpose for her, however, I expect that I will take clones and then continue to grow her out, mainly because I have had no smoke in over a year, and I want some bud really bad. As I have said elsewhere, I am too chicken to score from anyone that I don't know very well, and my sources continue to be very unreliable and/or leave town. so I am in dire need of some reliable decent quality smoke so I expect my original goal and objective will be satisfied first......and clones (if she's a suitable candidate). :blsmoke:

So are you planning to to turn that T44 into a mother for the growbox?


Well-Known Member
no worries Hum. didn't think twice about it....i totally understand your comments....coming for a young whippersnapper 'n all! hahahahahaha :mrgreen:
Sorry tahoe you couldn't possibly be a grandfather to an 18 year old, I don't know what I was thinking:wall: my granddad is like 69, my apologies...


New Member
Hey tahoe... crazy...

I just got my UV light this morning... haven't even opened it yet. Just harvested my last background plant and am smoking a fat joint of the finger hash, while waiting for the oil from some of the lower buds and trim to evap'. I always like to do a run of oil from the fresh trim, let it dry then run it again...

The fresh run is nice though... this finger hash is too. I only got enough for one fat joint, nearly finished it now. Niiiice.


Well-Known Member
hey skunk....wow got your light and ur seeds.....trucking right along! thanks for piping in...how are ya....or do I need to ask? hahahaha....and BTW - no need to come on in and tease me with your wonderful smoke....when you know full well I have none, and have had none for over a year, thanks for nuthin man!.....you're evil I say, evil...hahahahahaha cheers, glad you can enjoy it...I will be too sooner than I think....


New Member
hey man....seems to me that would be an awesome purpose for her, however, I expect that I will take clones and then continue to grow her out, mainly because I have had no smoke in over a year, and I want some bud really bad. As I have said elsewhere, I am too chicken to score from anyone that I don't know very well, and my sources continue to be very unreliable and/or leave town. so I am in dire need of some reliable decent quality smoke so I expect my original goal and objective will be satisfied first......and clones (if she's a suitable candidate). :blsmoke:
hey tahoe...I can relate, I went 6 months without smoking. Thanksgiving weekend was the first time in 6 months. I do not have any way of scoring around where I live, unless I went into Nashville to the projects and bought a nickle bag. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well....I went to check in on all the girls again today to see how things look. I have been straining to see sexing structures, and as Skunk has advised he has never seen sexing structures before 4 weeks or 28 days. So although I am more than convinced that they are definately coming, they have been relatively indistinguishable.

Well today, I have several individual structures that are now taking on the appearance of calyxes - more tear drop shaped. AND there is one that I could swear already had a small pistil sticking out....I tried taking some pics, but none are suitable to show. they just do not have the clarity and resolution that is needed....fook....I need a new super-macro lens for my camera.....or how 'bout this buddy....how about just a lil'more patience...hahahahaha :hump::hump::hump:

Oh well, I will now be much more diligent with my examinations, as I know which one I have earmarked and will continue to be patient....for now.....but this has further raised my excitment level for sure....that means that if what I am seeing is in fact what I think it is....this Top44 is destined for cloning rather quickly, I suppose, since cloning once in full flower is not recommended...correct? wow....I am almost hyperventilating.....how sad is that....man...get urself a life...hahahahahaha :hump::blsmoke::hump::blsmoke::hump::blsmoke:
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