The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
oh yair n picked up them 2 extra clones yday started to lst 1 am gonna lst it for at least 2months then flower her am gonna do a proper lst on her just keep tying her down around n around the pot want to see what the yield will be???


Active Member
lol strawberries sound good mate and my misses has similar thoughts because of her little pot plants, now i want strawberries lol and i can't agree more i had a list of things to do today but thought fuck it had the misses telling me to have a day off aswell so several large burns later loving the thought i still got a few hours left it's been a while mate lol
I love strawberries, pretty much eat pancakes with strawberry puree on and kiwi fruit, when she is on nights that her wakeup breakky lol, always pancakes on the go here... i am the pancake master.

and u deserve ur day off mate, enjoy ur chill while u can.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
evening all,

glad you had a good night smar4t n no trouble too thats always a bonus!

sound like youve had a busy day dragon lol proper rushed of ya feet hay lol whatcha smoking then m8 still the kief? ya lucky git!
that and some of the bud aswell been mixing and alternating mate it been a brilliant day the misses come home for a 2hr break and cooked me food i made up a large bottle of squash and since then i haven't moved lol i could definately get used to doing this more often mate how's your been mate?


Active Member
evening all,

glad you had a good night smar4t n no trouble too thats always a bonus!

sound like youve had a busy day dragon lol proper rushed of ya feet hay lol whatcha smoking then m8 still the kief? ya lucky git!
Hey Sambo

yeah barin the hangover this morn was a good night out.

hows u mate?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
oh yair n picked up them 2 extra clones yday started to lst 1 am gonna lst it for at least 2months then flower her am gonna do a proper lst on her just keep tying her down around n around the pot want to see what the yield will be???
that sounds like a worth while experiment mate i'd love to grow big monster u still chucking the other clone straight in 12/12?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
I love strawberries, pretty much eat pancakes with strawberry puree on and kiwi fruit, when she is on nights that her wakeup breakky lol, always pancakes on the go here... i am the pancake master.

and u deserve ur day off mate, enjoy ur chill while u can.
your a lucky man mate i can't cook for shit i don't know what it is i've tried loads of times and so far i still can't get past cheese on toast and microwave meals succesfully lol and strawberrie pancakes sound good i've never tried them before and unless the misses learns or they sell them micro style i probably never will:-( i think it's time to get up and bring out the large bag of cheese doritos mmmmmmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
yeah day has been okish been shopping with gf most of the day shes off out soon so i get some peace for abit lol n i got an 1/8th being delivered soon so im all good.

love pancakes aswel smar3t blueberry pancakes r my fave n they just look wicked aswell all blue n that lol love pancakes n sausage from maccy ds too.

yeah im gonna put her in to flower ina couple of days they r in 7.5ltr pots n i dont wana flower in them so just gonna wait a few days n transplant her again not great wish she had just been potted straigt in2 a bigger pot n the lst plant would have been easier too if it had been in bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
your a lucky man mate i can't cook for shit i don't know what it is i've tried loads of times and so far i still can't get past cheese on toast and microwave meals succesfully lol and strawberrie pancakes sound good i've never tried them before and unless the misses learns or they sell them micro style i probably never will:-( i think it's time to get up and bring out the large bag of cheese doritos mmmmmmmmmmmm
cheese doritos hmmmmmm good choice m8 you got ne dips too?


Well-Known Member
lol glad to hear it mate, hows the detox treatin ya?
kinda ok, im fuckin tired alll the time though and a bit explosive....i'm not a particularly relaxed guy at the best of times neway:fire: ive done it all before though so i know i'll be back to normal in a cpl of days when all the shit eventually leeches outta my system. gonna start goin for saunas and eatin a lotta fruit and shit( btw, in case anyone has just appeared on this thread and thinks theyve taken a wrong turn trust me this is just a short term job in order to get my liver back in shape for the next marathon) gotta keep a little more on top of it the older u get thats for fuckin sure and i'm 38 this year so ive had 25 years at it:dunce: im a bit a of special needs case on this medication, think i might and go lick the windows for an hour or so.


Well-Known Member
kinda ok, im fuckin tired alll the time though and a bit explosive....i'm not a particularly relaxed guy at the best of times neway:fire: ive done it all before though so i know i'll be back to normal in a cpl of days when all the shit eventually leeches outta my system. gonna start goin for saunas and eatin a lotta fruit and shit( btw, in case anyone has just appeared on this thread and thinks theyve taken a wrong turn trust me this is just a short term job in order to get my liver back in shape for the next marathon) gotta keep a little more on top of it the older u get thats for fuckin sure and i'm 38 this year so ive had 25 years at it:dunce: im a bit a of special needs case on this medication, think i might and go lick the windows for an hour or so.
what meds do they give for a detox then dura? r ya vals prescribed?


Active Member
your a lucky man mate i can't cook for shit i don't know what it is i've tried loads of times and so far i still can't get past cheese on toast and microwave meals succesfully lol and strawberrie pancakes sound good i've never tried them before and unless the misses learns or they sell them micro style i probably never will:-( i think it's time to get up and bring out the large bag of cheese doritos mmmmmmmmmmmm
lol, cant beat a good cheese on toast though... u do the cheese on toast n i'll do the afters, jobs a good un lol

mmm doritos, cheesy ones are the best, followed closy by the chilli ones, got a taste for em now, will have to get some from the garage when i nip out in abit.


Active Member
yeah day has been okish been shopping with gf most of the day shes off out soon so i get some peace for abit lol n i got an 1/8th being delivered soon so im all good.

love pancakes aswel smar3t blueberry pancakes r my fave n they just look wicked aswell all blue n that lol love pancakes n sausage from maccy ds too.

yeah im gonna put her in to flower ina couple of days they r in 7.5ltr pots n i dont wana flower in them so just gonna wait a few days n transplant her again not great wish she had just been potted straigt in2 a bigger pot n the lst plant would have been easier too if it had been in bigger pot.
Shoppin with the missusan 8th being delivered and peace n quiet, not a bad day all in all lol

yeah love the blueberry ones aswell, although i never got the savory style pancake, i like mine with jiff lemon n shit loads of sugar lol.

i knew there was summat else i meant to get from the hydro shop, been 3 times now n keep forgettin... 15lts pots


Active Member
kinda ok, im fuckin tired alll the time though and a bit explosive....i'm not a particularly relaxed guy at the best of times neway:fire: ive done it all before though so i know i'll be back to normal in a cpl of days when all the shit eventually leeches outta my system. gonna start goin for saunas and eatin a lotta fruit and shit( btw, in case anyone has just appeared on this thread and thinks theyve taken a wrong turn trust me this is just a short term job in order to get my liver back in shape for the next marathon) gotta keep a little more on top of it the older u get thats for fuckin sure and i'm 38 this year so ive had 25 years at it:dunce: im a bit a of special needs case on this medication, think i might and go lick the windows for an hour or so.
lol, i dont know how u do it mate, im 33 this year and my heavy weekends/weeks have definately fallen by the wayside, i got gammy liver, kidney and blood, so maybe wise they have lol

The saunas n fruit side like a plan though, n if sweating it out is needed, cant ur missus help you out with some vigerous excercise lol

Window lickers... gotta love em lol


Active Member
yeah got the doritos dip cool sour cream and their tasting great at the mo i've got a serious case of the munchies on the go i'll be back in the cupoards getting biscuits after these lol
Dips are bad, so much better on there own... monster mouthfulls n get that intense cheesy flavour lol, im a buscuit fiend, soon as a packet is open they are gone, cant put em down till they gone, G/F goes mental lol


Well-Known Member
just had the mrs's over the couch two mins ago........sure as shit dont last as long sober, may need to do her face on all the time to stop me coming as quick.


Well-Known Member
i love biccys too! im the bisquit monster when i get started 1 nibble n im nobbled lol fucking love them hobnobs they r my favs get abit sickly tho after the 3rd pack lol

weed just got dropped off dunno what strain but unsprayed n looks nice bit too wet for my liking tho but carnt moan got a 3.5 for a score, was a m8s good friend thats the only reason.


Well-Known Member
yeah got the doritos dip cool sour cream and their tasting great at the mo i've got a serious case of the munchies on the go i'll be back in the cupoards getting biscuits after these lol
i get the worst munchies m8 just carnt stop eating and it can be whatever just aslong as im eating dus my nut in.

had enough of smokin buckets n bong etc cause i carnt smoke this flat out its too small n too risky, think i might buy another carbon filter n have it on when im smoking a J.


Well-Known Member
I damaged a few Easter eggs last nite bird wasn't happy lol I said dnt buy them to early coz I cnt be trusted with the munchies lol it's down to the e-cheese it seems to kick in slow but then hard it's a bit different to the other ones av had they just hit u hard lol am putting it down to different harvest times