See, isn't that the problem? How we just accept it "because it's the law"? My dad always gives me shit for my stance on this. "That's just the way it is" never compelled me, at all, to follow some bullshit law simply because it's the law. If you know something is wrong, you have an obligation to fight against it under all circumstances, even if it's already the established law. Laws aren't always right, a lot of them have basis' in racism or discrimination, and a lot of other ones favor the state.
If enough of us had this attitude weed would be legal.
What if the law was you had to go give some government agency all your identifying information; Name, address, dob, social security number, siblings, parents, closest living relatives, kids, pets, income, where you work, school history, car you drive, dl number, plate number, ... everything! And you had to pay $50 a year to "register" yourself to the state. Would you do it? It's the law!
Or what if they came up with a law that said your kids can't go out in public alone...?
Or if they said people couldn't smoke in public anymore...?
See what I mean, there are certain times when you need to just say "fuck that law, I'm deciding I'm not going to follow it". I call these laws "silver laws", "golden laws" shouldn't be broken under any circumstances, killing people, stealing shit... etc. This stuff we generally know to be wrong for a variety of reasons and you can also research the how's and why's of why right things are right and what makes things wrong, but it's a really complicated subject, I assure you. "Silver laws" are laws with previous conflicts of interest or laws that infringe upon our rights as human beings, which supersede those that the Untied States government imposes. Just like the Federal government sets laws that supersede the states.
That's my philosophy anyway...