DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log


Well-Known Member
70-72 is good. The cuttings are a bit on the small side as you said... Usually want to have a couple nodes so the bottom leaves can be used up as it begins to grow roots. But like you said, it's just an experiment! Lookin good overall.
Hey DenseBuds, I was thinking that only two of those look even close to a proper clone - the middle Cheese, and the Power Kush to the left of it. Sound about right? I will be taking larger cuttings for actual clones, but really wanted to give it a test run, so I can kind of get it down, make sure there are no bugs to work out, before I need them. It would really suck to take clones for the next grow, and then find out the water is too hot, or the cloning gel sucks, somthing... Anyway! I topped my girls, thought I would give a few of 'em a try, though I figured they were a bit on the wimpy side, for a clone.
i've been told 78 is perfect so thats what i'm doing. added a water heater cuz my room is only in the 60's and low 70's under the light. warmer water should help them root faster.
That would be great - I know I can keep it warmer easier than I can cooler.
I have never cloned before, hell this is my first grow. lol. So to clone, you just snip off a section of the plant and "plant" it in wet soil? Roots will grow out of the stem?
Thanks for the info.
Well that's a bit of an over-simplification, but basically, yeah. Do a bit of research here on the forum, you'll find lots of great threads on cloning, and lots of different ways to do it, too!


Well-Known Member
lol...I think we're learning this at the same time, hehe. 74F is a bit high - I believe you want it closer to 70F, but it's the best I can do at the moment. cruzer just bought a nice chiller - keeps his water temps both cooled and heated - but the thing was around $300 USD, I think. A bit out of my reach at the moment.
Hey Doe, Hope that OJ did the trick. Yea its 84° thats where they drop off.
Thats what I have read anyway, I never had it happen but I do push the envelope. I shoot for 78° rootzone or water temp with clones.

So now I am going to go soil and I read something else, about pot size.
It seems there is a rule of thumb, one gallon of pot size to one foot of growth.
I know thats not true in hydro but does it sound about right to you?


Well-Known Member
Ya know, I can't say it's 100% true, but I believe there is validity to it. I use the three gallon buckets, and thus far, every single strain I've grown, has finished a bit over three feet, with the occassional four footer. But then I also top them all, and veg every time for eight weeks, that's why I can't say for sure. Could be in part to the methods I use.


Well-Known Member
Been thinking about it since you asked, I think it's possible to break that barrier, but for the most part, I would think it's true - considering my light upgrade. Even with double the lumens, the stretch still stopped just over three feet - that says something. The largest, treelike plants I've seen in soil here, were in 10 - 15 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
Got some pics to share. I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed with the youngest of the plants - they aren't really coming out as I had planned.

Clones first. They look good still, but haven't begun to root yet. That in itself doesn't bother me - I know it hasn't been long. Got bottles freezing now, to put in the cloner - the water temp has reached 80F.

Next, my hempy babies. I think I fucked up a bit - should have started feeding them sooner, or planted right into the big pots. But now they are hungry, and I am having to overwater them, to keep them fed, while I'm waiting on roots to grow to the bottom. They are responding - both seedlings were the color of the top half of the Super Lemon Haze, and as you can see, color is coming back. Hopefully it isn't too late.

On to the vegging girls. I am just not seeing the growth I expected, really not impressed at all with the MH lights. I almost felt like I was getting better results under my CFL racks. But then - I think I stunted them by using the smaller pots, to start. Usually, I go from seedling right to the three gallon. Because of space restriction, I couldn't do that - and I think using the small planters actually restricted the growth some. They have responded well to topping though, so maybe I'll see better growth from here on out.

Temps in the vegging room have went up to the upper 70's, hitting 80 higher up in the room. Couple plants showing signs of heat stress. But it has warmed up outside considerably. So long as it doesn't get any warmer in there, I think it'll be ok.

Lastly, my Lemon Skunk ladies. Nothing to complain of here, at least! Temps are still good in this room - might have to consider air cooled hoods for the veg room, too. The clones are growing like crazy - check out the one I tied down, my God, I can only imagine how big she would be had I not tied her! They are really starting to flower now, forming the early bud clusters.

The biggest girls - they smell so good, and look like the Good Fairy dusted them in sugar. The buds look like they're going to be pretty dense. Not counting on it yet though, the TW gave that appearance before, and were airy as hell. Oh, and you see the little party here I wasn't invited to, damn them beetle bugs anyway. lol Long as they keep other bugs out, that's ok! Party on, dudes!;-)



Well-Known Member
Thanks! Yeah I'm feeling quite a bit better, still having some trouble breathing, but it's better every day. And hey - I made some brownies tonight, so it's all good. Yay the edibles!


Well-Known Member
Looking DE the LS should be MUCH denser than the TW because of the more indy genes it has from the skunk. With all your lumens you should be pulling some rocks out from those lamps come harvest time.



Well-Known Member
Holy shit that's a lot of pics for dial up, you get broadband? Looks great as always, but I also noticed a lot of the younger plants have the edges of the leaves curling up. That usually happens when they are transpiring too much. What are your temperatures like in there?


Well-Known Member
Thats looking awesome DoeEyed, sure you have enough plants? lol

I cant wait till my own little plant starts to show signs of flowering, she actually has a slight odour coming from her already.

I've subscribed to your thread now ;) :P


Well-Known Member
Looking DE the LS should be MUCH denser than the TW because of the more indy genes it has from the skunk. With all your lumens you should be pulling some rocks out from those lamps come harvest time.

Thanks, that's good to hear!:bigjoint:
Holy shit that's a lot of pics for dial up, you get broadband? Looks great as always, but I also noticed a lot of the younger plants have the edges of the leaves curling up. That usually happens when they are transpiring too much. What are your temperatures like in there?
Hey Reel, no broadband, lol - I just got picture happy. Haven't spent more time than was necessary with them this week, because the warm air makes me cough, with the pneumonia. I missed them! lol It took a little bit but I had a brownie! hehe Yeah I noticed - I think I mentioned it in my update. The outdoor temps here have pushed up to the low 60's daytime, and it's pushed up the temps in my veg room to between 78F - 81F. I moved the lights up a little this morning, try to reduce that heat on 'em that way. I also kicked the fan up a notch, so there is a bit more light blowing on them and the lights.
Thats looking awesome DoeEyed, sure you have enough plants? lol

I cant wait till my own little plant starts to show signs of flowering, she actually has a slight odour coming from her already.

I've subscribed to your thread now ;) :P
Hey BU5T4, welcome aboard! No - no, I don't have enough plants. lol Once my plants catch up to my plans, there will be 63 going at any given time, plus clones rooting. I don't know how far back in the thread you read, but there are four 600w in my flowering room - the other two haven't even been fired up yet.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that's good to hear!:bigjoint:

Hey Reel, no broadband, lol - I just got picture happy. Haven't spent more time than was necessary with them this week, because the warm air makes me cough, with the pneumonia. I missed them! lol It took a little bit but I had a brownie! hehe Yeah I noticed - I think I mentioned it in my update. The outdoor temps here have pushed up to the low 60's daytime, and it's pushed up the temps in my veg room to between 78F - 81F. I moved the lights up a little this morning, try to reduce that heat on 'em that way. I also kicked the fan up a notch, so there is a bit more light blowing on them and the lights.

Hey BU5T4, welcome aboard! No - no, I don't have enough plants. lol Once my plants catch up to my plans, there will be 63 going at any given time, plus clones rooting. I don't know how far back in the thread you read, but there are four 600w in my flowering room - the other two haven't even been fired up yet.bongsmilie
Bloody hell DoeEyed your a proper farmer, you must have some habit to need that many plants lol. I thought my oz a month was bad but thats just ridiculous lol.

I'm glad your feeling better, sux being unwell.

How big is your grow space? That many plants would take up my whole garage.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but she said it's only 60F outside.. this is gonna be a problem, because when it's 70 it'll be close to 90 in there.. a 80 or 90 degree summer day will shut her down, if she doesn't get something worked out.


Well-Known Member
oh for lookin into a portable a/c but damn thier expensive..if it gets really bad in thier u might have to go one light spring/summer, two light fall/winter i hope u get it worked out tho girl lovin the big tent setup it would be a shame to have to down grade bcause of temps...a friend of mine up north pumps his exaust into his home and saves on heat half the year but hes got like 5000w going