help me grow shrooms + rep


Active Member
i know that but im almost full col, and i was asking like are you going to dunk and roll or what ?
I would break up the cakes and spawn to some pastuerized straw/poo/coir if you have it...

Also you dont have to keep temps at 85 while incubating...theres alot of variables...say if you were to do 50 jars and have them all inside one incubator the middle jars will become much warmer and the risk of bacteria will be higher...when I used to grow I would use mycobags with my own superspawn recipe and incubate at 75 degrees...though I was using Isolates from P.E.S. HAW which is actually Cambodian I would get full colonization after 14 days and the bags would actually be warm to the touch from the mycelium colonizing the substrate...Lemme see if I can remember my old recipe...

I would use Rye Berries, BRF, Flax Seed, Horse Manure, Coir, damn its been so long...I believe I also added Bee Pollen there were a couple other ingredients...blah anyway all that would be inside a mycobag sterilized and I would use agar wedges to innoculate the bags.

If you want to get the best bang for your buck with spore syringes check out Karo Tek's and you can create some liquid Myc which you can store and use for long periods of time...shit works great when done correctly...just use a Qt jar and make a self sealing injection port out of some RTV silicon and your good to go of luck...Shrooms are a blast to grow and alot of fun to work with.


Well-Known Member
U really should check out the Karo Tek's like stevens said youll save money on syringes thats a smart thing to do also learn to take spore prints i bought only one ecuador syringe and made prints for along time


Well-Known Member
Simple tek for Lc's Using filter Coffee

1) You need 1 level tablespoon of spent/used filter coffee
2) 1 Level T-Spoon Sugar,, swim only has brown sugar but i am sure white sugar will be fine..
3) 3 Cups (750ml water)

Boil 1 cup of water add the filter coffee and sugar, let it stand for 30 minutes
then filter the brew thru coffee filter or cotton wool.
Add 2 cups of water to the now filtered brew, decant into suitable jars and Pc for 45 minutes.
Allow to cool then inoculate with spores or Agar wedge.


Well-Known Member
i just got back from my buddys house with pictures now the 2 jars with mycelium are puerto rican strain which i innoc on the 5th how long do you think i got left? and what methods to do for birthing. also the other pic of all the jars are (pr,burma,t.coast,golden teacher,pes hawaii, and i other its a total of 6 strains,)

but the pes which i innoc on the 9th grew,but the mazatapec didnt and thats both jars that i innoc of the same strain from micro-supply. i dont get it and i ordered 5 strains and all the syringes were clear like water and every other syringe i bought was full of spores just like the new moon syringe from earthstongue. well anyways tell me how long i got left of the 2 jars and etc



Well-Known Member
i just got back from my buddys house with pictures now the 2 jars with mycelium are puerto rican strain which i innoc on the 5th how long do you think i got left? and what methods to do for birthing. also the other pic of all the jars are (pr,burma,t.coast,golden teacher,pes hawaii, and i other its a total of 6 strains,)

but the pes which i innoc on the 9th grew,but the mazatapec didnt and thats both jars that i innoc of the same strain from micro-supply. i dont get it and i ordered 5 strains and all the syringes were clear like water and every other syringe i bought was full of spores just like the new moon syringe from earthstongue. well anyways tell me how long i got left of the 2 jars and etc



Well-Known Member
depends on rate of growth but looks almost ready.wait till the mycelium the white stuff grow all over and the only thing you can see is white.(not advocating white supremacy)lol.

birthing? plz don't tell me you started to grow without knowing all the steps!!!.
can you explain your second or third question better.
the other jars look like they still need time,in the second photo
to birth or start fruiting, move your fully incubated jars to a fruiting chamber,which has 3 different things then your incubation.1 light,the glorious sun,give your fungi light doesn't matter artificial or real(at least 5 no more then 18 )(not really important_,
2nd increase the humidity as high as you can get it 90 to 95,3rd lowering temp to 75-80 degrees F.

and stop bumping your head against the wall,you could hit rollitup's servers


Well-Known Member
depends on rate of growth but looks almost ready.wait till the mycelium the white stuff grow all over and the only thing you can see is white.(not advocating white supremacy)lol.

birthing? plz don't tell me you started to grow without knowing all the steps!!!.
can you explain your second or third question better.
the other jars look like they still need time,in the second photo
to birth or start fruiting, move your fully incubated jars to a fruiting chamber,which has 3 different things then your incubation.1 light,the glorious sun,give your fungi light doesn't matter artificial or real(at least 5 no more then 18 )(not really important_,
2nd increase the humidity as high as you can get it 90 to 95,3rd lowering temp to 75-80 degrees F.

and stop bumping your head against the wall,you could hit rollitup's servers

i know what im doing i was jusr asking advice on birthing like if i should dunk and roll and etc, and i know i have to wait til its fully colonized. thanks and all the other jars got 1-2 weeks left on them so im doing continuous flushes of multiple strains thats what im doing.