Global Warming on trial...


New Member
My points to you two sweathearts (Vi and Medicine) is that we have two huge problems in health care. The currancy is is inflated and almost meaningles. A dolllar won't even buy a small bottle of asperin anymore. Doctors must have huge bills to cover their cost like malpractice and student loans. The second problem is the strangely disproportional costs of procedures based on location. OK class, let's all say supply and demand.

The medical costs need to be leveled in several respects.
Like eliminating greedy CEOs and insurance and HMOs from the equation. These for profit entities make more if they do less, DUUHHHH, they are inherently evil entities. Denying medical procedures to inflate the bottom line does not make a better medical system no matter how you try to spin it.


New Member
Best in the world as it is right now. If we are going to change anything, show me how its successful it has been in other "markets". My significant other is a pharmacist/conservative, one of very few "rational thinkers" in her place of employment. Even the most flaming libs say they will vote Republican if the Dems try to make a move on nationalized health care. They know the damage it will do to the status quo, the one that provides medical to all that need it. And the argument that the poor don't get treated, BS, I have had "free" medical, provided by the state, for many years prior to my recent string of successful endeavors, and never once was left to suffer because of lack of funds. Its the old, "I'm doing fine, but, my neighbor is another story" argument. Regardless of what your political affiliation, certain things are better left to the professionals. And you my friends, are obviously not medical proffessionals. As for the greedy CEO's, you get paid what your worth, so, maybe you should start selling your weed for $10 an ounce. After all, its just a little plant.


New Member
Best in the world as it is right now. If we are going to change anything, show me how its successful it has been in other "markets". My significant other is a pharmacist/conservative, one of very few "rational thinkers" in her place of employment. Even the most flaming libs say they will vote Republican if the Dems try to make a move on nationalized health care. They know the damage it will do to the status quo, the one that provides medical to all that need it. And the argument that the poor don't get treated, BS, I have had "free" medical, provided by the state, for many years prior to my recent string of successful endeavors, and never once was left to suffer because of lack of funds. Its the old, "I'm doing fine, but, my neighbor is another story" argument. Regardless of what your political affiliation, certain things are better left to the professionals. And you my friends, are obviously not medical proffessionals. As for the greedy CEO's, you get paid what your worth, so, maybe you should start selling your weed for $10 an ounce. After all, its just a little plant.
I give most of it away anyway, but sorry, you're not on the list. Now I know why you are so adamantly against single payer medical. Your significant other as you like to call "him", makes his living off the profit on drugs., oh well, he could get a job in a government pharmacy, 8.00 bucks an hour and all you can steal,~LOL~.


New Member
"He" makes "his" living from the education he worked and paid for, for over 8 years mind you. Not all can be so blessed as "he" is, right? Handed to "him" on a silver platter, right? Get real, again.


New Member
I give most of it away anyway, but sorry, you're not on the list. Now I know why you are so adamantly against single payer medical. Your significant other as you like to call "him", makes his living off the profit on drugs., oh well, he could get a job in a government pharmacy, 8.00 bucks an hour and all you can steal,~LOL~.
And we all know why you are so adamant about retaining the status quo with the IRS and the progressive income tax, don't we Medicalfraud? :blsmoke:

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. :hump:




Well-Known Member
Two other therories are these:
1. A solar flare went way the hell out and roasted Mars. Then the atmosphere left. Last year a solar flare went out and hit Saturn. So that idea makes a little sense perhaps.
2. Something (like a meterior strike) heated up the atmosphere and it evaportated to outer space. The idea is that earth is a little larger than Mars and a lot more dense than Mars. We have a high amount of iron and nickle in our core. Mars does not have these features. So earth has more gravity to hold an atmospere together.


Well-Known Member
And we all know why you are so adamant about retaining the status quo with the IRS and the progressive income tax, don't we Medicalfraud? :blsmoke:

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. :hump:

The real medical fraud is the multi-tier price schedule. A large corp or university or government agency gets insurance for one price. A small group must pay twice as much for the same coverage. An individule pays 2-4 times as much as the large group pays for each of their members.

This is the biggest single reason for uninsured people, in America. You socialist that wish to redistribute the wealth neglect this point. You claim the CEOs did it. It is payer discrimination against poor people and small businesses, and it is a huge issue. That is a massive government failure.

But, wait, single payer, government controled health care will be better. Right?

This is a modern day case of Rosa Parks go to the back of the bus, because you aint good enough to ride upfront. And silly me, I thought price discrimination, and price fixing, was illegal. Every big insurance company and medical facility (for profit or non-profit) does this very practice!

Damn-it, it makes me mad as hell.


Well-Known Member
Could Cannabis Provide an Answer to Climate Change?

Page Range: 133 - 138
DOI: 10.1300/J237v07n01_11
Copyright Year: 2002
Contributors: Marc R. DeeleyAbstract:
The largely technocratic debate over the way humanity should respond to the now very real problem of global climate change has reached a critical point. Almost every legislative and technological option has been explored-at least theoretically-without any real progress being made in terms of actually addressing the situation and we are now at a stage where we do not have time to discuss the merits of “wind power over nuclear power” or how we can “develop ways of freezing and storing” the anthropocentrically generated excess of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere-as president Bush recently suggested. This was the “debate” during the 1980's-and unfortunately also the 90's-when the representatives of world science on this issue, otherwise known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), were explaining to World leaders the (then) urgent requirement to take action. This article discusses the very real possibility that Cannabis could play a part in stabilizing a global environment.

Journal Title: Journal of Industrial Hemp:
production, processing, and products ... official journal of the International Hemp Association
Volume: 7 Issue: 1
ISSN: 1537-7881 Pub Date: 1/1/2002


New Member
And we all know why you are so adamant about retaining the status quo with the IRS and the progressive income tax, don't we Medicalfraud? :blsmoke:

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. :hump:

Was I talkin to you? NO. Be all the ass that you can be.


New Member
Full disclosure, Med ... full disclosure. You just continue licking the hand that feeds you. As for me ... I'll take liberty every time. And that would involve abolishing the IRS and the federal income tax and throwing the two down the dust-bin of history.



New Member
Full disclosure, Med ... full disclosure. You just continue licking the hand that feeds you. As for me ... I'll take liberty every time. And that would involve abolishing the IRS and the federal income tax and throwing the two down the dust-bin of history.

You are so fucking stubborn. Llcking the hand that feeds me, you mean My SS and my teamster pension, Yeah, like I didn't earn those tidbits. I may not be a millionaire like you but I am doing just fine without licking anyones ass, unlike you that made a career out of it. I may agree to abolish the enforcement division of the IRS and make people that don't pay their share do community service instead of jail, Dollar for dollar on an hourly basis @ minimum wage, ~LOL~. That would undoubtably bring in the revenue as those rich assholes surely wouldn't want to do anything to help those less fortunate. I can just imagine a rich dick that tried to cheat the IRS out of a million doing 30,000 Hrs. of community service, that would be hilarious. Sweeping the airport at JFK for 7.00 an Hr., ~LOL~. Let them see how the other 95 percent lives, paycheck to paycheck. 80 percent of Americans are one paycheck away from losing everything, how fucking sad is that. If the economy goes into the dumper as projected by most all savvy economists, you'll see more homeless than ever imagined. This Bush economy has about wiped out our country, endless war and deficit spending has our asses over the proverbial barrel, thanks George.


New Member
You are so fucking stubborn. Licking the hand that feeds me, you mean My SS and my teamster pension, Yeah, like I didn't earn those tidbits.[/quote]

Nope, I wasn't talking about your SS or your meager pension at all, Med. I was referring to your wife's income that you enjoy by her helping people to get through the maze of the voluminous IRS tax code. With that in mind, I can certainly see why you would be for the status quo. Hell man, you are your own special-interest lobbying group. :blsmoke:




New Member
You are so fucking stubborn. Licking the hand that feeds me, you mean My SS and my teamster pension, Yeah, like I didn't earn those tidbits.[/quote]

Nope, I wasn't talking about your SS or your meager pension at all, Med. I was referring to your wife's income that you enjoy by her helping people to get through the maze of the voluminous IRS tax code. With that in mind, I can certainly see why you would be for the status quo. Hell man, you are your own special-interest lobbying group. :blsmoke:


Low blow asshole, Bringing my wifes anything to discuss here is beyond the bounds. This is about you and I, not our spouses, or in your case, your boyfriend.