Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Hey Bill. Yes i think it is actually just starting to get some width about it now. I actually thought this morning that it may have got a little bit bigger. I think its just a pretty dud plant though. Leaving it for about 4 weeks in the shade did it no favours. I see pictures of peoples buds that are covered in pistils and mine was never like that. I will take some better photos tomorrow and i am sure you more experienced growers will be able to tell. Going to try and pick up a little 20 tomorrow in preparation for Sat night. Going to pack myself some thumpers and see what sports are on. Lookinng forward to it.
Leave it Rock... This is what its supposed to look like regardless of what the size of the plant is.....

Your leaves haven't even started to die yet... Leave it for another week or even two... That just my two cents worth mate... :-)


Billy Blacksmith

Active Member
if you think its putin on size still with it gettin more sun now then id probly leave it a little longer atleast till 80/90% of pistils r brown
n she dont look to dud to me nice work man


Well-Known Member
Such wonderful people on this thread. Thank you all for taking an interest. I will keep her in the sun for a few more weeks and see how she goes.


Well-Known Member
if you think its putin on size still with it gettin more sun now then id probly leave it a little longer atleast till 80/90% of pistils r brown
n she dont look to dud to me nice work man
dont look a dud to me niether..
a jewelers loupe rs, get them on ebay so u can check the colors in ur trics,.. laceys right in saying that the leaves are still quiet healthy etc, even the pistils still being white is another sign..but in saying that the true tell is in ur trics, basically chop wen u get the colors/high that u want... and sometimes that means before the fan leaves are exhausted or wen the majority of the hairs are still white..
for me its a balance of tric color & wen im sure its they got no swell left..:peace:


Well-Known Member
howdy ,
i bought my tent today ! 1mx1mx1.8m im thinking maybe i could get 4 plants going decently in there + that means i can use my closet for the short veg stage so i can harvest maybe every 3-4 weeks or so ...the only problem is i dont own my own house and live out the back in a caravan , taking down 1 of the bunks is harder then i thought ..might have get the grinder out. IL post some pics this weekend
hey man, thats the same size tent as the one i first bought. if you run an external res, you will fit four in there. with the 3 plants i had in there i got 19.5 ounce. if i had 3 mystery strain plants it would have been much higher.


Active Member
Hello peeps...yo jimbro still in scotland?

SCG - maybe some pics end next week...hello, what ya been up to?

Just spent 2 hrs rearranging grow cupboard and sorting out mother/clone bit. Made a hell of a mess. I think my growspace is probably the worst decorated one ever!


their in perlite and pretty sure not over watered .. very slow drip system ,cloned so both pretty little ladies :) ... leave light on 24 hrs? and yes if things go well .. will utilise room in a few weeks :)


Well-Known Member
their in perlite and pretty sure not over watered .. very slow drip system ,cloned so both pretty little ladies :) ... leave light on 24 hrs? and yes if things go well .. will utilise room in a few weeks :)
yep just leave it on 24/7 brosef :mrgreen:..
ur light schedule is very wrong atm


Well-Known Member
18/6 is a fine lighting schedule IMO; 24/0 just makes your bill go up and your bulbs burn out without any proven benefit.


Active Member
Please can someone advise me on timing? I have diavolo + bag-Lady on about 20/4...want to coninue that for about 5 1/2 weeks, then switch to 12/12 for last week or so diavolo flowering and to start the bag-Lady flowering. She'll probably need 8-10 weeks flowering. So, bag-Lady will probably need another 13-15 weeks from now.

In the meantime, I'd like to start another strain from seed in the veg/clone section. The plant from seed will be used as a mother if she's a nice plant, so I guess she'll need about 6 weeks veg at least (??), then the clones (I need 6 clones) will need a week or two to root before being moved into the cupboard where the diavolo n bag-Ladys are, does it sound reasonable to plant the seed for 2nd grow in around 4 weeks time? Are my timeline estimates reasonable...or will the new seed need more than 6 weeks before I can take clones....?

Any advice appreciated, cheers guys...


Active Member
Plants need sleep. This is my first grow, but I had considered 24/0...until I saw how much they seem to achieve after a rest. They seem to love the 4 hrs rest I give them...


Well-Known Member
Plants need sleep. This is my first grow, but I had considered 24/0...until I saw how much they seem to achieve after a rest. They seem to love the 4 hrs rest I give them...
no they dont period... im not gonna argue as they are ur plants.. but my life is much more simple as i only know 2 light cycles.. 24/0 and 12/12.. no fucking around lightprofing, timer bs.. FTW


Active Member
They can't release oxygen (waste product of photosynthesis) without darkness!

Any advice re schedule, Streets?

Night night...


Well-Known Member
They can't release oxygen (waste product of photosynthesis) without darkness!

Any advice re schedule, Streets?

Night night...
umm, so how are my, and a somethingmillion other growers plants thriving on 24/7

use woteva schedule u like.. but dont bring up this 'plants need darkness bs


Well-Known Member
Chopped my last 'big' girl tnite,wasnt nearly as done as i would've liked but had mould n shit.Still got 2 small 1s.

I love stems n roots for some reason.



Active Member
Oy. I'll bring up anything I choose to bring up. You and I are equally free tp hold and express opinions, and to form knowledge and belief systems. I will not be told what I can and cannot say/write.

Shame you're being hostile, Streets...anyhows, hope you have a good night and that your plants continue to thrive :peace: