Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
Yeah I think knix put it better than I did...they seem to like a rest from light - mine always look better and more vigorous for a few hours darkness. There are plant processes that can only happen in the dark, and if they are allowed to carry out these processes then the plants seem happy for that.

How funny, was planning exactly the experiment Knix mentioned...maybe for 4th grow...take clones from one plant, get another hps light and grow them in similar but seperate areas with one at 20/4 and one at 24/0...but til then, tis all potatoes ans carrots, whatever you prefer is fine....unless you prefer to tell me what I may or may not say, then grrrrrr.....

Have a happy day peeps, yaha tis friday...


Well-Known Member
hey guys, just sitting t home waiting for my delivery from DHS. stoned and bored. going out to the local hydro shop this arvo after i get my delivery. i need to get a few things that i for got to get from DHS.


Well-Known Member
I'm so baked. Wake n bake, then second joint, nothing to eat in my mates fridge so I'm starving and drinking a red bull. Feeling sickly.


Active Member
8E how can you be bored if you're stoned?! SMOKE SOME MORE! hehe no music? I get lost in the layers when I'm smoking, and if I'm very lucky I get colours and patterns faintly mutating in time to the beat...


Well-Known Member
ha, i prefer what you're smoking eighty lol it really is a lovely high, truly impressive for bag seed mate! did ya have a quality nosh out last night? haha


Active Member
Hello Kmoo how're the business plans coming along? You've probably looked into this, but in case you haven't...don't even bother trying to get your home kitchen approved for commercial use, wont happen without mucho $$...but there are a few commercial kitchens in Melbs that you can book for however long you need's in North Melbs, can't remember where the other one I saw is....

8E yeah, tis my own bag-Lady...haven't had that experience for a while, wont until she flowers this time...then bring on Barney's Farm LSD!

Any more pictures of the Rangess, RockS?

Yikes, so there's a volcanic disturbance in Iceland which is affecting air travel in Europe. My question is....can anyone pronounce the name ? - Eyjafjallajokull

'A plume of volcanic ash rises into the atmosphere at the Eyjafjallajokull glacier in southern Iceland' tis the sentence i got the name from....

I like the word 'plume'.


Well-Known Member
ha, i prefer what you're smoking eighty lol it really is a lovely high, truly impressive for bag seed mate! did ya have a quality nosh out last night? haha
hey kmoo, what you got was from the mystery strain. the bagseed smoke ws even beter than that. ask laceygirl about that one. it was one of the best i have ever had. shame there will be no more of that.


Well-Known Member
Hello Kmoo how're the business plans coming along? You've probably looked into this, but in case you haven't...don't even bother trying to get your home kitchen approved for commercial use, wont happen without mucho $$...but there are a few commercial kitchens in Melbs that you can book for however long you need's in North Melbs, can't remember where the other one I saw is....

8E yeah, tis my own bag-Lady...haven't had that experience for a while, wont until she flowers this time...then bring on Barney's Farm LSD!

Any more pictures of the Rangess, RockS?

Yikes, so there's a volcanic disturbance in Iceland which is affecting air travel in Europe. My question is....can anyone pronounce the name ? - Eyjafjallajokull

'A plume of volcanic ash rises into the atmosphere at the Eyjafjallajokull glacier in southern Iceland' tis the sentence i got the name from....

I like the word 'plume'.
i am waiting on some LSD as we speak. had some on the weekend and it was awesome. going back for more.


Well-Known Member
all i need to get the kitchen done is a new fridge, had the guy out from the local council already when i was thinking about it late last year. also have a friend who makes their living from their home product, their kitchen has been registered repeatedly without great expense or bother. maybe things are a bit tougher with your local council yada

i'm gonna do a code for a few select friends to get it at cost lol if the code leaks it's all over, haha. can get yer fudge fix whenever ya want then eighty :p


Well-Known Member
there is no more fudge left and only 3 cookies left.:cry::cry::cry:

it was so good it melted in my mouth. literally. i couldnt stay away from it.


Active Member
all i need to get the kitchen done is a new fridge, had the guy out from the local council already when i was thinking about it late last year. also have a friend who makes their living from their home product, their kitchen has been registered repeatedly without great expense or bother. maybe things are a bit tougher with your local council yada

Must be...!

i am waiting on some LSD as we speak. had some on the weekend and it was awesome. going back for more.
Glad to hear it's good, it's my next grow yayyayayyay


Well-Known Member
there is no more fudge left and only 3 cookies left.:cry::cry::cry:

it was so good it melted in my mouth. literally. i couldnt stay away from it.
ha i'm putting that testimonial on the website lol

when i have more trim n what not about i'll be making cannabutter, next lot i send ya will have a kick

the man is at another interview at the moment, i'm not sure if i ranted about it but he used to work for my company and they know that when he gets a job i'll be leaving so, i can only assume it was just to fuck with me, they gave him a bad reference! aside from being illegal, it was just uncool, he's such a nice quiet person they liked him there but his department has been moved and doesn't really exist anymore so the only person who could do it was this HR bitch who doesn't really like me. so yeah, another interview today lol another good job, so fingers crossed.

think i'll do some baking, i can't remember the last time i had the house to myself!!


Active Member
hahahahaha yes naive, not so young! But, hey, it's the internet, right, I can be whatever I say I am...I am 19 and very very beautiful! hehe NOT!

Well, if it was an unfair reference, I just HATE that. I dunno, I'm kinda old fashioned, but the way I see it, you do what's right before you do what suits you personally, and if Mr Kmoo did a good job, he should get a good reference no matter what HR person thinks of him or you personally.

Me gonna be looking for a job at some point in next year...start training a little early, fingers crossed...

Um, is anyone familiar with the MBlaze FIM guide...there's a diagram of the difference between FIMming and topping...and I did what was suggested by the diagram, but then in reading the posts later in the thread, it seems the diagram might not be accurate...please can somone check for me, and tell me if they think doing what the diagram says will work?

The diagram is just after all the pretty photos on 1st page, diagram is titled FIM vs Topping and is on a black background...I cut as in the picture, but someone later said not to cut the new fan leaves, just the bit in the middle of them....The diagram has two sets of new fan leaves, though, i only cut one, the tiny new fan leaves and the bit in the middle I guess would be even teenier leaves that no way could be opened...

Thankfully, only did two plants...


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha yes naive, not so young! But, hey, it's the internet, right, I can be whatever I say I am...I am 19 and very very beautiful! hehe NOT!

Well, if it was an unfair reference, I just HATE that. I dunno, I'm kinda old fashioned, but the way I see it, you do what's right before you do what suits you personally, and if Mr Kmoo did a good job, he should get a good reference no matter what HR person thinks of him or you personally.

Me gonna be looking for a job at some point in next year...start training a little early, fingers crossed...

Um, is anyone familiar with the MBlaze FIM guide...there's a diagram of the difference between FIMming and topping...and I did what was suggested by the diagram, but then in reading the posts later in the thread, it seems the diagram might not be accurate...please can somone check for me, and tell me if they think doing what the diagram says will work?

The diagram is just after all the pretty photos on 1st page, diagram is titled FIM vs Topping and is on a black background...I cut as in the picture, but someone later said not to cut the new fan leaves, just the bit in the middle of them....

Thankfully, only did two plants...
Hi Yada...

I've seen that pic yada, and I am with you on this... I am in two minds... Eight loves it and swears by it, I just don't think I'm very good at it... I like topping, its very "here's where you cut" but with fimming, I feel like I'm always guessing...



Active Member
Yeah, 8E has the technique down...8E please please, did I screw it up? Might try topping a couple and see what happens...first few grows are about experimenting and finding your style anyhows, right? I like the idea of FIMming because seems like less stress on plant...

Am not sure if I should try to top or FIM the auto devil girl. I'm kinda counting on her because all my $$ invested in grow room and can't buy buds after the date I thought I would if I mess her up, might be weedless for loooong time til bag-Ladys produce...she's sativa so gonna be a while...


Well-Known Member
Stress is not a bad thing for the plant.... Too much stress is bad for anything... A little stress, most things thrive on it....


Well-Known Member
fimming came from "fuck i missed" FIM. to me it is less important where to cut than if you were topping. i use fimming to really fatten up my girls through veg. i might be doing something different to fimming or topping, i dont know. what i do know is that i am getting the results i am after by doing what i m doing. big bushy plants are what i want and so far its what i have got. hope i can keep my thumb as green as it is now forever.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, 8E has the technique down...8E please please, did I screw it up? Might try topping a couple and see what happens...first few grows are about experimenting and finding your style anyhows, right? I like the idea of FIMming because seems like less stress on plant...

Am not sure if I should try to top or FIM the auto devil girl. I'm kinda counting on her because all my $$ invested in grow room and can't buy buds after the date I thought I would if I mess her up, might be weedless for loooong time til bag-Ladys produce...she's sativa so gonna be a while...
i want to help, but i cant really help until you get some pics up. can you borrow a friends camera?