Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)


Well-Known Member
lol I bet.. If you harvest Saturday, make sure you dry out atleast 1 bud for 420 ;)
Enjoy!! :weed:
No worries there, I still have a lot of bud left from the last harvest, but I will probly run one through the dehydrator just to see how it is early.


Well-Known Member
Harvest is all done and drying. I never take wet weights because I feel they are useless. Should have the finished weight in the next couple of days. I have pics from right before the chop I am going to put up, but the site has been screwy for me for the last few days, The messed up part is now that everything got changed around, all the pics on the first page are someone elses, and Im not sure why its doing that. I should have an update up shortly though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and I contacted the admins with no response, kinda pisses me off. But what can I do. Im sure not redoing the whole journal, but luckily I keep 1 on a different site, so if people want to see it with the right pics I'll just have to post a link to a site that has less people but doesnt get messed up every month.


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up, I sent the admins a nasty message about the pic mess-up, So if I get banned, you all know why. I just put so much effort into this journal over the last year to have them just ruin it overnight and not even have the decency to respond to my first message days ago asking if there was going to be a fix for this problem. If you'd like to see any of the pics that are supposed to be in this journal, they can be viewed from my profile in my albums.


Well-Known Member
I feel for ya Integra.
Although anyone can make a journal, It's when you take the time to do it right and document everything correctly, Take several pics, go through them and crop, edit, resize, and post. I know that shit takes time. Im lucky, I deceided a long time ago that I was going to host my own pics on my own server. I did it in case I wanted to dissapear, my pics would go to.

Anyway I dont upload to the site so they didnt fuck mine up.
Is really a shame. I guess this is run by a bunch a kids.


Well-Known Member
I had to start a whole new journal due to photo polution from other peoples threads all thru mine.... Feel your pain dude...
I upload my pics here to an albumn, if I want to delete them, I can...


Well-Known Member
Bad software migration. It can happen, but it is a real pain. It has also happened to my journal....

I don't think I ever had a reply to any of my emails. At least I got my notepad back and some of the other bits and bobs.

The Sun is shining as well, happy dayz!!!

Peace, dST


Well-Known Member
Hey integra, I know i probably should know this because I've been following your journal but i'm going to ask anyways... How many plants did you scrog on the last grow?


Well-Known Member
Hey integra, I know i probably should know this because I've been following your journal but i'm going to ask anyways... How many plants did you scrog on the last grow?
Under the left 600w light I had 3 plants that were roughly 18" tall when flowered and got 160z 3 grams, and under the right 600w I had 6 plants roughly 6-8" tall when flowered(barely rooted) and got 15oz 27 grams for a total of 32oz 2grams from 9 plants under 1200w's of light.


Well-Known Member
Ok. Finally as promised. Its time for the harvest update. The first pics were taken the day before chop, and the jarred pic is from today, about a week and a half after chop. The harvest weight from this side was 15oz 27 grams. It would have been closer to 18oz, but the widow runted out compared to the others and only put out 24 grams. So between the 2 harvests(the whole screen) I got 32oz and 2 grams. These weights are of actual buds only. I ended up with about 4.5oz of popcorn fluff. I used some to make my last batch of butter, but the rest is going into the upcomming bubblehash I'll be making. I'll post how that goes when its done. I have kind of high expectations though since the last round of bubble gave me over an oz. So, on to the pics, I hope you all enjoy, and any comments or questions are welcome.

And here's the widow, you cant tell in the pic, but it ended up about 50% purple

and here's my jars of goodies. This herb is fantastic. It has an incredibly strong smell and taste and a high that really knocks you on your ass. Everyone who had the pleasure of smoking it said it was the best herb they have ever had. I cant even describe either the taste or smell, dont really have words for it other than strong and great.

And before anyone says it, this stuff could have gone another week or two, but it had to come down before the big 420 party I had at my house because the smell was so strong.
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Well-Known Member
Amazing Integra, simply amazing the amount of quality bud you produce in there.
What would you say the CO2 has done for ya, 20% more?


Well-Known Member
The co2 helped im sure, but it wasnt in there for 5 weeks of an 8 week flower, so it obviously didnt do all it could.