First grow behind lcd tv


Active Member
ok guys this is my first attempt to try and grow this vegetable if you will... i germinated a couple of seeds before this and after one week they all died after they first sprout.

Anyways this is one the ones that survived and is growing very slowly. it's a week old, and ill try to keep this updated. they are under a 23 watt lamp and behind my lcd tv for warmth.



Active Member
ok guys a couple of days passed and i think its time for an update. I forgot to mention in my previous journal that comments and advise are appreciated. i'm starting to notice that the leaves are turnin a little yellow at the tips, any ideas why?

here are some pictures for your enjoyment.



Active Member
I for got to mention that i live in canada and that i would need to transplant my plant outside later on. Also my light is on 24 hours a day for now. From what i've read that is fine on the vegging stage no?


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Waht kind of lights you using? and does the TV produce alot of heat on the plant?
Yeah 24 hours is fine for vegging. I d personally rcomend 18 huors light because the roots grow in the dark i believe. Are you gonna veg them outside or are you transplanting outsside for flowering?


Active Member
hey thanks guys, alex im thinking once the plant gets a bit bigger so it can handle the outdoor conditions ill put it outside. Most probably during the vegging stage since i don't want the thing to stink up my look ( not good when parents ask too many questions lol). Also the heat from the tv isn't too much and its spread up and about the room. the light im using is a high lumen 23 watt Compact Fluorescent. smif to answer your question.. not sure if its a male or not. But the seed was tiny and really dark. So all i can do at this stage of the game is hope that it's female. There is a product called transplanter or something to that nature have you guys tried that for transplanting?


Active Member
one question.. why is my plant not so green...? i mean as i said the tips of the plant are yellow, and the entire thing isn't too green. i'd appreciate it if someone answered.


Well-Known Member
Your plant is 13 days old now right? What kind of soil is it in? Most soils will only feed a plant up to two weeks and usually when the plant starts to not look green anymore its from lack of N. Have you fed her yet? what nutes you using?


Well-Known Member
i can tell thats MG potting soil.... not the best stuff

i dont know the NPK or when the MG soil stops feeding the plant what; but i would wager the plant needs some nitrogen

over all its not a big deal; all those leafs currently on your plant will die off eventually


Active Member
Kaleo i put a table spoon worth of miracle grow on top of the current soil. So the soil its in right now isn't miracle grow. I got the soil from my garden which we were growing tomatoes in last spring/summer. So im thinking there are nutes already in them. what im suspecting right now is that it's getting too much light maybe. 24 hours is just way too much and i don't think the plant can handle it (my guess). Btw the plant will just turn 2 weeks old tomorrow which i will post pics. Isn't it too early to start giving nutes?


Active Member
your plant is way bigger than my plants and i have been growing for about twenty days so far...the yellowing for my plants was not alleviated by adding nutes and unfortunately i used miracle gro potting soil for my plants and they dont look all that good the leaves are not as well formed as your plant i think your plant is in pretty good shape for the effort expended. i spent a decent amount of money in supplies and my plants are in worse shape than yours : ^(


Well-Known Member
the same bag of soil or soil the plants actually used to be in? and no 2-3 weeks is usually when you introduce 1/4 strength nutes


Active Member
Delux, i used the soil the plants actually used to be in. And the light i have on right now isn't sufficient. the plant is getting bigger and that light isn't reaching the lower leaves.. hence i think the reason why the edges of the lower leaves are dying.( can't see them yet) ill post up the pics tomorrow. and thanks smifnwesson the plant is coming along, hopefully they can hold out for another week, since the weather here is reaching 18-21 degrees Celsius for the outdoor transplant.


Well-Known Member
if it was the soil the other plants used there arnt any nutes left in that soil the other plants ate them all which means you should of been feeding from day one. reusing soil can also be bad for other reasons you can get some cheap MG soil for like 7$. also soil from outside needs to be stearalized really isnt worth the effort to do when you can buy shit cheap. but ur baby needs food the only reason they say not to feed for first few weeks is because most soils have enough food in them to substain your plant that long but if your soil was used b4 it does not..


Active Member
right right, ok so what your saying is i need to grab some nutes. what do you recommend and where should i get it from (walmart, home depot etc). One more thing i notice that the older leaves are starting to roll up from the sides of the leaves. very minor curling from the sides of the leaves. could this be from lack of nutes, or is it something else?


Well-Known Member
Um im not sure on the cheap ones on my first grow i used all purpose MG nutes but they dont come highly reconmemded try asking in the newbie section someone might be able to help you more with that than me i get mine from the hydro store but you dont need $40 bucks worth of nutes for one plant. less you plan on growing more then you might as well start getting your set up together good place to start is nutes. find a hydro store lots of people use FoxFarms nutes and soil they dont have FF here so ive never used i use black gold soil and botanicare nutes. most people who grow weed either go pro or give it up, guess you gotta figure out which type you are.


Well-Known Member
never give up man! haha anyways, curling up you say...sounds like heat stress, do you have anything blowing on your plant, like a small fan or sumtin? i used MG all purpose on my first, and it came out ok, just gotta be really careful not to overdose!



Active Member
smokes likebob, i thought it would be heat stress too but its not too hot under the lamp and the room temperature is pretty cool. maybe i should stop watching so much tv lol, so it won't heat the plant too much. No man im not giving up, this is a test run and im just doing this project on the side for fun. Sure when i get my own place ill definitely have a dozen plants growing but nothing professional you know? just for personal use with friends n stuff. Whats SLB btw? Anyways im just gonna run down to home depot and grab some nutes to feed the plant then ill snap some pics for you guys since the plant has grown a bit.Also, i wanna thank everyone who is helping, i appreciate it, and please keep me company through this "project".


Active Member
Alrighty boys n girls, i have an update with some pics for your "enjoyment". you can see how the lowere leaves are curling from the sides. Also, i was wandering at what stage of the games does the plant start to smell, that is if it is a plant with a pungent smell. I really don't want it to stink up my room. As you can see in the pics i have made a tin foil cylinder to get the light to all the leaves (seems to be working). Again comments and advice is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
She's looking good. But you need to get some airflow to those leaves. Yout need a fan or something. /You might be able to get a cpu fan in you little setup. Other than that she looks good. I would reccomend fox farm Grow Big nutes for Veg that is what iused and it fixed the yellowing problem pretty quickly and it grew like crazy after each feeding. Gd Luck Bro and thanks for the comment in my grow. Im Scribin to u