

Well-Known Member

I have been away from my DMT work area for a few days (hence the lack of photos), but there is a shit ton of crystallized DMT (I have been switching between fridge:day time freezer:nighttime, to allow the crystals to grow larger -which they have done). The tek had a rocky start, but it is pretty damn solid now! It has definitely turned into something that anyone could do at home (and with all prices included it only costs ~$43)
Not bad!

$43 bucks, many dmt sessions... and a few extra bucks earned on the side ;)


Well-Known Member
Makeing DMT, less than 50 bucks, discovering the keys to understanding the multiverse, time , eternities etc, priceless.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Makeing DMT, less than 50 bucks, discovering the keys to understanding the multiverse, time , eternities etc, priceless.
I like that :-)

I filtered out some sick-nasty DMT last night! It is evaporating in a filter. Sick I tell you! Sick!


Just pulled ~165 milligrams

Now that I have a technique more solid..

I freeze precipitated the DMT, and put the Naphtha back into the milk jug (since there was less naphtha, it should not take as long to become saturated). Later tonight (as I added the naphtha last night ~3 AM) I will freeze precipitate this pull (#3) and I will re-use the naphtha once again. I plan on making a few pulls now that everything is setup proper and such to get anything that I missed the first time.


Active Member
When you say less than $50 are you talking about just the cost of the materials, or the Total Cost Involved including the MHRB?

If TCI, then dude, please PM me and let me know where you are getting quality MHRB that cheap! I really wanna trip on some of this, as I've yet to ever have the chance.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
good job shep. ive done the recrystallizing the way ur doin it before and it does work well.
It is making beautiful white/off-white (yellow-beige) crystals! Another pull coming tonight!

10 milligrams was a beautiful experience last night!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
lol, dude hit up 60mg and see where you go....
Did not want to dive in without atleast having an idea as to what I was about to dive into.

haha for real. 10mg ur just barley touching on what this stuff can do.
That was the point.

You guys know of a decent way to vape that much? So far (for smaller dosages), I have noticed that chasing the dragon works pretty well :-D


Well-Known Member
i use a normal pipe screen in my bowl or bong, i just throw the deems on that then cover with dry basil. i maybe wasting sum but it works fine for me.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Nice, I was thinking:

bowl > screen > basil (or something of that nature) > DMT > basil

That way the basil below would catch any of the DMT that melts and makes sure all of it gets vaped. You think that would work?


Active Member
You guys know of a decent way to vape that much? So far (for smaller dosages), I have noticed that chasing the dragon works pretty well :-D

base pipe maaan, or a crack pipe or the machine, screw chasing and using herbs and bowls man....I alwase use a meth/tweaker/base pipe( whatever they call it)....It works awsome....ughhhh now you got me wanting DMT


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Another large pull is on the way (essentially I want to pull until it will not pull anymore).

I will take pictures when it's all said and done then make a new thread that is a pictoral.


Well-Known Member
see if you can get mullein, make a 50% changa mix by weight. Just mix some dmt into acetone then mix in mullein, and let it dry out.
Lol you can make a killer base pipe out of a steel parker pen and some lampcord.


Well-Known Member
see if you can get mullein, make a 50% changa mix by weight. Just mix some dmt into acetone then mix in mullein, and let it dry out.
Lol you can make a killer base pipe out of a steel parker pen and some lampcord.
so acetone is better than ISO or naptha for this ANC? I've got mullein growing all over the place here :)