Ok, here's an update.
2 of 4 well germinated seeds rooted (For Whatever reason) in, and up. When I took a look at how well the roots were I noticed that the only root I saw was near the top of the (Whatever it is the seed sits in, a pod; or whatever). Another, which was also well germinated did not penetrate down to the bottom and just dried up prior to the seed coming apart. (Little stem had grown. About 6cm).
Two that are left (Aerogarden grow - one Blue Mystic and one Mystery) and the original Blue Mystic; grown in soil. It endured some abuse such as Miss measured nutrients & light fell on her and burnt 1/2 of the plant off (at about 2 weeks old).
Here's a pic of that Nirvana Blue Mystic gown in soil. (taken earlier today)