First Grow - 2x Blue mystics & 2 Mystery ladies (Hopefully ladies) Wardrobe Setup


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just bought a AeroGarden Pro.

This Soil run is a pain! ..... let me get a good plant going via the AeroGarden Pro and I'll continue to grow the soil based Blue Mystic along side.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I take it you know a little bit about bubbleponics. I have a question: When your cleaning the res what the hell do you do with the plants to keep the roots off everything?


Well-Known Member
Don't know anything about bubbleponics. Just became frustrated with growing in Soil. The Best Man at my wedding is growing some BagSeed via the AeroGarden (disassembled to compensate for the height of his plant; just over 4 1/2 feet). He had multiple attempts at soil to no avail and opted for the Aerogarden.. it's worked well for him thus far.


Well-Known Member
Setup is complete.

I'm going to continue growing my Blue Mystic *original seeded on the 12th of Feb and planted the Seed w/tail on the 14th.

I now have 2 more Blue Mystics and 2 Mysteries *I ended up tossing the other 2 mysteries that i was running. They looked dead to me.. :> *

So I've now got 5 in total.

Once the new ones have popped and have shown their leaves; I'll take a few pics!

I feel good about the decision I've made here. I'll keep my CFL's going to encourage growth at the proper time.



Well-Known Member
Sounds good man. I just had to choose 3 out of 5 of my girls. I now know how hard of a time parents have choosing favorites. Damn fast root growing bitches...


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's an update.

2 of 4 well germinated seeds rooted (For Whatever reason) in, and up. When I took a look at how well the roots were I noticed that the only root I saw was near the top of the (Whatever it is the seed sits in, a pod; or whatever). Another, which was also well germinated did not penetrate down to the bottom and just dried up prior to the seed coming apart. (Little stem had grown. About 6cm).

Two that are left (Aerogarden grow - one Blue Mystic and one Mystery) and the original Blue Mystic; grown in soil. It endured some abuse such as Miss measured nutrients & light fell on her and burnt 1/2 of the plant off (at about 2 weeks old).

Here's a pic of that Nirvana Blue Mystic gown in soil. (taken earlier today)



Well-Known Member
Here is my Blue Mystic grown in Soil. (Yeah, I know she looks terrible....)

Then there are the 3 that are growing in the AeroGarden.

To the far left is the Female, Untopped Blue Mystic from nirvana. to the right is a unknown mystery seed from Nirvana (topped) as is the tiny one in the front (Recently topped).

Running 2 Stones with individual AirPumps. Lights 24/7, standard veg nutes, 2 1/2 liters of water per day it seems. (ag grow that is).




Well-Known Member
Here's the Mystery and the Female Blue Mystic in the ag


A Pic of the Topped baby mystery seed from nirvana. :>



Well-Known Member
Here's an ugly group shot and a shot of the Top of the Soil Blue Mystic.

Note: She usually looks Much better.. She's kinda pissed due to us drooling over the other plants.
This Blue Mystic is also the same plant that endured some MAJOR burn from a CFL a month or so ago..



Well-Known Member
Newport78: I wash out my bathroom sink; fill it with cool water. Lift Aerogarden from base, Pour out remaining water into Tub, Toilet another sink....

Take lid of Ag along with complete root system an gently place in sink. Proceed to clean out your res, after which fill with desired mix and return roots back into res.

I found that if I didn't organize the roots in the ag sooner then later; that there would be no way for me to remove them if need be. (i.e. to clean out the res)


Active Member
yo sorry to hear the blue mystic is giving you problems! Im currently growing a blue mystic right now. My has been sensitive to strong nutes for some reason during flowering. Its in soil too, ive never had much luck for some reason with the Hydro style grows. MJs are looking good!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback!

The Blue Mystic grown in Soil sat outside all day yesterday and is looking 1000000x better.. :>

Going to start flowering on Monday. :>>>

Will be updating with pics soon!


Well-Known Member
OK, started flowering..

Lost 2 of 3 plants in the AG.

I now have 1 BlueMystic *Non Topped* in the AG and one BlueMystic *Topped - IN Soil*

For some reason, when I try to upload Images while at work, I hit a roadblock. can't do it.

I'll update the pics tonight.

1 Fem Blue Mystic in AG (2 months old)
1 Fem Blue Mystic in Soil (2 1/2 Months old)

The Soil one is looking MUCH better. :>


Well-Known Member

Here we are, a week after i switched the lights from 24 to 12/12

Sorry if the naming convention doesn't make sense.

Where it says "Veg_1_month" or "Veg_1_half" both are 2 months and 2 1/2 months. Sorry.">




Well-Known Member
Yeah.. Messed that up abit. :>

Some that are labeled as soil are actually from the AeroGarden.