Open letter to all I-5 motorists

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New Member
Hello my fellow travelers!

It was nice to pass 14 hours alongside such nice folks as yourselves today. I appreciate greatly that most of you were being very safe out there today.

However, I feel it necessary to inform you of my driving habits and policies, as it seemed quite a few of you were befuddled and confused by manner of driving. So, for your edification, I will spell it out as clearly as I can.

In the event that I am going 10 m.p.h. faster than the posted speed limit in the left lane and you find my pace to be lacking and request by tailgating, honking, flashing the lights, or making obscene gestures that I kindly move to the right lane, GO FUCK YOURSELVES.

If you do not like my speed, which is set by cruise control to the maximum speed which is still reasonable and prudent in the eyes of the numerous law enforcement officers patrolling this road, that is your problem. You may choose to pass me in the right lane while speeding when it is open, and at your own peril. Or you can go fuck yourself.

I refuse to yield my lane because it seems some of you have this annoying habit of tailgating me for counties at a time yet not passing me if I move over. Then when I want to get around the next RV/Tractor Trailer/stoned motorist/bus, you are right there and blocking my lane change. When said lane change does occur, it seems you are now suddenly going 5 m.p.h. slower than you were during that previous tailgating session and the roles become reversed.

I'm glad we had this chance to clarify my driving policies and habits. I hope we can move forward amicably from here.

Yours truly,

The guy in the Blue Honda


Well-Known Member
Haha I feel the same way driving the interstate. 10mph over is what most of the traffic likes to do but some assholes just feel the need to go faster. Then you see them a few miles up pulled over shortly after passing you in a rude manner. That's a great moment.


Well-Known Member
lol funny, but i'm going to have to disagree with ya here. Right lane is the slow lane.. not speed limit lane IMO. If the right lane is open, you're just being spiteful... that's just mean :lol:


The guy who has never driven on I-5


New Member
I don't move over because the left lane is the travel lane and I am traveling, as fast as LEOs will let me. You want to speed? That is your problem. Not you personally.


New Member
I hate the part from Grapevine to past LA, no matter what traffic is. After 300+ miles of flat, straight San Joaquin Valley all those curves and hills and ridiculous drivers throw me for a loop


Well-Known Member
I love that our state made illegal the continuous usage of the left lane... jerkoff's that stay in the left lane just aggravate the hell outta me especially when I am trying to drive properly and PASS on the left.


Well-Known Member
Where I come from, the left lane is the passing lane.Driving continuously in the left lane when there are ppl who want to pass will get you a nice ticket......even if you are driving above the limit.
Driving 50Km (30mph) over the limit will get you an automatic license suspension and your car impounded.
The new law carries stiffest penalties of any speeding ticket in the United States, or Canada. Penalties for driving 50 km/h over the speed limit include, a $2,000 - $10,000 fine, roadside vehicle seizure, and driver's licence suspension for 1 week, and 6 demerit points.
We also cannot use any hand held devices while driving (cell phones etc.) $155.00 fine for that too.


Well-Known Member
Dear blue hondurr not obeying the countless numbers of signs saying "SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT". It's a fucking driving rule that anyone respectful follows. I have to drive 542 fucking miles of I-5... The last thing I want in front of me is some fuckin snob who thinks everyone should follow his V Tech because he's going the Legal Limit. You're not a cop enforcing the law, your a legal limit driver with nowhere to get to on the I-5 just puttin along at 75. I'ma laugh when you get a ticket for not yielding to faster traffic.



New Member
Socata - You are not 'driving properly' if you are going any faster than I am going, you are subjecting yourself to a speeding ticket.

Benassi - I have to drive 650+ miles of the I-5, whose dick is bigger now? And I don't see how I can be defined as 'slower traffic' and thus be expected to keep right behind some truck doing 64 when I am doing the maximum possible reasonable and prudent speed. I 'putter along' at 80-81. If you want to break the law by exceeding a r&p speed, then surely you can also break the law by using the right lane to pass.


edit - I will move over if I am not going 10 over the posted limit, the accepted universal maximum reasonable and prudent speed. I do not tailgate asses that stay in the left lane doing 5 over either, I simply wait for a time to pass and make a nasty face at them when I do. But tailgating and speeding are unacceptable


Well-Known Member
Uhhhh huh....

You're still not getting it, the left lane is a passing lane, not a sit at 80 and cruise lane.


New Member
Uhhhh huh....

You're still not getting it, the left lane is a passing lane, not a sit at 80 and cruise lane.
You're still not getting it either. You are asking me to aid and abet you in breaking the law, in addition to subject myself to the rapidly changing conditions of the right lane. If you want to break the law by speeding more than the average LEO allows, go ahead. The right lane will be open as soon as I pass this truck.


Active Member
Uhhhh huh....

You're still not getting it, the left lane is a passing lane, not a sit at 80 and cruise lane.
Exactly, if I had to go around you I would pass you then get in front and make you slow down -traffic jam u, then every1 who has to go around you is gonna flip u off! Road rage brudda lol!


Well-Known Member
80 shit when i was in Cali 90 was slow i swear i was doing 90 and cars where still passing...but those in the left lane did move over though thats just common all states i though t...


Well-Known Member
80 shit when i was in Cali 90 was slow i swear i was doing 90 and cars where still passing...but those in the left lane did move over though thats just common all states i though t...
BINGO we have a winner

Most people in cali do not have common sense I have driven all over the country and people from Cali cannot drive and have ZERO common sense

I have flipped the lanes to accommodate the Cali mentality so now the right lane is the passing lane

Think of it as a bizarro world rules

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
how lame. as said, it's a passing lane. end of story.

i think i would also do as shoshon sais and get around you and then fuck up your day with lots of lovely break lights and such :)


Well-Known Member
i don't ever let people pass me in the right lane. i move over every time.
only selfish road-hog assholes don't move out of the right lane to let people pass.
if someone is hauling ass coming up on my right side, i will CUT THEM OFF and make them pass me on the left.
when i run into people who don't let me pass them on the left by moving out of the way, i will pass them on the right and move in front of them and then slow down
so they have to pass me on the right.
repeat as necessary to get the message through certain thick ass skulls.


Well-Known Member
You're still not getting it either. You are asking me to aid and abet you in breaking the law, in addition to subject myself to the rapidly changing conditions of the right lane. If you want to break the law by speeding more than the average LEO allows, go ahead. The right lane will be open as soon as I pass this truck.
yielding to faster traffic is aiding and abetting? :neutral:



Active Member
It's always the guy in the honda who stays in the left lane and ruins it for everyone. You sure you don't also do a lot of driving on I-75? Because I think I've seen you multiple times hanging and not letting anyone pass. I used to have the mentality of, fuck other people who are speeding because they are breaking the law. Then I woke up and realized people might need to get somewhere a little faster than me (for example a hospital because their buddy is bleeding out in the back seat).
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