First grow, AK-48 from seed under 400w HPS.


Well-Known Member
I just noticed, in picture 1 of the thumbnails one of my trichomes seems to have been the doom of a gnat. See if you can spot its lifeless legs :P

I just went and plucked it off of course. I just find it funny that now that the soil is void for the gnats they're going up into the foliage and just getting pwned by the plants and all the wind :lol:

I saw them trying to extract their newborn young from beneath the sand yesterday. It didn't end well from them with some help from me :twisted:

The sand is definitely destroying the lives of these little fuckers, and honestly it looks as if my plants just couldn't give two shits about the entire ordeal.



Well-Known Member
Good job screw them little bastards. I'm worried now cuz I just found a little white thing very tiny and it was crawling on a leaf. Also I have a few gnats. I don't want anything to get outta hand.


Well-Known Member
Good job screw them little bastards. I'm worried now cuz I just found a little white thing very tiny and it was crawling on a leaf. Also I have a few gnats. I don't want anything to get outta hand.
Careful, that could be a spider mite. There are preventative measures that can be taken to prevent an infestation. You should find out if that's what it is and then nip it in the bud while you can.

Fungus gnats are pretty harmless. They like the fairly constant supply of dying plant matter to feed on, but they usually only nibble on fresh tender roots when they are hungry enough. But you won't find them damaging your buds or anything. I've only noted maybe 2-3 nibbled leaves over here.


Well-Known Member
Today I trimmed some lower branches that weren't getting any light to hopefully redirect some energy north.

There was a 1/4 ounce of wet bud between the 5 plants, but this was some sickly shit. I only plucked the stuff that looked half worth a damn.

It's in a small mason jar curing, I'll post include how it turns out in a future post.

Probably won't be worth cheering over, but it's got the same reek that the main colas have.

Let me emphasize again that I pruned lower, sickly branches producing hardly any bud at all. No worries!

:peace: friends.

roll it up smoke it up

Well-Known Member
Today I trimmed some lower branches that weren't getting any light to hopefully redirect some energy north.

There was a 1/4 ounce of wet bud between the 5 plants, but this was some sickly shit. I only plucked the stuff that looked half worth a damn.

It's in a small mason jar curing, I'll post include how it turns out in a future post.

Probably won't be worth cheering over, but it's got the same reek that the main colas have.

Let me emphasize again that I pruned lower, sickly branches producing hardly any bud at all. No worries!

:peace: friends.
If you trim the branches during flower won't that put the plant in shock for a few day's, and you got 1/4 oz per plant just off the bottom branches alone?


Well-Known Member
If you trim the branches during flower won't that put the plant in shock for a few day's, and you got 1/4 oz per plant just off the bottom branches alone?
Nosir, no worries, the branches were pathetic and didn't even have any pith in them. The stems crumbled at the smallest amount of pressure. Above, where there is light, the stems are stiff and solid. It was a 1/4 of salvaged wet underdeveloped bud from these pithless sticks at the bottom.

40+ inch tall plants in such a cramped space has led to only tops and middles of the plants receiving adequate light.

So far the plants have shown little to no stress and have actually continued to pack on weight :)


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be harvesting a few colas off the biggest plant on the 48th day (today is day 44) and letting most of the rest of it ripen for maybe another week or two. Me and some old buddies are renting a cottage for a week and the ounce or so on the main cola will do us nicely dried and cured.

Plus I'm more of a cerebral kind of guy anyway. :lol:

Sorry for not posting pics last night. It was NL but it felt like we were smoking Domina or something, I passed right out. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
How's it going folks? Here's a quick update of my garden. The two largest plants are looking riper by the day, and are responding to the pure water by purpling off a bit on the cola fan leaves.

Working on getting a good door installed on my closet so that I can set up proper ventillation for my next grow.

Stay tuned for a long staggered harvest in a bit :).



roll it up smoke it up

Well-Known Member
You got me considering making ak-48 a part of my next grow lol along with Barney's Farm LSD, can't wait to hear how the smoke turns out! Did you get the seeds of Nirvana.


Well-Known Member
your hid light looks like a MH but it omits an orangeish color similar to a hps. whats the deal?


Well-Known Member
your hid light looks like a MH but it omits an orangeish color similar to a hps. whats the deal?
That's just how the bulb came I suppose. It is an HPS for sure though. No complaints so far :P Except the thinner type would have fit in my reflector better. But besides that I think the plants can tell you if they like the light.

dam there looking great