Do You Really Think Marijuana Will Be Legal Soon? (nationwide)


Active Member
Because they cant fuck it up wth all the anti trust laws. If our govenement was the solo contyroler of the trade yes they would screw us. But they cant. Everyone will have a hand in it from the big guys that can front the money for shops from one end of the US to the other or the mom and pop fruit stands that pop up in the summer. Once its legal I personaly will never buy again from anyone cause I will growing my own like the majority I think.

My worry is that these big cig companies get into the buisness then start adding shit to the weed to make it become an additction like cigs. Can you picture going to the you local corner store and asking for a hard pack of newport MJ 100s.


CA could go either way. It all depends on whether or not the "radical right" confuses the issue with $$ and advertising like they did with Gay Rights. I don't think you'll see it Nationwide for a long time...human consciousness is still too dense and slow. The "good Herb" has good vibs, and when not abused always treats you right.


Well-Known Member
i tend to think that it is not so much the denseness of people, but the lack of accurate information - if you grew up with everyone telling you that cheese comes from the moon then you would tend to think that.. anslinger spent 40 long years hammering the lies into people.. we just need to present the truth..


Well-Known Member
i tend to think that it is not so much the denseness of people, but the lack of accurate information - if you grew up with everyone telling you that cheese comes from the moon then you would tend to think that.. anslinger spent 40 long years hammering the lies into people.. we just need to present the truth..
Exactly, educate the ignorant. I had a convo with someone the other day that though and I quote "every time you smoke a join, one brain cell dies." One. One brain cell folks. That must've been some scientific break though that I missed.
And this was an adult! an educated adult none the less! Moon cheese is a good analogy, it makes just about as much sense as ruining someones life, taking there children and home and possessions because of a harmless plant. a non toxic, organic plant that's the same as the day God put it on the earth...
If everyone that enjoyed using Cannabis could stand up and say, why yes, I enjoy smoking that herb. Then we'd be back to normal in one day... but those people are risking so much to do so, they remain silent and unhelpful to the movement.
The stigma of being a 'druggie' is keeping people that don't smoke from realizing that just because you smoke weed doesn't mean you are some scum of the earth slime ball that would sell there kids for a joint. Just plain ignorance. But you guys know this, tell someone that doesn't....


Well-Known Member
right.. it makes sense - if i was told and i believed that pot was as bad as crystal meth i would have a very different view on the whole thing.. i have tried for years to make proper distinctions between substances and the differing consequences people face from using them..