Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

You did say confuse... but on a deeper level this is the same thing as affect.

I don't believe plants can get confused. they just respond to any given situation/environment in whatever way the environment demands.

Hermaphroditism isn't brought on by confusion it is brought on by stress.

A female cannabis plant is stressed anyway due to unpollination... the further flowering goes the more stressed they get. So unstable light periods or any other type of stress can lead the plant to hermaphroditism dependent upon any given plants leaning towards hermaphroditism. Some plants are more prone than others, this depends also on the genetic code given to them by their parents, and their parents before them etc...

So long as the light is useable by the plant, it will use it. I don't see how giving the plant more useable light will lead to stress. The extra heat factor maybe, but this should be a consideration and steps taken to counter it anyway.

Even if you only want to give the plants 4 hours UV per day, this would not count as flickering light schedules... as it would be only the UV light that is turned off. The plants main source of light would still be there.
look close at this question.
"Is a UVB light strong enouph to confuse the plant (during flowering)into thinking it has missed its chance to reproduce? "
I can more closely relate the word "confuse" with "stress", than i could "affect".

your right, stress is what I was refering to. And I'm almost sure your right about it not being a large enouph light source that it will cause hermaphrodites, but if it were I think the reason would be this... There are many ways to stress a plant. some stress good, some stress bad. but the bottom line is canibus plants are sun worshipers. They do what light tells them to do.And if irregular lighting were to tell the plant "grow season is almost over". Then some strains of canibus might say, "oh shit, i better fertalize myself". How much light does your UVB put out?
Cannabis is not that clever, it uses photoperiod to determine seasonal change. The sun is ever changing and plants must have an inbuilt adaption mechanism to change with the different levels of spectrum the plants will receive. Also the environment is ever changing and one male pollen will not always end up in a similar environment from which it came. So the plants must have a natural adaptation to receiving differing light sources and spectrums. Which can also be witnessed from indoor grows, for example cannabis will quite happily grow all the way through with either the red or blue spectrum.

It is photoperiod in terms of light and darkness hours that determine how the plant knows when it is time to flower. There is only one trigger, and for most strains this is a dark period of 11 hours.

Even by giving the plant slightly less light hours during veg' to attempt to try and 'trick' the plant into believing autumn is on the way will fall on deaf ears. The plant cannot understand this concept, all it knows is that once 11 hours dark has come then flowering begins. Like I said, cannabis cannot be too complex, and is not that clever.
...Got to agree with the above. PEOPLE ..It's a weed... WAAAY back in the 70's my Mum knew a couple with a farm in Suffolk, both of them big fans of the drug. They planted out among the crops and along quiet hedgerows-yes it self seeded, and in a big, big way. Became something of an embarrasment in the end. Nature finds a way......
cool story psyclone...yea....nature is an amazing thing.....resilience, intent and purpose......going forward when al else stumbles and falls. One example that is very illustrative to me is the rehabilitation of the Mt. St. Helens eruption and devastation....but then 4.5B years of practice should probably have provided some refinement to the process of acquiring food water light and sex....hahahahaha! :blsmoke:
...Got to agree with the above. PEOPLE ..It's a weed... WAAAY back in the 70's my Mum knew a couple with a farm in Suffolk, both of them big fans of the drug. They planted out among the crops and along quiet hedgerows-yes it self seeded, and in a big, big way. Became something of an embarrasment in the end. Nature finds a way......
Cannabis is not that clever, it uses photoperiod to determine seasonal change. The sun is ever changing and plants must have an inbuilt adaption mechanism to change with the different levels of spectrum the plants will receive. Also the environment is ever changing and one male pollen will not always end up in a similar environment from which it came. So the plants must have a natural adaptation to receiving differing light sources and spectrums. Which can also be witnessed from indoor grows, for example cannabis will quite happily grow all the way through with either the red or blue spectrum.

It is photoperiod in terms of light and darkness hours that determine how the plant knows when it is time to flower. There is only one trigger, and for most strains this is a dark period of 11 hours.

Even by giving the plant slightly less light hours during veg' to attempt to try and 'trick' the plant into believing autumn is on the way will fall on deaf ears. The plant cannot understand this concept, all it knows is that once 11 hours dark has come then flowering begins. Like I said, cannabis cannot be too complex, and is not that clever.

I was not implying that cannabis is clever. What I was refering to is natural tendencies. My puppy likes to hump the corner of my couch. Would you call that clever?
Do not attempt to apply or simulate UVB in an indoor environment using expensive and powerful UVB emitting lamps. It is near impossible to cover the entire exposed surface area of the plant EVENLY with the correct levels of UVB light using these UVB lamps anyway. They are only useful in industrial applications such as drying paint very fast – like they do in the automobile industries. When used in these industries the operators MUST wear full bodied protective clothing and they are adjusted with an effective ‘strike zone’ that is measured in 1 to 2 inch increments away from the bulb. ‘Strike zone’ meaning the area away from the lamp at which we require a predetermined level of UVB to be emitted onto. ‘IN OTHER WORDS’, if adjusted for a strike zone that is 3 feet away from the lamp to have an intensity of 250microWatts per square inch, then the area which is only 1 foot past that may be getting as little as 30microWatts per square foot. So it’s impossible to EVENLY cover the plant all over given that the plant has curvature… as too does the lamps lighting output emit itself from the lamp in a radial manner. I have looked into what it would take to make it possible to have the right amounts of UVB indoors using UVB lamps and it is simply not feasible. UVA is not worth considering as it is not the correct wavelength of light we are seeking for full activation of the resin. UV fluorescent lamps are in effect UVA emitters and emit minute levels of UVB, and some emit no UVB at all. The closest your going to get your UVB light to emit that of the sun -you would need to get in the 240-300nm athwart radiation range. :hump:Natural UVB is the key for more THC:hump:
I find this post arrogant and just plain annoying. there are assumptions that are reflective of a general sense that you truly do know it all. Well, the reality is quite different and I will let you take the time to introspect a little, review and reassess the assumptions you have made and then respect this thread for a place where the tone you have presented does not belong. Thank you.

I was not implying that cannabis is clever. What I was refuring to is natural tendencies. My puppy likes to hump the corner of my couch. Would you call that clever?
Do not attempt to apply or simulate UVB in an indoor environment using expensive and powerful UVB emitting lamps. It is near impossible to cover the entire exposed surface area of the plant EVENLY with the correct levels of UVB light using these UVB lamps anyway. They are only useful in industrial applications such as drying paint very fast – like they do in the automobile industries. When used in these industries the operators MUST wear full bodied protective clothing and they are adjusted with an effective ‘strike zone’ that is measured in 1 to 2 inch increments away from the bulb. ‘Strike zone’ meaning the area away from the lamp at which we require a predetermined level of UVB to be emitted onto. ‘IN OTHER WORDS’, if adjusted for a strike zone that is 3 feet away from the lamp to have an intensity of 250microWatts per square inch, then the area which is only 1 foot past that may be getting as little as 30microWatts per square foot. So it’s impossible to EVENLY cover the plant all over given that the plant has curvature… as too does the lamps lighting output emit itself from the lamp in a radial manner. I have looked into what it would take to make it possible to have the right amounts of UVB indoors using UVB lamps and it is simply not feasible. UVA is not worth considering as it is not the correct wavelength of light we are seeking for full activation of the resin. UV fluorescent lamps are in effect UVA emitters and emit minute levels of UVB, and some emit no UVB at all. The closest your going to get your UVB light to emit that of the sun -you would need to get in the 400nm athwart radiation range. :hump:Natural UVB is the key for more THC:hump:
I find this post arrogant and just plain annoying. there are assumptions that are reflective of a general sense that you truly do know it all. Well, the reality is quite different and I will let you take the time to introspect a little, review and reassess the assumptions you have made and then respect this thread for a place where the tone you have presented does not belong. Thank you.

Ok tahoe then bring it. Your just a little punk bitch wannabe mod. getting pissed off for no reason. If this is not the appropriate thread to discuss and debate UVB THC and trichomes, then please direct me to the appropriate thread.
How about I just take this thread over since clearly have had nothing to contribute since the very fist posting. Everything you've posted after that has been total bullshit. All I see you do is criticize me from the first post you've ever left on a thread of mine, after a kind pm invitation for your insight on an air flow issue, you accepted it only to insult me. Then and now.I give respect, when shown respect. Maybe you're just a sensative short guy, with a short way of thinking.
you are correct, I am a sensitive guy and have a short way of thinking. my apologies if this does not fit with your expectation of me.
Ok tahoe then bring it. Your just a little punk bitch wannabe mod. getting pissed off for no reason. If this is not the appropriate thread to discuss and debate UVB THC and trichomes, then please direct me to the appropriate thread.

Oi have respect. go smoke a joint and chill
WOW!!!!!! I have not read this thread in a while now. As I read what I missed, I have found that there is one stupid SOB flapping bull shit from his lips.

Lets think about how Nature works, boys and girls. The sun rises low in the the sky, the light is filter through longer distance of atmosphere. this filters out some of the light. as the sun reaches noon the light has more strength, lumens, different strengths of light spectrums. Then as the sun starts to set it once again goes back through its changes. so how the hell would adding another light during your "on" light cycle, hermie or confuse your plant. Also, there is UVB light in nature, so how would adding this light hurt your plant. AND NOT AT INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more thing, uneven light on the plant.. HOW THE "F" IS THIS GOING TO HERMIE YOUR PLANT!!!!. Who the hell thinks a plant has even lighting all day long in nature.

I think somone is Hemiephobic.

Step away from the gene pool, and no one gets hurt!!!!!
WOW!!!!!! I have not read this thread in a while now. As I read what I missed, I have found that there is one stupid SOB flapping bull shit from his lips.

Lets think about how Nature works, boys and girls. The sun rises low in the the sky, the light is filter through longer distance of atmosphere. this filters out some of the light. as the sun reaches noon the light has more strength, lumens, different strengths of light spectrums. Then as the sun starts to set it once again goes back through its changes. so how the hell would adding another light during your "on" light cycle, hermie or confuse your plant. Also, there is UVB light in nature, so how would adding this light hurt your plant. AND NOT AT INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more thing, uneven light on the plant.. HOW THE "F" IS THIS GOING TO HERMIE YOUR PLANT!!!!. Who the hell thinks a plant has even lighting all day long in nature.

I think somone is Hemiephobic.

Step away from the gene pool, and no one gets hurt!!!!!

Is this the advanced cultivation forum? Because I love how when you tell me I'm wrong you give me a half ass 3rd grader explanation. You have misread and misquoted me on everything. Claim to know me and things about me your full of shit. If you don't know how UVB rays can hurt your plant then you are WAY ahead of yourself on this thread. Your mouth is moving faster than your brain, and you truly are an ignorant person.winning an arguement with you(lord dangly tits) is like winning the special olympics. Even if you win, your still a retard. so drop it your not worth my time.
Ok Fuck it. Boot me if you must. But I must say this. MUNCH BOX, you are about the stupidist mother fucker I have ever came across. The smartiest thing you could ever do would be to shut your dam mouth and never open it again.
Munch Box, admitt it, You know nothing about growing weed, because you are still a child living with your parents, and have not even had a crop yet.

Also, I have gotten 4 private messages so far thanking me for telling you to SHUT THE FUCK UP, LOSER!!!!

You know what they say, you are what you eat, so that must be why you are such a BIG DICK.....
I was not implying that cannabis is clever. What I was refering to is natural tendencies. My puppy likes to hump the corner of my couch. Would you call that clever?
Do not attempt to apply or simulate UVB in an indoor environment using expensive and powerful UVB emitting lamps. It is near impossible to cover the entire exposed surface area of the plant EVENLY with the correct levels of UVB light using these UVB lamps anyway. They are only useful in industrial applications such as drying paint very fast – like they do in the automobile industries. When used in these industries the operators MUST wear full bodied protective clothing and they are adjusted with an effective ‘strike zone’ that is measured in 1 to 2 inch increments away from the bulb. ‘Strike zone’ meaning the area away from the lamp at which we require a predetermined level of UVB to be emitted onto. ‘IN OTHER WORDS’, if adjusted for a strike zone that is 3 feet away from the lamp to have an intensity of 250microWatts per square inch, then the area which is only 1 foot past that may be getting as little as 30microWatts per square foot. So it’s impossible to EVENLY cover the plant all over given that the plant has curvature… as too does the lamps lighting output emit itself from the lamp in a radial manner. I have looked into what it would take to make it possible to have the right amounts of UVB indoors using UVB lamps and it is simply not feasible. UVA is not worth considering as it is not the correct wavelength of light we are seeking for full activation of the resin. UV fluorescent lamps are in effect UVA emitters and emit minute levels of UVB, and some emit no UVB at all. The closest your going to get your UVB light to emit that of the sun -you would need to get in the 400nm athwart radiation range. :hump:Natural UVB is the key for more THC:hump:

Whatare you talking about now? Are you still suggesting that giving your plants UV will make them hermie?

Maybe if you left it too late, and only used the light during flower, then maybe you would be adding to the plants stress slightly... but, if UVB is a precurser to THC then this is the chemical that should be produced during the stress.

I feel that a tolerance to UV must be given to the plants during vegetation. You're quite right, to dry paint. Here's what a plant looks like after 17 days UV on 24/0, this is with UV as the plant's sole light source.


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