Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)


Well-Known Member
They will bounce back man.... dont' worry about it too much. also radioshack has a pocket microscope that works well for about $12 if you still need one.


Active Member
ive just finished reading to the end of page 4 were jones tells us he got his hps light working

everytime i read a thread like this i just think "ruined" and then go back to the main forum

sorry for this contribution but i felt i had to say it


Active Member
^^^ It's cool man. I'm actually trying to learn how to get this thread moved to the DWC/Bubbleponics forum, but I've just been kinda lazy about it. Thanks for stoping by though man !


Active Member
Day 45 pics:

Spotted my first preflower today, hopefully many more to follow !


None of the leaves are looking any worse, and they seem to be picking back up a little. The roots are coming back in pretty nice and WAY healthier looking.


and of course the Clone Update:




Active Member
I thought the same thing a few days ago and rose the HPS up a bit farther, but I'm actually taking it a step further starting tonight.

I introduce to you, the "Redneck AC Unit":


I plan on having more frozen water bottles in there, but 3 is all I had in the freezer right now. I plant on rotating them out every 6 hours with another set and then not run it during the dark time.


^^^ this is the vid that inspired me to make a mini version for my closet.

Just checking it after running 30-45 mins and I can tell a difference in the room.


Active Member
that is a really cool idea. I wonder what putting a frozen water bottle or two inside near the plants would do. Make it more humid maybe, but it seems like the temps would go down a little possible. I thought some people do that.


Well-Known Member
glad to see them picking up man. Congrats on the preflowers too!! Interested to see what the "redneck a/c" will do. I tried something like that on a smaller scale a little while ago and it didn't work for me. Keep us updated on those temps


Active Member
Day 46 Pics:

Well, Redneck AC is on hold due to my freezer sucking balls and not being cold enough. Roots are looking great and are finally submerged. Some leaves are turning yellowish with brown and grey and curling upward... so I have no idea what that is. Any help, as always, is appreciated. Oh yeah, spotted a few more preflowers today, but it's too hard to get a good pic of them w/o a manual focus.


And the Clone:




Well-Known Member
That clone is lookin pretty nice bro! Can't really see the "gray" colors on the pics so i'm afraid I'll be no help there. Looks like she's not drooping so much anymore now, so that's good. are you using any cal-mag?


Active Member
I thought the Shultz I'm using had it, but when I just read the contents I found out otherwise. Looks like I'll be stopping by Home Chepo after work today...


Active Member
Day 47 Pics:

Leaves are getting worse. PH issue is totally solved and after doing a good bit of research and going over the whole cal-mag thing I'm going to say it is a Mag deficiency. If it were Cal then my roots wouldn't be growing hella strong and fast back like they are. Plus, the signs of Mag def. that I found sound exactly like what my plant is going through. So, starting tomorrow, I'm going to start adding 1/4 tsp of Epsom salt to my res when I change it... and I'm actually going to just add it tomorrow and see what happens for the next week. I REALLY think I've nailed it down this time. I'm glad that I've had some trouble on my first grow, and I feel like I'm learning a lot.


and of course the Clone Pics:

On a side note, I got one of those water filters to go on the kitchen sink that have a 2 stage filter you pop in them this past weekend. To my surprise, it actually lowered the PH of my well water from ~7.5 to around 5.5. So, when I watered the clone today I didn't even have to use my ph down. I'll keep an eye on this and may start using that water from now on in my hydro setup.


Active Member
Day 49 Pics:

Starting to look a lot healthier and the roots exploded with growth once they were in the water. Tips of the leaves are curled up, but the leaves as a whole have livened up a good bit. I've plucked the dead leaves from the plant and left the unhealthy looking ones that still had a bit of green left. I think she'll make a nice recovery, just don't think the fan leaves will catch up to the size of the clone in coco beside her. Preflowers are popping up all over the plant and she's really close to flower production !!!


and of course the Clone pics:


So, I accidently "snapped" my clone when I was looking at her, and had to put a splint on. Checked today where it happened and was able to take the splint off without the plant even budging here it was broken 24 hours earlier !


The next week or so should be when the real show starts !


Active Member
Day 50 (Day 19 of 12/12) Pics:


The clone:


he's really starting to drink some water now that she's got some nice, healthy roots. Id say she drank about 750 mL since yesterday. Topped the res off with PH'd filtered water. Pistols are beginning to shoot out right below the top of the new growth, so I'd say she is close to her first official flowers !

The clone, although stretched like a motherfuck, is looking mighty healthy itself. Forgot to do the "tape measure" pics, but te heights are 19 1/2" or the DWC and 11" for the clone.


Active Member
Glad to see her getting happy again. the epsom salt should fix the rest for ya. good job bro.
Thanks man ! The new growth at the top has stems that are staying green and all the leaves are starting to look miles better. I'm just glad that the main solution to my problem only cost $3 for 2 lbs ! At 1/4 tsp per gallon, that Epsom Salt should last me a long while.