p.s. He based an argument upon his assumption. An assumption that was incorrect. Basing an argument upon an assumption is an example of flawed logic.
First off i apologize for thinking your dad had the foresight to teach you gun safety rather than the church. My argument does not base itself on your father, SOMEONE taught you and you felt no need to teach your own. Are you going to give your kids the keys to the car without teaching them to drive also? Im just saying, cuz where i live people are exposed to guns all the time, my next door neighbor owns many different guns and I own a few myself. I would wager to say that of the 12 houses on my block there are at least 120 guns between them. And i only know 3 of the neighbors well enough to know how many firearms they have. We all have our firearms in large gun vaults that kids cannot in a million years get into.They all have kids, damn kids everywhere, last intentional gun fired at a person round here was back in 1973, the last time someone around here was killed by a gun was in 1871. 4 people have died from getting hit by lightning in that same period, one of them stepped out of his home on a clear day to get his mail. Round here we educate our kids on responsible and safe use of a firearm from the time they can walk and talk. Round here you are 4 times more likely to get hit by lightning than to be shot.
If your really worried you might not want to ever leave your home, lightning is a killer.