Napa23's 2nd go at auto Blue Mystic


Well-Known Member
Yeah the one's I've had (2) have flowered pretty quickly. I suspect this one would have started at day 14, but due the the dryness/topping issues it took a bit longer. I got really lucky with this one. Not only did I stress it to hell, but this is the batch of Nirvana's B.M. auto's that everyone kept getting males on. Something about breeder error. I got a new pack in the mail, now i'm knee deep in seeds :)


Well-Known Member
Napa, you girls look great, how old are they? No problems with the BM seeds seeing that you have girls:) Man, Nirvana did it up with the seeds. I got a total of 20 seeds from them plus about 50 good bagseeds. How do you like those smart-pots, I was thinking about getting some cause they would fit the pc case better than regular pots.


Well-Known Member
Well it's one girl, but she's 36 days old now. Probably around 12-14 days flowering. Growth was stunted in the beginning from stress, but she's doing great now :). The smart pot is great too. Don't have to worry about watering issues.


Well-Known Member
I don't know exactly when that will be started. I don't even know if i have enough space and lights for 2 plants right now. I need to feed the blue mystic, but I need my ph up to get here first. I just made some nutrient water and the ph shot down to 5.0! Can't give that to her. The ph up should be here in a couple of days, hopefully she can hold out until then.


Active Member
ah ok man lack of space does suck :) may as well wait til you can start it properly what level do you have your soil? i'm looking to get my next grow to 6.2 ish



Well-Known Member
I measured my tap water and it sits at 6.5 so i'm guessing my soil is around there. I'll measure the runoff when I water again. This sucks though, some leaves are twisting up and dying so I want to get this taken care of. But I also don't want to lock out other nutes by watering with pH 5.0 water.


Well-Known Member
looks nice, but small, its ok cuz my first few were like that too.. i know the patterns of the strains im growing now, so i can add the nutes they need at the right time.. for example my last few grows i noticed between day 18-26 is a HUGE growth spurt so i hit the plant with the right ammount of Nitrogen to prepare for the growth spurt.. so basically the first run is for fine tuning then your next grow will be like daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam did grow that ishh??? lol.. good job gettin this far homey.. by the way, my best advice i can give is too make the soil as loose as you can for my autos i add 50/50 soil and perlite to let the roots breathe which is important for ANY plant but even more so for autos. i noticed your soil looks a little compacted but thats just from the picture


Well-Known Member
Ok, so it's been a while since I posted an update so here we go. Some nice pics for u guys, taken on day 17 flowering. More to come, the uploader isn't working very well for me. I lost a bunch of leaves to some magnesium deficiency, but the new growth is coming in great. Buds have started to get thicker, but it's got a long way to go. Also seeing some nice trich production, I'm seeing a lot of cloudy ones and some hairs are starting to go brown. I'll be moving it to my friend's apartment thursday so we'll see how that goes.
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Well-Known Member
Napa I've been waiting on your update, looking real good. My BM's are coming along pretty good! Check my babies when you have time, you will be surprised by Sassy.


Well-Known Member
This weekend I had to go out of town, so i left my baby in my friend's hands and I am VERY pleased. I haven't seen this plant in 4 days and she just exploded! The leaves look terrible but the bud looks delicious. The trichs are still only milky. It's smelling up my apartment, not strong but definitely there. Take a look :).
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Well-Known Member
Napa, your Blue Mystic Buds are looking sooooo good but you have to get those leaves healthy. I'm excited about the growth of my 2 Blue Mystics (13 days on 24/0 daytime lights and 1 day on 18/6 with 3-2700k and 1- 6500k lights. I can't wait until my babies are looking like yours. About the smell, are you using Ona or something to control the smell? I have my girls in the pc case with carbon sheets over the exhaust fan, and 1 jar of Ona which I hope will control the smell plus an air purifier. I thought Blue Mystic strain had little to no odor during flowering.
