Feilds Of Mary-J!!!!

harvest time

Well-Known Member
LOL guess what guys.. There's a zillion little sprouts.... Idc if they grow or not ... Ur telling me its too much to dry and cure? Are you fucking retarded? Im just letting it grow wildly I'm not smoking it... Even if it does grow I'll just smoke some of the wet weed if I can.....
I'm not drying or anything... Just letting nature do its thing once again

Magical green

Active Member
also as you mentioned this is a test and if this test of yours failes you learned someting from it and you will have more respect for the plant as you will realise that wha't marijuana did was not an easy thing spreading and contenuing on in it's lonely journey to finding it's ultimate companion, the humanbeing. as what I would like to think of as a friend you guys think of as some good smokes. Also you have plenty of seed left over so you can repeat this in the summer if you wanted and i think it is a good idea no matter what any one else has to say. I also am going to spread some seed in my ariea also but i don't have any swagggggg in my ariea so i am going to spread some good stuff. ( ;

I believe that the more weed growing and the more people taking it the closer we are to winning the war!!!

mr j2

Well-Known Member
so what they sprouted? Its been warm in PA this week.. will they survive a snowstorm though?? I dont think so. So why don't you save the rest til late april/may and try again. And dont plant them in a cornfield if you ever wish to harvest them bc you WILL get caught or the plants will just be killed. If you are really just doing this for "fun" why dont you drive around the woods, plant a bunch, check on them in sept. and harvest some. If it isn't your cornfield then you are just asking for trouble, plus you do realize the farmer will see all these plants at some point?


Well-Known Member
I dunno, if you're just doing this to screw around and make people outraged at the random crop of weed that is growing, then I'd say go for it. But I'd do it in the spring.
If it's just a way to get rid of tons and tons of bag seed, then why not?


Well-Known Member
Nope. Allentown, about an hour from Phili. My cousin has a grow facility underground in Phili, he's got like 100+ plants...wow now that I think of it , i should go jack some crazy cross-breed seeds. :p

Seriously. You need to get your lies straight. It's like trying to pull a cock out of a vagin. You won't get weed that way.

I can't believe i read this thing straight to the end. You are just dicking with people. 1st you talk about planting in a corn field, then you say you have 50 acres of land, and are planting in pots. THEN THIS!!!? Are you retarded? You don't know jack about weed or growing. You don't know about cycles, male or female characteristics, and you Flame a ppl who offer you a legitimate suggestions? Seriously? You are full of BUNK, DIRT, BAMER, STRESS, VAPED WEED. That's how terrible your "contradictory posts" have been.

If you are for real, put your money where your mouth is and show us those 250 planted pots. What no camera? That's what i thought.

The End


harvest time

Well-Known Member
Alright Multen.... quiz me... I GARUNTEE you I know a lot more then you about this... I've been growing for almost 15 years now.... I'm just fucking around, you all think its going to be a successful grow? No offence, but you guys are all FAGS. You freak on someone who said what there doing lol. I didnt ask for suggestions... No shit they wont grow in winter, close this post. Pointless.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Um didnt you think it was going to be a succesful grow? Why else would you try to plant them?

Alright Multen.... quiz me... I GARUNTEE you I know a lot more then you about this... I've been growing for almost 15 years now.... I'm just fucking around, you all think its going to be a successful grow? No offence, but you guys are all FAGS. You freak on someone who said what there doing lol. I didnt ask for suggestions... No shit they wont grow in winter, close this post. Pointless.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
if you knew they probably wouldnt grow then why were you asking people if they would produce anything? i think this whole thread is a bunch of shit

quote=harvest time;459170]To see if they would even sprout in the weather conditions, plus I was bored with a shit load of schwag seeds..[/quote]


Active Member
I live in British Columbia,not far from the world famous Texada Island.There the Texada Time Warp grows WILD.And that wild shit,believe it or not,is some of the best pot there is period.It's got a great high and actually makes you trip like if you were on shrooms...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I live in British Columbia,not far from the world famous Texada Island.There the Texada Time Warp grows WILD.And that wild shit,believe it or not,is some of the best pot there is period.It's got a great high and actually makes you trip like if you were on shrooms...:bigjoint:
its a sativa high?


Well-Known Member
Alright Multen.... quiz me... I GARUNTEE you I know a lot more then you about this... I've been growing for almost 15 years now.... I'm just fucking around, you all think its going to be a successful grow? No offence, but you guys are all FAGS. You freak on someone who said what there doing lol. I didnt ask for suggestions... No shit they wont grow in winter, close this post. Pointless.
first learn how to spell. (GARUNTEE???....LOL it's guarantee son)
then learn to grow. (do you even roll your own joints?)

Wait i forgot your uncle has super strains that your gonna cross with your 250 plants with...


plz can a moderater close this thread. thanks.