Watering Schedules


Active Member
just give him a chance will ya. i mean werent we all newbies at one point. if the info seems legit then its all good........ and i know what you mean doc111. those type of weeds we dont fuck with just pull them out. its all good 69. i guess now you know why he would be saying that. but if youre not "that" guy then its all good and keep on posting good links and trust me we will find out if youre a bad weed or good weed. its all about helping out with good and helpfull info. peace yall. and by all means dont take it as if i was attacking anyone. i just like giving people the benefit of the doubt.
I hope your right, I really do because if it is the one he is thinking it is, you wouldn't believe the filth that was used to attack people. I mean, you definitely wouldn't want your kids reading the stuff. But in any event, may be you are right. Let's give everyone the respect they deserve until they give us a reason not to.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt water with a schedule. water your plants, until you get some good runoff. lift them. feel how heavy they are. then let them dry out, lift them again. they should be alot lighter. this is when you need to water. as your plant grows, it will take in more and more water, making it so you need to water more and more.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt water with a schedule. water your plants, until you get some good runoff. lift them. feel how heavy they are. then let them dry out, lift them again. they should be alot lighter. this is when you need to water. as your plant grows, it will take in more and more water, making it so you need to water more and more.
That's exactly how I do it too brother. As you gain experience you'll learn pretty much when they need water after a while.:weed:


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt water with a schedule. water your plants, until you get some good runoff. lift them. feel how heavy they are. then let them dry out, lift them again. they should be alot lighter. this is when you need to water. as your plant grows, it will take in more and more water, making it so you need to water more and more.
very good point!:clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
ya, you get to where you dont even need to pick them up. you just know that they want water. when you learn how to read what the plant wants, they will THRIVE and yield very well.
How do you know how much to water it if its in the ground and cant lift a pot..... I'm watering a 5-6 week vegging plant about 5 ltrs a week..... I have 3 bottles upside down with water spikes (the apparently release the water alot slower) and have also placed those water crystal which absorb the water for slower release as I can only get to it once a week..... thoughts?


Well-Known Member
wait until you see some leaves and some stem drooping, a sign of underwatering, but not the whole plant,just a little bit of the plant. then water.


Active Member
What do you guys think of the water olants or of the water crystals that people talk about? It would seem to me that it would make water even more confusing, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of the water olants or of the water crystals that people talk about? It would seem to me that it would make water even more confusing, what do you think?
I used to use the water crystals when I did guerilla grows. It was great for that. Not sure about growing in containers, indoors. If you are looking for something to retain more water you could try some vermiculite or some more peat moss in your soil mix. You could even give the crystals a try on 1 plant and see if you like using them. :weed: