Ladies forum?????

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New Member
Ok whatever.

Who or how do we bring this topic up with or when or never
or is that it?
I wasn't being sarcastic. :confused: I wasn't being disrespectful:confused:
I wasn't being inconsiderate:confused: Rude?


SEE! this is exactly what i am talking about. Some things ya just can't talk to men about:?

What a shame:-|
i'm done now.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor


100% Authentic A$$Hole
its so hard for me because i see it from both points i would be willing to help but i dont feel rollitup is lacking anythings and find both sides of opinion both male and female to be helpful. I think fdd may have the wrong impression that woman sometimes feel men dont want to hear this crap but in fact i think that may not be true.

take some random thing for instance say,...........laundry my sister in law says i have to do all the laundry cause he cant do it??? what the fuck is that and if he is willing to do it and learn how why would you sit and say you cant do it???? Cooking my hubby likes to cook food and i like to bake and ,ake other stuff but i guess what im trying to say is we often assume things about what people should want to think about according to gender

sorry ladies but i agree that we are causing a seperation that we resist by saying that woman want to talk about differnt things, and i also dont always feel like its worth fighting about? I never even knew of the subject till a member asked me what i thought i am not aggainst it but is also something i am not willing to fight for whatever that means

mmmmmmmmmm Kaya:hump:


New Member
Thank you !
thank you!
Where did you come from.
I like you. See I wouldn't have met her or known how she feels if this thread weren't here with a title ...ladies forum.
I totally don't get it either girly.
He's either pulling our chains thinking its funny or....
I don't know????

Easy on the names there girly:-|
Do you think we are going to lock you out of the women's section Fdd? Is there a thread like that in the toke n talk currently? Well there would be if there was a women's section because those are the types of issues floating in our head but maybe we are intimidated to post it up in the mainly 20's male area because we don't think anyone would reply or we would be called names or made fun off. How many times do we have to say it .... men can part of our discussions. We just want a comfortable place to start conversations on stuff that matters to us. If what matters to me also matters to you - hell we are on common ground and please respond. If you are a jackass who wants to know how many ounces he could posibly shove up his gf crotch... move on. Your a mod ..... you have to realise how many assinine subjects are in the toke and talk.... there's a thread on sore throat after cunniligus that is how many pages long now? Why is it so horrible to not want to search through endless thread like that before you find something worth responding too. If there was a women's section I'm fairly certain it would make it easier to find subjects of interest to me. I'm really not getting why you are so offended. Can you explain it to me? Cause from my perspective it seems like you are holding onto the fact we are saying men's viewpionts won't be welcome and we have said that's not the case.


Well-Known Member
Do you think we are going to lock you out of the women's section Fdd? Is there a thread like that in the toke n talk currently? Well there would be if there was a women's section because those are the types of issues floating in our head but maybe we are intimidated to post it up in the mainly 20's male area because we don't think anyone would reply or we would be called names or made fun off. How many times do we have to say it .... men can part of our discussions. We just want a comfortable place to start conversations on stuff that matters to us. If what matters to me also matters to you - hell we are on common ground and please respond. If you are a jackass who wants to know how many ounces he could posibly shove up his gf crotch... move on. Your a mod ..... you have to realise how many assinine subjects are in the toke and talk.... there's a thread on sore throat after cunniligus that is how many pages long now? Why is it so horrible to not want to search through endless thread like that before you find something worth responding too. If there was a women's section I'm fairly certain it would make it easier to find subjects of interest to me. I'm really not getting why you are so offended. Can you explain it to me? Cause from my perspective it seems like you are holding onto the fact we are saying men's viewpionts won't be welcome and we have said that's not the case.

this is why i'm offended. i have been in numerous discussions about parenting, teenage kids smoking pot, explaining this all to my 12 year old, fighting with people calling me a loser for being honest to my child...... now once again, what difference does it make if i'm male or female?

i think the thread on the sore throat would be perfect in the womens section. who better to ask? there's 1.

i'm a mod. i see how many problems this is starting. i'm the one that's going to have to deal with all the complaints. ok, so you get a female mod. will she be here ALL day? i get pm's, emails, reported posts, IM's,.......... half the time i can't even read the actual grow threads. such as today. i've been busy dealing with all this. it just seems like more work for Admin. that and rollitup has said NO at least twice. maybe i'm just defending the site. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
i'm offended because you are separating me due to my sex. how hard is that to understand? yes i would be welcome but maybe I would be uncomfortable even going in there. especially after all this.


New Member
Well then enough said.
IF I would have KNOWN rollitup has already said a definite NO I would not have persued this any further.:confused:

How were we to know?:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Nobody told us?:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Sorry again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:?
this is why i'm offended. i have been in numerous discussions about parenting, teenage kids smoking pot, explaining this all to my 12 year old, fighting with people calling me a loser for being honest to my child...... now once again, what difference does it make if i'm male or female?

i think the thread on the sore throat would be perfect in the womens section. who better to ask? there's 1.

i'm a mod. i see how many problems this is starting. i'm the one that's going to have to deal with all the complaints. ok, so you get a female mod. will she be here ALL day? i get pm's, emails, reported posts, IM's,.......... half the time i can't even read the actual grow threads. such as today. i've been busy dealing with all this. it just seems like more work for Admin. that and rollitup has said NO at least twice. maybe i'm just defending the site. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Well then enough said.
IF I would have KNOWN rollitup has already said a definite NO I would not have persued this any further.:confused:

How were we to know?:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Nobody told us?:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Sorry again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:?

i thought it was decided 2 months ago. that's what bothers me so much. i hate when people complain about this site or rollitup's decisions. we owe this all to him. maybe i'm wrong. maybe it's time we re-address the issue.

it would be nice to have my own opinion and be accepted for that as opposed to all negativity towards it. sorry, it's just something i don't think we NEED. i apologize for feeling this way. i know it's wrong. :cry:


Well-Known Member
I get your concern that it would add more work to moderators. But there was a big debate over the cfl forum before it was institued, is it causing you headaches now though? That's an honest question - not rhetorical. I've been a mod on a message board before.... I won't do it again. My hats off to all of you that are willing to put the work into it.


Well-Known Member
I get your concern that it would add more work to moderators. But there was a big debate over the cfl forum before it was institued, is it causing you headaches now though? That's an honest question - not rhetorical. I've been a mod on a message board before.... I won't do it again. My hats off to all of you that are willing to put the work into it.

i move a few threads. no biggy. the problem is i don't see those growers anymore because i don't visit that forum. we were separated. :cry: i miss my CFL friends.


New Member
OMG Now I know what Nat is talking about.
They deleted some posts.
The last post about this request was written by GK saying 'that the request is being looked into and that i could thank fdd for it'

Well thanks fdd BUT I never heard anything about it and when I do ask about something you seem to think I am complaining.

Nobody told me any differently:cry:

And girly hits, my 'puter is really going squirrely here as well.

I guess we are being silenced. :-|

OK then:-|

Sorry again fdd sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.
Lack of communication I suppose 'cause I ain't brain dead.:?
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