Ladies forum?????

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Well-Known Member
yes i would be in on it although this thread is seventeen pages long and i never opened it simply because it said something about ladies forum and i have never been a part of things that are only for ladies? Strange i know but i still think its a cool idea for those who feel the need for it and would be willing to help in any way that i can?

o yea you will have to look to my hubby for cooking stuff cause i dont cook thats his department, the world i live in challenges every last thread of the gender related expectations that are applied to us from the moment of birth, here i go again sorry:)


Well-Known Member
Thanks again beatdown.
The idea of a woman forum isn't because we feel beat down. At least I don't. I think the members here are the best anywhere and I am constantly expressing that.
Sure you get the odd male and female BUT with a site this big, that is to be expected and if not, then :roll: then the person shouldn't even be on the net in the first place.

The intent on us wanting a some (and I quote tiny, little )
part of the forum where we can get to know each other and just chat about stuff that ladies like to chat about.

For instance....I love to garden flowers and such. I'd bore the heck:roll: out of most guys here because they just aren't interested. Not that i blame them. They're guys.
Most guys don't. But if there are some men out there that would like to join in the conversation, then by all means they are welcome. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

so i've heard 2 reasons now.....

1) so you ladies can talk parenting.

2) so you ladies can talk about growing flowers.

i was insulted by both comments. talk about sexist.

threatened? highly doubtful.


Well-Known Member
Or we might wanna share some recipes or tell a funny story that only woman could appreciate.
And I know there is a section for (recipes) but we don't wanna hang out in a recipe section:| cause we don't always wanna talk about recipes either.
I know most of you guys don't get it BUT ......
and here is my MAIN POINT>>>>>>we communicate differently sometimes.

only a women?


Well-Known Member
so i've heard 2 reasons now.....

1) so you ladies can talk parenting.

2) so you ladies can talk about growing flowers.

i was insulted by both comments. talk about sexist.

threatened? highly doubtful.

haha! that is funny! sorry ladies.....i think it is a great idea! but i feel bad because i am a man :-| an i am on your post!
but anyway i belive it is a good can talk about house work and the latest polish :mrgreen: or your new hoover! <<<---- sorry just had 2 say it!
sorry for any insult!
i will be happy for you ladies if you do get your own post, because i have noticed and do feel sorry when your posts get over run with men and there is more men on here than women
hope it goes well! all my best :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
EKKKK Sorry I didn't see this thread sooner Lacy!!! I didn't even have time yet to read all the way through.... got half way. I'll read it all after I get my rug rat out to school. But if there is any question ..... I AM VOTING FOR A FEMALE SECTION!!!And Fdd I know we have butted heads on the reasons but I hope you realise I think your a cool guy and you could come yack with me about kids anyday.and btw.... I have more important things on my mind than housework or nail polish :-)


New Member
How can you possibly be insulted by this idea?

I don't get it!

What's so sexist about the request for a ladies room that you men can come to if you choose.?:confused:

I take back the 'threatened' comment if that has ya ...whatever ya feel...not sure:confused:
so i've heard 2 reasons now.....

1) so you ladies can talk parenting.

2) so you ladies can talk about growing flowers.

i was insulted by both comments. talk about sexist.

threatened? highly doubtful.


New Member
Amen and thank you girly.
Ditto to both except I don't have kids. i do have a cat and fdd has a cat...opps 2 cats I think.:confused:

Anyway, the intention isn't a room for us to go and bitch about you guys.:roll:

Believe it or not we do have better things to talk about besides men.:-|

It might become a 'stitch and bitch' BUT we aren't gonna start men bashing if thats what you are worried about.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Now I need to go paint my nails.....;)
EKKKK Sorry I didn't see this thread sooner Lacy!!! I didn't even have time yet to read all the way through.... got half way. I'll read it all after I get my rug rat out to school. But if there is any question ..... I AM VOTING FOR A FEMALE SECTION!!!And Fdd I know we have butted heads on the reasons but I hope you realise I think your a cool guy and you could come yack with me about kids anyday.and btw.... I have more important things on my mind than housework or nail polish :-)


Active Member
I want a forum where I can ask about how folkshandle their weed smoking weed and if they keep it secret from their teenagers. The guys on the forum might pass up that thread but I know there are MJ smoking moms that know the answer and would share!


New Member
I want a forum where I can ask about how folkshandle their weed smoking weed and if they keep it secret from their teenagers. The guys on the forum might pass up that thread but I know there are marijuana smoking moms that know the answer and would share!

wait untill they go 2 sleep snatch there weed from pockets and get high bongsmilie


New Member
Yes exactly. I don't have kids but have wondered about this topic myself. And 'I think' most men would have a different perspective on it.
Good point CM:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
I want a forum where I can ask about how folkshandle their weed smoking weed and if they keep it secret from their teenagers. The guys on the forum might pass up that thread but I know there are marijuana smoking moms that know the answer and would share!
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