Ladies forum?????

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Well-Known Member
Im beginning to think that most of the members here are teenagers:roll:

I like lacy personally and understand why shes asking for it,but maybe it would just be a better idea to enable people to delete other peoples comments from their own threads only that they don't want there.
A female only room may cause separatism and a male/female divide on the boards:blsmoke:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
are you ladies gonna dress upin your thongs and say "Do you think my husband or man will like this look?' If so, Im all for it:hump:


Well-Known Member
I want a forum where I can ask about how folkshandle their weed smoking weed and if they keep it secret from their teenagers. The guys on the forum might pass up that thread but I know there are marijuana smoking moms that know the answer and would share!
See this is the type of stuff you'de probably see..... I have a 16, 13, and 2 11 year olds. I don't smoke infront of them and I would never smoke with them. My 2 oldest know I smoke and I have had numerous conversations about the full range of drugs and thier effects with all my kids. I'de love to go into more detail but I don't want to derail this thread.


Well-Known Member
so now i'm unable to discuss pot with my kid because i'm a male? this just keeps getting worse.

i have yet to see 1 valid reason for a separate forum. :confused:

not threatened, highly offended.


Well-Known Member
are you ladies gonna dress upin your thongs and say "Do you think my husband or man will like this look?' If so, Im all for it:hump:
I think I'm done now fighting Lacy. There is only so much beating my head against a wall before I realise I'm only hurting myself. I think all of the women have been for it.... and we are asking for one little section out of a ton on the home page. We've said men can come and be involued. You've reiterated over and over that it's just a space that would make it more comfortable for women to start threads and post. I've seen comments about housekeeping, nail polish, recipes, looking good for 'our man' and it's really starting to get to me. I have a vagina and breast... BUT MY FUCKING BRAIN STILL WORKS. God damnit can we get some credit. This is really not making me feel welcome here on this board.


New Member
Yes Fdd I did post a thread about getting a christmas gift for my hubby and got a great response. The guys were all great and I thanked each and every one of them as I did for the condolences I received about my shepherd.

What a better place to post a thread about fishing with 95% men:roll:
IT also gave me a chance to get to know more members here on 'their' tuff so to speak. (yours too) and I did thank you.

I have always been grateful as a member here and I think most people here know it.

Sorry for using the 'word' threatened. Perhaps i should have choose my words more carefully.
How about 'concerned' or 'worried'? :confused:
I don't know you tell me?

Here is another example of why it would be cool to have a womens section.

Christmas eve I fall and hurt myself real bad. Hubby gives me some prescibed pain meds (his) that are really STRONG. So strong that you have to take a prescibed med for your stomach as well.

Was great for the pain BUT next next day(chrsitmas)
I was :spew:everywhere for two days straight. i couldn't even take down water. :?

Earlier I had invited our neighbours over for christmas so obviously I needed to call and let them know.

About a week later when I am starting to feel a bit better(new years day) hubby and I take the dogs for a walk. We have gifts for the neigbours but I told hubby that we will just drop them off at the front door and leave, so we do.

Well since hubby has been SO into fishing he is just dying to tell the neighbour about it. I gave him all this cool stuff(thanks again guys:mrgreen:) and was so disappointed that we were not all getting together.

Sooooooooo on the way back from our walk, neighbour is out snowblowint his driveway and of course hubby goes and talks to him. I go in the house.

About 2 hours later he strolls in and says that we are invited over at the neighbours for dinner.:confused:
Now being a woman I KNOW how pissed off I would be if hubby did that to me.
He didn't see it as any big deal:roll:

I phone up my gurlfriend next door and tell her not to worry about dinner becuase we have already eaten. I thought that was the polite thing to do.
She was obviously pissed and although we have a great relationship....this really put a strain on it.

After 4 hours of feeling like I was walking on eggshells I politely excused myself and told them I had to take the dogs out know...:roll: and I did but after 15 minutes decided to call back and tell her that i had a great night and wasn't coming back because I was tired still hurt...yada yada yada

Hubby sees nothing wrong with this at all but ask most ladies out there and they would have a completely different perspective about it.:?

So fdd. Being a woman, how do you feel when this type of thing happens to you and what would you do about it?

BTW. I was talking to my hubby about this thread and he said "For **** sakes give them the ****ing part of the forum so i don't have to hear about it any more.:mrgreen::cuss::wall:

Get my point? :mrgreen::-|Maybe?
Aren't you glad you asked?:hump:


Well-Known Member
i've seen:

men aren't good parents. they don't understand there kids or care to.

men don't like growing flowers. they like beer and wrestling.

men don't understand things like women do. i don't know if this is an insult or a compliment.

men don't like to drink coffee and chat in the AM. that's all i do.

men don't like nail polish. maybe not to wear but i love hands and polish is just a compliment. i'd love to visit a "show me your new nails" thread.

i would be all for a female forum if i could just understand why. is there any reason other than "because we are girls"? i never meant to argue with anyone. i'm just trying to still understand.


New Member
We'll add to that the fact the an all female section would draw the most vile sexists to it. It would be about female bashing, for the most part, and the majority of participants would be teenage boys.


New Member
We are not asking for a ladies only forum.
All we are requesting is a place that we can chat about dis and dat....yadda...yadda...yaddaaaa...blah blah blah..

And you gentlemen are MORE than WELCOME to join :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Im beginning to think that most of the members here are teenagers:roll:

I like lacy personally and understand why shes asking for it,but maybe it would just be a better idea to enable people to delete other peoples comments from their own threads only that they don't want there.
A female only room may cause separatism and a male/female divide on the boards:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yes Fdd I did post a thread about getting a christmas gift for my hubby and got a great response. The guys were all great and I thanked each and every one of them as I did for the condolences I received about my shepherd.

What a better place to post a thread about fishing with 95% men:roll:
IT also gave me a chance to get to know more members here on 'their' tuff so to speak. (yours too) and I did thank you.

I have always been grateful as a member here and I think most people here know it.

Sorry for using the 'word' threatened. Perhaps i should have choose my words more carefully.
How about 'concerned' or 'worried'? :confused:
I don't know you tell me?

Here is another example of why it would be cool to have a womens section.

Christmas eve I fall and hurt myself real bad. Hubby gives me some prescibed pain meds (his) that are really STRONG. So strong that you have to take a prescibed med for your stomach as well.

Was great for the pain BUT next next day(chrsitmas)
I was :spew:everywhere for two days straight. i couldn't even take down water. :?

Earlier I had invited our neighbours over for christmas so obviously I needed to call and let them know.

About a week later when I am starting to feel a bit better(new years day) hubby and I take the dogs for a walk. We have gifts for the neigbours but I told hubby that we will just drop them off at the front door and leave, so we do.

Well since hubby has been SO into fishing he is just dying to tell the neighbour about it. I gave him all this cool stuff(thanks again guys:mrgreen:) and was so disappointed that we were not all getting together.

Sooooooooo on the way back from our walk, neighbour is out snowblowint his driveway and of course hubby goes and talks to him. I go in the house.

About 2 hours later he strolls in and says that we are invited over at the neighbours for dinner.:confused:
Now being a woman I KNOW how pissed off I would be if hubby did that to me.
He didn't see it as any big deal:roll:

I phone up my gurlfriend next door and tell her not to worry about dinner becuase we have already eaten. I thought that was the polite thing to do.
She was obviously pissed and although we have a great relationship....this really put a strain on it.

After 4 hours of feeling like I was walking on eggshells I politely excused myself and told them I had to take the dogs out know...:roll: and I did but after 15 minutes decided to call back and tell her that i had a great night and wasn't coming back because I was tired still hurt...yada yada yada

Hubby sees nothing wrong with this at all but ask most ladies out there and they would have a completely different perspective about it.:?

So fdd. Being a woman, how do you feel when this type of thing happens to you and what would you do about it?

BTW. I was talking to my hubby about this thread and he said "For **** sakes give them the ****ing part of the forum so i don't have to hear about it any more.:mrgreen::cuss::wall:

Get my point? :mrgreen::-|Maybe?
Aren't you glad you asked?:hump:

i think i would pretty much feel the same way you did. apparently you have only dealt with "macho" men. i have feelings.

YouTube - I Want It Now/Oompa Loompa - Veruca Salt - Willy Wonka


Well-Known Member
We are not asking for a ladies only forum.
All we are requesting is a place that we can chat about dis and dat....yadda...yadda...yaddaaaa...blah blah blah..

And you gentlemen are MORE than WELCOME to join :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
I believe that you want this for all the right reasons but it will attract even more assholes to your threads and it will cause separatism.
It would be better if you had the ability to delete unsavoury comments from your own threads:blsmoke:


New Member
AND......we (women here) would deal with it :)
KP and I will team up
Where is she?
Anyway i have housework to do/
later peeps.

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
its so hard for me because i see it from both points i would be willing to help but i dont feel rollitup is lacking anythings. i find both sides of opinion, male and female to be helpful. I think fdd may have the wrong impression ? woman sometimes feel men dont want to hear this crap......... but in fact i think that may not be true.

take some random thing for instance say,...........laundry my sister in law says i have to do all the laundry cause he cant do it??? what the fuck is that and if he is willing to do it and learn, how why would you sit and say "you cant do it"???? or Cooking my hubby likes to cook food and i like to bake and make other stuff ?......but i guess what im trying to say is we often assume things about what people should want to think or like about according to gender

sorry ladies but i agree that we are causing a seperation that we resist by saying that woman want to talk about differnt things, and i also dont always feel like its worth fighting about? I never even knew of the subject till a member asked me what i thought i am not aggainst it but is also something i am not willing to fight for whatever that means.
I was recently in a class of all woman reading womans liturature and the whole time i sat and thought i am nothing like any of these woman and it was very strange for me???? just my opinion?


Well-Known Member
so now i'm unable to discuss pot with my kid because i'm a male? this just keeps getting worse.

i have yet to see 1 valid reason for a separate forum. :confused:

not threatened, highly offended.
Do you think we are going to lock you out of the women's section Fdd? Is there a thread like that in the toke n talk currently? Well there would be if there was a women's section because those are the types of issues floating in our head but maybe we are intimidated to post it up in the mainly 20's male area because we don't think anyone would reply or we would be called names or made fun off. How many times do we have to say it .... men can part of our discussions. We just want a comfortable place to start conversations on stuff that matters to us. If what matters to me also matters to you - hell we are on common ground and please respond. If you are a jackass who wants to know how many ounces he could posibly shove up his gf crotch... move on. Your a mod ..... you have to realise how many assinine subjects are in the toke and talk.... there's a thread on sore throat after cunniligus that is how many pages long now? Why is it so horrible to not want to search through endless thread like that before you find something worth responding too. If there was a women's section I'm fairly certain it would make it easier to find subjects of interest to me. I'm really not getting why you are so offended. Can you explain it to me? Cause from my perspective it seems like you are holding onto the fact we are saying men's viewpionts won't be welcome and we have said that's not the case.


Well-Known Member
And why the hell is there no breaks in my posts anymore..... damnit I'm using paragraphs but they are not postin that way.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that none of this would happen if people could delete comments that they didn't like from their own threads.
Not from other peoples threads just from their own:blsmoke:
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