SD's First Grow - 600w HPS


Active Member
Looking good, amigo. Are you vegging to a specific height/week amount/girth?
I'm vegging them for 5 weeks, they'll be flipped to 12/12 on the 29th. My original plan was a 4 week veg but since I started from seed I wanted to give them as much time to bulk up before I flip.

Man, I think I just got here in time to finish this grow out with the rest of ya'll! Keep up the good work.....
Welcome to the party OG! Still a few more weeks but I'm sure it's going to fly by.

Looking great SD, I'm not sure what the molasses does but it definitely works haha and my girls have always loved it! I might do a side by side comparison just for shits and giggles in the future. We will see.
If it works then it works, can't really dispute results. Speaking of side by sides, I still have that damn AirPot waiting. I'm probably going to save it for a Nirvana bean.


Well-Known Member
not positive on what it is but it could very well be over fed just a tad, mabye just try watering wit plain water for awhile and see if it helps, the soil you use has nutes i nit so it shouldnt need added nutes just yet unless they were starting to get a DEF


Well-Known Member
not really sure exactly what it does either... all i know is that big nute companies put it in their bloom nutes... so i put it in mine... lol... cantt argue with the pros...


Active Member
Hey SD - I'm thinking the same thing as mcpurple. Maybe a little too much nitrogen in the mix - they look really dark green in the pictures (but that could just be the lighting as well). I'd cut back a little on the feedings and see if an improvement follows.


Well-Known Member
I over fed one of my party girls and it did the leaf curl/claw thing.. I'm flushing it aswell to see if it helps, the wierd thing is the other two love the nutes :)

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
I over fed one of my party girls and it did the leaf curl/claw thing.. I'm flushing it aswell to see if it helps, the wierd thing is the other two love the nutes :)
its funny aint it. everyplant is different form the rest. Wendy is a baby and she takes nutes like a champ! she should have been scorched but instead shes thriving


Well-Known Member
its funny aint it. everyplant is different form the rest. Wendy is a baby and she takes nutes like a champ! she should have been scorched but instead shes thriving
It is funny, thats why you have to pay close attention to all your girls. Even the pro's I'm sure have there nute issues but they probably realize it a lot sooner lol..


Well-Known Member
It is funny, thats why you have to pay close attention to all your girls. Even the pro's I'm sure have there nute issues but they probably realize it a lot sooner lol..
if you have a strain you like and want to keep for awhile you will get the feed down on what it likes and how much.


Active Member
Ya it is insane, i notice my pur kusk can handle about double the nutes that my chemdog can. i swear growing weed is almost as much fun as smoking it, especially when u invest about 4 months into it!!


Active Member
Man, I was dead tired last night. I actually fell asleep while trying to post updated pics. Thanks for the suggestions on the leaf curl, I gave them a good drink of plain ol' water and I can tell a difference in the affected plants. I'm also going to try and find a cheap humidifier, my levels seem low at 30-40%, mostly around 35%. On to the update ------->


During my daily check, I think I noticed preflowers on the upper nodes of the older plants last night. The bad news is I suspect two of them to be male but I'm not going to jump to conclusions. These are the suspects:


It would suck because they're healthy plants but c'est la vie.


Hopefully these are females, I'm thinking the first one is. Not sure about the LST'd one, I haven't seen any signs of preflower yet. And of course, the real babies, although they're growing much faster being under more light. I need to rearrange my whole lighting scheme to better cover my plants.


Hopefully this wasn't too long winded. Sorry if it was but congrats if you made it thru :clap:


Active Member
Regardless of any possible males, they look really great. Did you lighten up on the nutes or change anything?

Oh and I keep meaning to ask - what happened to that crazy looking one that didn't want to grow at first (it was on another thread in the forums)?


Active Member
Regardless of any possible males, they look really great. Did you lighten up on the nutes or change anything?

Oh and I keep meaning to ask - what happened to that crazy looking one that didn't want to grow at first (it was on another thread in the forums)?
Thanks Tao, this is my learning grow so I'm not bummed about anything really. If they are males then they gave me great practice for the females and future grows. I watered them Wednesday with plain water and will do the same tomorrow, if they're thirsty that is. And that crazy plant is actually the last plant pictured. S/he is growing great, just very oddly.


Active Member
Oh man, I missed seeing that picture earlier - that's cool though. I love mutant plants. lol

Be sure you let me know what the smoke is like from it! I'll bet she'll grow out of it eventually and start looking more normal. Is her growth rate about like the others now that she's going?