Aussie Growers Thread

benjamin alexander

Active Member
oh absolutely, getting shit faced is a FANTASTIC side effect but i have a torn labrium, 3 cases of bursitis (swollen bursa's) and a parabolic cyst all in the one shoulder and thanks to a certain workplace insurance company taking over TWO YEARS to get their act together and approve my claim and surgery my shoulder is pretty much dead now, 6 months recovery from surgery, a year minimum rehab but never get my shoulder any better than 80 percent. cuz ive been waiting so long for the surgery all my doc could do is give me pain killers and antibiotics, all of which eventually gave me a kick ass stomach ulcer so no more painkillers thats when my doc said 'ever tried mj?' lol so thats my 'legit reason' i simply meant im not just after it for a good time, it improves my quality of life like you couldnt believe, i can eat and sleep again!
and ive onl ever had local dirt weed lol imagine what a nice strain might do!


Active Member
my two babies are facing a cross road should i top my plants or grow them el naturale? was planning on growing with scrog but am too worried about stuffing it up any suggestions appreciated


Active Member
Nice looking plant you got there buddy. ALTHOUGH....that arm could do with some tanning :P

I didn't know there were any "legit medicinal reasons" in Australia - personally I use it to get shit-faced.
mmmm theres no legal reasons, but legit and legal don't quite mean the same thing to me.

Pain relief

Just to name a few :)


Well-Known Member
shit start to the week for me.Turns out australian post lost my seeds at there dispatch store 10mins drive from me, so after waiting 4 fucking weeks i now have to wait another 2more weeks.anyone had this happen to them ? like where the fk could they goto ? my outdoor plants are going to be small this season :-( .

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
shit start to the week for me.Turns out australian post lost my seeds at there dispatch store 10mins drive from me, so after waiting 4 fucking weeks i now have to wait another 2more weeks.anyone had this happen to them ? like where the fk could they goto ? my outdoor plants are going to be small this season :-( .
Customs perhaps?


Active Member
dont ask me why but i allways assumed they checked the parcels b4 they got on the plane
probably someone at aussie post recognized the parcel and ripped them off.... or you have feds watching your house :P realistically what can they do on border security they give people warnings all the time as if theyre gonna waste tax payers money on seeds buds fair enough but..


Active Member
dont ask me why but i allways assumed they checked the parcels b4 they got on the plane
haha if so they did a shit job for mine :P

I got some from Herbies (G13 Haze) and according to the tracking number they in Aus now, so only a matter of days (i expect tomorrow...if not i doubt they will at all) till they arrive :)


Active Member
hey guys got a couple out doors that are doing really well, is it too late to cut a few clones and plant some more, if i cut now they will prop be in the ground mid december, so they should get over a month veg so im guessin its all good


Active Member
I use an all purpose organic mix which basically has everything in it to get your plant through till harvest time, i got my soil from bunnings for like $13 for 30litres
theres also alot of crap soil mixes at bunnings too, the one im talking about has a pumpkin pictured on the front
nice and healthy looking plants all the time with this soil they thrive in it
I thinking of using this mix for the new clones im starting. im going to dig a hole and plant them straight in the ground. Would 1 to 2 bags per plant be fine? how often do you water? Do you add anything else in the mix or any other kind of nutes?


Well-Known Member
I thinking of using this mix for the new clones im starting. im going to dig a hole and plant them straight in the ground. Would 1 to 2 bags per plant be fine? how often do you water? Do you add anything else in the mix or any other kind of nutes?
1 -2 bags will be plenty if your buying the 30L bags, my first grow i didn't add any nutes whatso ever and the plants did great with just the nutes thats in the soil, but you can add some bloom nutes when flowering starts it won't hurt just start with half the recommended dose and move up gradually, i find that this soil mix holds water very well i was watering only once a week and they loved it, this was in winter so you probably have to water more frequently in this heat where getting.


Active Member
i am about to plant my 60dw in soil and found this stuff at bunnings:
Amgrow Organix nitrogen 3.5% phosphorus .6% potassium .67% plus calcium magnesium sulfer iron copper zinc cytokynins 25mcg/litre tri-indole accetic acid 150mg/litre
going to give this stuff a try it was 13 bucks for 1litre concentrate and its 100% organic


Active Member
1 -2 bags will be plenty if your buying the 30L bags, my first grow i didn't add any nutes whatso ever and the plants did great with just the nutes thats in the soil, but you can add some bloom nutes when flowering starts it won't hurt just start with half the recommended dose and move up gradually, i find that this soil mix holds water very well i was watering only once a week and they loved it, this was in winter so you probably have to water more frequently in this heat where getting.
hey mate thanx for the reply, I just got back from bunnyings now searched there all there garden range looking for the pumpkin on the bag but i couldnt find it. Do you have any idea of the name of the soil?

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member Its everywhere dude, why buy the filthy stuff. Bags of dirt are heavy, expensive and full of pathogens.

Anyone can make kick ass soil with little effort and no money.
Download this torrent on permaculture and organic gardening.
It sounds kinda boring but the knowledge you could gain from this stuff will be an invaluable tool in your future outdoor/indoor grows.

I wonder if "dirt in a can" is any good for growing.

Someone should make chronic in a can. bongsmilie


Active Member
i totally agree with u 100%. i no there are much better soils out there then the baged shit u would get especially at bunnings, but its my first outdoor grow, ive only ever done hydro and taking Masterhemps advise since he has used it on diff strains and never had a problem, this is my main concern to get the finish line with no dramas

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Fair call. I'm too paranoid to grow outdoors. It would be fun to try it one day though.

I likes the sound of an 8 foot 3lb monster.