Aussie Growers Thread

also wats the go with the choppers? ive been doing alittle reading up on them, do they really have that flir camera that detects the signature of the actual plant? im only doing 9 so im thinking of grouping them in lots of 3 and spreading them out in my back yard.
i think youll find they find most of the crops by the sheer number grouped together or rubbish littered around if your gonna grow in your backyard chuck some tomato plants in around them taste awesome and make it harder for cops (or anyone else for that matter to find them)
also if you bury chicken mesh in the hole before you plant out in the scrub makes it a real pain in the ass to pull them out if they do get found most people will probably give up
also if you bury chicken mesh in the hole before you plant out in the scrub makes it a real pain in the ass to pull them out if they do get found most people will probably give up

LOL i luv it
i heard of peeps even going to the point of putting razor blades around the base
LOL i luv it
i heard of peeps even going to the point of putting razor blades around the base
yeh but thats another offence (making man traps is serious shit) i heard about an electrician who wired up his chicken coop (where he was growing his plants) with 240v was fine until the cops found out about it got in heaps of shit over it other people use fish hooks on fishing line (most rips are at night)
I want one of these for christmas.
if any1 needs curing jars check out the reject shop
i got these DSCF1379.jpgDSCF1381.jpgfor 2 bucks each they also have bigger cookie jar ones for 5 bucks
yeh but thats another offence (making man traps is serious shit) i heard about an electrician who wired up his chicken coop (where he was growing his plants) with 240v was fine until the cops found out about it got in heaps of shit over it other people use fish hooks on fishing line (most rips are at night)
im my youth ( quite sometime ago ) we used to go down the lane ways in our local area and suss over back fences, we always ripped during the day as most growers would be of age and at work during the day..
im my youth ( quite sometime ago ) we used to go down the lane ways in our local area and suss over back fences, we always ripped during the day as most growers would be of age and at work during the day..
what are you proud of that???
rippen off some1's pride and joy
that sux balls
if any1 needs curing jars check out the reject shop
i got these View attachment 1289242View attachment 1289244for 2 bucks each they also have bigger cookie jar ones for 5 bucks

Thats what i use too :) My white rhino managed to fill two of them :)

im my youth ( quite sometime ago ) we used to go down the lane ways in our local area and suss over back fences, we always ripped during the day as most growers would be of age and at work during the day..

Yer why would you be happy with that? I REALLY hate stealing from the individual. Seems how we are all growers here, it seems a little dumb to say you used to knock off the very shit we are all putting our pride and joy into growing....

On a different note, i got my G13 Haze the other day :) .....but now im worried about growing in summer as the cops ALWAYS have the cameras out in summer and my grow room is pumping out close to 35-40C of heat and its in a tin shed with every third rafter being clear plastic so they might be able to pick it up? Im pretty sure i can last till you think i should wait or just grow now?
if ya really worried bout it skiz get ya self a couple autos and just put em outside in pots so ya can move em if need be
Hey guys - I have just started a discussion thread about making Feminised Seeds with Colloidal Silver - (kinda branched it off from my other thread).

If you want to experiment with seed production, or just want to pick my brain and get an opinion - jump into the thread and lets learn something.
Here is an interesting video for all - Channel 10 NEWS
Topic - Legalize and Tax Marijuana

anyone else get a slight erection from this?

This guy managed to hold his argument extremely well, cutting down all the bs behind the "facts" on weed like gateway drug etc. Im pretty sure this same guy was used in the doco "how weed won the west" and "american drug war" (both made by the same guy) and he held his own in that too. Shame it was morning news though :(

What are your guys/girls take on whats happening with weed these days? People say its getting stricter with more busts and big crack downs, etc. HOWEVER the way i see it is "we" now have alot of medical professionals supporting marijuana in terms of its health benifits and economists saying how if we tax it like we do alcohol and tobacco you can create large revenue, etc. This to me sounds as if we could see some forward movement on the matter?