Organic Indoor AK-48 under T5 (Veg & Bloom) with BMO Nutrients


Active Member
Congrats on your new daughter!! There's always that runt playing 'little engine that could', bless their little runt cells.


Well-Known Member
If she doesn't straighten up and fly right in a week or so, she's getting nixed. I could use the extra room anyway. If so, I'll just take a couple clones from one of the confirmed females with the best apparent traits. Right now, I'm liking the oldest girl. She has had the quickest growth of the three, showed sex earliest of the three, and is somewhat short and branching quickly. But, there is very little smell to her. Back before the Blackberry plant grew balls, it smelled amazing at around 4 weeks in. At 4 weeks in on this girl, she just smells green. Also, her leaves are a bit more rough, where as the Blackberry's leaves were more waxy and shiny.


Well-Known Member
i can did it i used to keep the runts around just on faith alone, but now it they are holding up production they get the ax right away...

BTW, the fim is looking good..


Active Member
Hey Auzzbaby!

Just wanted to clarify something. If I understand the term "fim" it means to nip the shoot in half. I went below the brand new shoot & took the whole thing. But I don't mind delays as I want 2 months on the plant b4 it goes in the cab, then 1 mo. veg & 2 of flower. That 48 is an unstopable beast. Now probably won't get us high!


Well-Known Member
Hey Auzzbaby!

Just wanted to clarify something. If I understand the term "fim" it means to nip the shoot in half. I went below the brand new shoot & took the whole thing. But I don't mind delays as I want 2 months on the plant b4 it goes in the cab, then 1 mo. veg & 2 of flower. That 48 is an unstopable beast. Now probably won't get us high!
Not quite sure I understand your post. I actually don't have any AK48 going, if you read the whole thread, you will realize that my AK48 beans never made it to my abode from Nirvana, so I went with bagseed.

Since I've got Thanksgiving all to myself (finally), I will be giving a big update later tonight once my camera charges.


Well-Known Member
You're going to fuck everything up trying to adjust Ph in soil. Just leave it alone, Ph in soil should be the last thing on your list to fix.
Quite the contrary. Since I've been pH'ing my nute solution as well as my water, I have noticed them growing quicker. Even the FIM cut healed in 48 hours and started new growth.

With that being said: UPDATE

The FIM cut is healing quite easily. New leaf growth has started on the girl:
2010-11-25 19.36.52.jpg

And the biggest, oldest girl is showing pre-flowers at every node. Branching is beginning as well. Some long ass pistils for overall height. Sharpie marker is in there for size comparison. I think she has been vegging for 5 weeks as of now. I'm going to go about three more probably.

2010-11-25 19.33.53.jpg2010-11-25 19.36.01.jpg2010-11-25 19.35.37.jpg


Active Member
Wow I did screw that up didn't I. That means my first post was inappropriate aswell. I'm a tool....and old......sorry!
I've now read the entire thread & will subscribe as soon as I figure out how. I've been growing & burning for 30+'s just these dam computers.


Well-Known Member
Wow I did screw that up didn't I. That means my first post was inappropriate aswell. I'm a tool....and old......sorry!
I've now read the entire thread & will subscribe as soon as I figure out how. I've been growing & burning for 30+'s just these dam computers.
LoL, we will help you out papa!!

If you go up to the very top where you see the title of this thread "Organic Indoor Ak"
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Well-Known Member
Wow I did screw that up didn't I. That means my first post was inappropriate aswell. I'm a tool....and old......sorry!
I've now read the entire thread & will subscribe as soon as I figure out how. I've been growing & burning for 30+'s just these dam computers.
No need to come down on yourself so hard, bromigo. Old or young. All are welcome.

At the top of the thread there is the title of my thread "Organic Indoor..." and under it there is a drop-down menu that says thread tools. In there you can subscribe to the thread, and it will appear in your 'My RollItUp' page whenever a new post occurs.

I Like it.
Thanks yo!


Well-Known Member
Oh shit. Didn't mean to double-post that. Didn't see that Smelly had already hooked it up with the knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Took one clone tonight from the old girl. Mostly just to try my hand at cloning. 45 degree angles and rooting hormone hopefully did the trick. We'll see in 72 hours or so.


Well-Known Member
Took one clone tonight from the old girl. Mostly just to try my hand at cloning. 45 degree angles and rooting hormone hopefully did the trick. We'll see in 72 hours or so.
What did you put them in and did you cut the 2 lower branches off aswell to help with rooting? Just checking :)

I've gotten pretty successfull with clones helping a few friends out, it seems the main thing after taking them is patience! It takes like 7-14 days the way we do it in jiffy pelets or whatever they are. Rockwool aswell.


Well-Known Member
What did you put them in and did you cut the 2 lower branches off aswell to help with rooting? Just checking :)

I've gotten pretty successfull with clones helping a few friends out, it seems the main thing after taking them is patience! It takes like 7-14 days the way we do it in jiffy pelets or whatever they are. Rockwool aswell.
Rooting in rapid rooter plugs. Cut off a branch that had multiple branching, and 5 leaf sets on the branch. Cut off all lower branches, and cut leaves in half for transpiration.

A buddy of mine is going to give me a Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk (25% THC, 1.1& CBN) here within the week. So in the future I may need some tips for going from rockwool to soil (Can I just plant the rockwool cube once it rooted? Thanks Smelly.


Well-Known Member
Rooting in rapid rooter plugs. Cut off a branch that had multiple branching, and 5 leaf sets on the branch. Cut off all lower branches, and cut leaves in half for transpiration.

A buddy of mine is going to give me a Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk (25% THC, 1.1& CBN) here within the week. So in the future I may need some tips for going from rockwool to soil (Can I just plant the rockwool cube once it rooted? Thanks Smelly.
Got ya, sounds like you did everything right just give it time. Yum the pineapple chunk sounds great and wow thats a high thc content!

About the rockwool, yep just plant it right in there. Just make sure when you first transplant her to hit the rockwool when watering, you wouldn't want those precious roots to dry up!!